Hi I joined today

Upheavals and stresses in life. I have been overeating a lot. My usual pattern when I am under stress.
Checked sugar today two hours after lunch. 12.6 MMOL. Had gravied potatoes along with fried puris and channa and two rotis. According to MyNetDiary, I have consumed approximately 202 grams of carbs till now.
As there was an increase in Uric Acid, I was advised to take a medicine and reduce proteins.I had increased my intake of proteins.
Blood sugar just before breakfast 7.1 MMOL/L
Blood sugar two hours after breakfast 11.5 MMOL/L
Lesson learnt ----I must not eat Kulchas, Murmuras (puffed rice) cooked Pumpkin
Blood sugar two hours after lunch 9.8 MMOL/L
Had 350 to 400 grams of tandoori chicken with two dry ajwain parantha.
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Confused about daily average value. What is the significance of Daily Average Value
Alan's advice on how to prick fingers painlessly is particularly useful. I tried setting it at 1, 1.5 but no blood came out. Then I set it at 2 and it is better. Earlier. my setting was between 3 and 4.
My doctor said I should not panic if one day I had more carbs and the bs went up. He further said that a level of 300 mg (16.66 MMOL/L) and more would be worrisome.
I had started the Zone Diet/ Plan on an experimental basis but left it as it was not suitable for me.
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I am gradually increasing my exercise/walking and stamina after a long illness. Have started using NIKE RUN CLUB on my IPhone and Apple Watch besides other simple workouts like Yoga.
Blood sugar just before breakfast 6.9 MMOL/L
Blood sugar two hours after breakfast 7.9 MMOL/L
Sound like that breakfast worked well
Good to read how the strategies you are putting in place are working for you.
Well done @raaeft1 . Keep going.
Can blood sugar be tested 1 hour 20 minutes after meal
Physically yes you can test any time.

But what are you hoping to learn from it. You can’t compare the bg 1hr20 after 1 meal against the bg 2hrs after another meal. They’re not comparable.
Weekly check-in recorded on Omron machine
Weight 83.5 kg
Visceral Fat 24%. Earlier it was 26%
Muscle 25.8%
Resting 1740
BMI 32.2%
Fat 34.3 %
Body age 72
My doctor reviewed my health yesterday. On his advice, I tested BS at bedtime. 6.3 MMOL. I took Metformin SR 250 grams at bedtime.
Checked sugar fasting this morning 6.9 MMOL.
Continue Metformin 500 SR morning and evening keeping in mind my lifestyle as a journalist and mostly eating outside.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid B3 B12 capsule
Continue moderate-carb diet
Walk/exercise 30-40 minutes if not more specifically after evening meal
Test BS at bedtime today also
Weight today 82.7 kg
Muscle 28.7 %
BMI 31.9
resting 1760
fat 30.9 %
visceral fat 24%
Body age 69
recorded on my Omron scale