Hi I joined today

I was hospitalised in June after I collapsed in my flat due to sodium imbalance, heat stroke,cbc, liver function, cholesterol issues and heart. I am recovering slowly at home. Excessive weakness. Take metformin 1000 irregularly
I was checking bs intermittently.
I had lab tests yesterday. sugar fasting 123 mg ( 6.82 mmol)
HBAIC yesterday 7.2

I checked my sugar 2 hours after lunch today 242 mg (13.4 mmol)
My weight 86.2 kilograms
I will be posting regularly here
Welcome back!

Really sorry to hear that you have been so poorly ut hope you are on the mend now and make a full recovery. Obviously that post lunch reading is higher than you might like. What did you have for lunch?
Welcome back!

Really sorry to hear that you have been so poorly ut hope you are on the mend now and make a full recovery. Obviously that post lunch reading is higher than you might like. What did you have for lunch?
I had cooked lamb liver with minced meat, rice with chickpeas and rotis
I had cooked lamb liver with minced meat, rice with chickpeas and rotis
Having rice, chickpeas and rotis, which are all high carb foods, together in one meal is likely the reason why your levels went so high. Having the liver and mince with plenty of green veg like green beans/cabbage/spinach/broccoli or cauliflower instead of the rice and chick peas would likely be much better for your diabetes with just one or perhaps two rotis depending upon size. Or have a small portion of rice but no rotis.... depends what you like the most.
@Docb @everydayupsanddowns @Ieva DUK

This is the 2nd time in just a few days where someone has wanted to post on an older thread - and how many may be wanting to use an old thread but are put off by the thought of going through all the details again?

The other was @Billy Bob, I think.
I just have no idea what if any green - let alone leafy - veg is normally available throughout India to normal people - although saag usually is, I think? I know we get all sorts of things in Indian dishes and even if we're invited to Indian friends' homes BUT is that because the restaurants or individuals have adapted recipes they already know and think - Ah, bet that would taste nice if I served it with chopped white cabbage - so serve some up and lots of their customers say they enjoy it so it becomes a common offering in other restaurants? eg aloo gobi - no idea where on the sub continent the climate is suitable to grow cauliflower! - though I do know potatoes are fairly commonly available.
@Docb @everydayupsanddowns @Ieva DUK

This is the 2nd time in just a few days where someone has wanted to post on an older thread - and how many may be wanting to use an old thread but are put off by the thought of going through all the details again?

The other was @Billy Bob, I think.

Sorry, posted before I saw this.
@silentsquirrel appreciate your feedback. We'll re-open posts as and when we know about them - using the 'report' function would help with that if you come across any like posts. We're really trying to avoid older threads being spammed (I know @Docb explained things on another thread). :D
@Docb @everydayupsanddowns @Ieva DUK

This is the 2nd time in just a few days where someone has wanted to post on an older thread - and how many may be wanting to use an old thread but are put off by the thought of going through all the details again?

The other was @Billy Bob, I think.
@Billy Bob, do let us know if you'd like any of your older threads re-opened and newer ones merged. 🙂

Mod edit: thanks @silentsquirrel for flagging the newer comments. @Billy Bob your older thread has been reopened and new messages can be posted again: https://forum.diabetes.org.uk/board...-acute-pancreatitis.98912/page-8#post-1370536
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