I've not posted in time time... wow!
Anyway, I just thought I post something that will give others encouragement:
I've increased by exercise but noticed over the years I needed to increase carbs, as I started getting some silly low numbers like just after a little 2km walk not even running: 3.2mmol - 3.7mmol
It does go back up to low 5s(5.0-5.3) and back down to 4s(4.3-4.7) again. It was not always so easy, before I reversed my insulin resistance I could exercise until my eggs dropped off(and yes it felt like it) and would just refuse to go below 6s, and even go up after exercise to higher than before I started, thinking what's the point...Those were the worrying times, but I never gave up, and it did work out in the end.
...It may seem like a painful and tiring waste of time, but the end results are well worth it.. never give up people!