• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


Im a SAHM due to anxiety and depression.
Ill admit I didn't do much exercise prior but recently have been doing more walking with my husband on his days off.

I got diagnosed on Friday afternoon (2/3/23) and have taken delivery of a second hand treadmill and an exercise bike and this morning did 3.3km in an hour on the treadmill so I am hoping to start building up my steps with that. Really need to remember to charge my fitbit!!!

I do like to go walking when I have my husband or children with me but since lockdown have had anxiety and agoraphobia which Im working through but at least with the treadmill I can be active at home.

There are weights in the dining room too but I have no idea what Im doing with them so I need to do some research.

Other than that I love to garden!
Im a SAHM due to anxiety and depression.
Ill admit I didn't do much exercise prior but recently have been doing more walking with my husband on his days off.

I got diagnosed on Friday afternoon (2/3/23) and have taken delivery of a second hand treadmill and an exercise bike and this morning did 3.3km in an hour on the treadmill so I am hoping to start building up my steps with that. Really need to remember to charge my fitbit!!!

I do like to go walking when I have my husband or children with me but since lockdown have had anxiety and agoraphobia which Im working through but at least with the treadmill I can be active at home.

There are weights in the dining room too but I have no idea what Im doing with them so I need to do some research.

Other than that I love to garden!
Very sorry, and loads of sympathy, for your anxiety and agoraphobia; well done you, for finding ways you can exercise!

There's nothing wrong with using a treadmill, but it is good to get out in nature ... Would it help if you could find a supportive and congenial walking group?

Lots of GP practices have started setting up walking groups, because exercise is so important for mental and physical health. Worth checking with your GP?

And lots of charities have started setting up walking groups for health. For example:

The Ramblers' Association has started organising Wellbeing Walks; this page gives more information, https://beta.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking/wellbeing-walks , and you can type in your postcode to see what they have near you.

If you're in Scotland, Paths for All does the same sort of thing: https://www.pathsforall.org.uk/walking-for-health/health-walks/what-is-a-health-walk .

Also, your local branch of Mind may run walking groups. For example, this popped up when I just googled 'mental health walking group': https://www.solentmind.org.uk/training/riverside-walk-and-talk/ .

All of these walks-- with the Ramblers or Paths for All or Mind-- have trained leaders for every walk; and Mind seems particularly nice: "We understand coming along to a group or activity for the first time can be difficult, so if you would like to talk to someone or meet up with one of our team first, we're happy to help. Text 'Peer Support' to 074 5127 6010 and we will call or text you back. Or, you can email us at sidebyside@solentmind.org.uk ." So, if your local branch of Mind does something similar, that might be perfect for you?

Just something to think about; wishing you all the best!
I'm on my feet for most of my shifts at work but I've also started walking/hiking again. I've signed up to take part in a half ultra in June and full ultra in September... I used to (attempt) to do 2 a year but had some injuries last year which meant walking was difficult, hiking wasn't possible so back to it now.. I do stretches every day and am starting back with workouts this week... I'm thinking of getting an exercise bike but don't want it to become a clothes horse!
Ride at lunchtime today. Glorious sunny morning, so couldn't resist. It stayed sunny for my ride, though a bit blustery, the clouds are rolling in now, but I got my pedal fix.

13.6 miles in about 53 minutes. A bit slower than usual, but I really enjoyed it anyway.

Have a great afternoon everyone.
Thought it would be a good idea to open a new thread as to how much exercise we each do on a daily/weekly basis. I for one have resumed exercising on my exercise bike twice a day to help me stay as fit as I can atm & also to maintain a good bgls. My old back prevents me from walking too far for any length of time but I'm hoping to resume swimming soon, used to swim 1mile x 4times per wk (No back pain when swimming) Didn't learn to swim till I was 63! My right knee doesn't currently condone exercise so i start off slowly on my exercise bike then build up, a replacement knee could be on the cards! I also do stretching & floor exercises.

Type2 since April 2016
Diet & exercise only
Having been stuck indoors with chest infections most of the winter, exercise has been a distant memory. Now Spring is around the corner, my old trainers are back on and I'm venturing out every other day for a couple of hours of ambling up the shops and around the park. It sounds boring but trust me it's like living in the Little Shop of Horrors. I'm on the look out for a giant carnivorous plant that will eat all the annoying people in my life. I'll have to settle for a few ferns and spider plants. My knees are stiff, I'm breathless but pain is gain apparently.
I work in a primary school with 6 year old children. I spend an hour and half daily in the playground supervising 180+ pupils. I also use local bus service to go to work and back.
I live with an extended family of 8 adults, so, every household chore is doubled up. I aim to do 8,000 steps during 5 working days. The weekends let me down.

My issue with the exercise is that when I walk little extra my BG levels fall into a hypo. I was never an exercise enthusiast and now when I really need it, it does not agree with me. Even the DSN said that I am resistant to exercise, if there is such a thing. Spring time will see me more out and about.
Stay healthy and safe!
47.45 miles on the bike this morning. It feels great being out early in the day, just me, the light hiss of the tyres on the tarmac and the wind on my face. This was the view towards the Severn from the hill between Great Wittley and Martley.
I've got to get out more... or in fact at all! My cough is at last on the wane so once it gets a bit warmer... famous last words. 🙄 Some days I'm not even moving, except to see to the cat, the parrot and victuals for me. I've got to get myself sorted. Exercise is a must.
I've got to get out more... or in fact at all! My cough is at last on the wane so once it gets a bit warmer... famous last words. 🙄 Some days I'm not even moving, except to see to the cat, the parrot and victuals for me. I've got to get myself sorted. Exercise is a must.
Maybe start with something you can make part of your routine. Last year I got a bit lazy, making excuses to not go out, and my fitness really suffered.
Maybe start with something you can make part of your routine. Last year I got a bit lazy, making excuses to not go out, and my fitness really suffered.
Hardly even moving out of my recliner now. Did my usual shop the other day and then went down the garden in the cold to see who Kat was fighting with and had a 'set-back' when coming in. Floored me. Frightened even to go to the gate in the cold now to see my brother off. All the walking I used to do and now I'm reduced to this. Back to the old days, scared to go out though I'm going to risk a quick pop round the 'village' but I'll get a lift there and back. No exercise as such for me at the minute. :(
Hardly even moving out of my recliner now. Did my usual shop the other day and then went down the garden in the cold to see who Kat was fighting with and had a 'set-back' when coming in. Floored me. Frightened even to go to the gate in the cold now to see my brother off. All the walking I used to do and now I'm reduced to this. Back to the old days, scared to go out though I'm going to risk a quick pop round the 'village' but I'll get a lift there and back. No exercise as such for me at the minute. :(
Can you get help from the gp on getting active? If going outside is problematic, a physio may be able to help with establishing an exercise pattern to follow in the house.
Can you get help from the gp on getting active? If going outside is problematic, a physio may be able to help with establishing an exercise pattern to follow in the house.
I'll be okay, get my head in gear, get this weight off, get out! I'll work up to it again, walking. I'll start out by a daily trip over the zebra to Nisa and back. 🙂
Another longish ride today. It was cold, but no frost on the ground, so safe for the road bike. Wrapped up warm, using the big gloves, which I try to avoid as they are awkward with the shifters, but otherwise my fingers would be screaming at me in less than five minutes.

It is views like these that make being out on a morning like today worth it.

I have an hours walk each day unless its freezing out, i dont have a fitbit so not sure of how many steps, I also do a dance workout from a youtube video called 10 minutes to lower BG, it makes me feel good, I also have 2 flights of steps in my house so am up and down all day with washing etc and I have just purchased a hoop from Tiktok (the one that you remove links from as you define your shape. I used to monitor my steps on my iphone tracker but havent for a while, I am losing about a pound a week and dropped from a size 24 to a 10/12 since July, although I think the diet has been the main contributing factor, the exercise is feeling a lot easier now.