Hi I joined today

The weight has marginally increased.
Will check BS two hours after lunch today.
Will start checking bs immediately before meal and 2 hours after meal from tomorrow.
2 hrs after lunch 9.5 mmol
What were you before as only by testing before will you know if lunch had too many carbs or if you are just starting with high levels.
Maybe look back over the previous advice about testing and start a food diary with some carb estimates, I know info is perhaps not as readily available where you are but your best guess will probably do.
My doctor advised me over the phone to test my sugar at bedtime.
8.2 MMOL
advised to check before breakfast and 2 hours after breakfast tomorrow.
Blood sugar just before breakfast 6.3 MMOL/L
Blood sugar two hours after breakfast 7.6 MMOL/L

Looks like that breakfast worked really well for you @raaeft1

Glad to see you posting again - welcome back!
I am rejoining today. I had stopped taking care of myself and was checking my blood sugar intermittently. I had also stopped monitoring my dietary intake. My feet have been swollen since March and boils have broken out on the lower legs.
Today I had a new birth. I checked my BS 2 hours after lunch and was shocked it was 16.6 MMOL/ 298 mg. I immediately took Metformin 1000 SR and B12 +Alpha Lipoic Acid combo.
I had potato nan (two), 150 grams of rice with dal,kadhi and chickpeas cooked for lunch.
I am determined to monitor my sugar levels regularly, follow a low-carb diet and increase my walk/exercise.
Whenever I have checked my sugar after meals it has been in the range of 130-180 mg.
Welcome back, sorry to hear you are struggling as you were doing so well and seemed to have got a grip on making those needed changes.
You are going to need to be careful as all those foods you mentioned are pretty high carb. Can you start to swap some lower carb veg like aubergine, courgette, green leafy veg.
I can't remember if you eat meat and fish but you could have some eggs or cheese to reduce the impact of the high carbs.
Welcome back, sorry to hear you are struggling as you were doing so well and seemed to have got a grip on making those needed changes.
You are going to need to be careful as all those foods you mentioned are pretty high carb. Can you start to swap some lower carb veg like aubergine, courgette, green leafy veg.
I can't remember if you eat meat and fish but you could have some eggs or cheese to reduce the impact of the high carbs.
I eat nonveg. I take one scrambled egg one boiled egg and one egg white in the morning. When I feel very hungry I take one slice of cheese though it is processed one. Sometimes I have cooked cottage cheese around 30 to 50 grams
Hi @raaeft1 , it's good to see you back! Sorry that you had a bit of a fallback, but it's good to hear you're taking your condition seriously. There's a lot of good advice in the forum for counting carbs as it's not just the sugars that you need to be aware of. As @Leadinglights mentioned, you might need to look into swapping your usual go-to things for food into some low carb options. There's a lot of info on this in the forum's food section, so have a look and if you have any questions - please share!
I am switching over to low carb gradually.
Day 1
My breakfast
had one egg white
two eggs omelet with one slice of processed cheese.
one atta roti.

normally I have plain dosa, roti, and 4-5 slices of atta or brown or white bread with three eggs including 1 egg white

metformin 1000 SR Becosule Performance multi-vitamin
I am switching over to low carb gradually.
Day 1
My breakfast
had one egg white
two eggs omelet with one slice of processed cheese.
one atta roti.

normally I have plain dosa, roti, and 4-5 slices of atta or brown or white bread with three eggs including 1 egg white

metformin 1000 SR Becosule Performance multi-vitamin
Whole eggs are low carb so you could have your omelette with 3 whole eggs rather than waste the yolk from your egg white.
Your morning reading looks good.
Hi I am rejoining today. I cannot access my previous thread so I am posting here.