Guess Northie's peak BG on his day of indulgence

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Alan how are you feeling right now? has anything took any efect on you at all, r.e bloating.

Actually I have felt fine Steffie, although rather guilty at all that fat! 😱

Ive just been out for dinner and ended up having roast dinner (with roast potatoes and a yorkshire pudding) and a HUGE raspberry crumble sundae. Totally broke my diet grr! Oh well, at least it entertained me for over an hour and i'm no longer starving. I had only had a bowl of porridge all day before that. No treats for me this weekend ow *sigh*.

Yeah guess your meals have been pretty fatty :D I would have skipped lunch and snacked on sweets! 😉

Sounds nice! It did cross my mind to have just sweets and cakes fr lunch, but I haven't had cheese on toast for ages so went for that!
When you say gingsters - do you mean a lump of fat and salt!😱I think you need to have salads and fruit tomorrow Northey.😱🙂Bev

There have been rather a lot of red traffic light symbols on most things I have eaten today...! The eclairs were green for salt though! 🙂
LOL! Hubby thinks I'm finally flipped, sat here chuckling away to myself... thank-you thank-you thank-you for making me feel better about my eating habits lol! Hope you're not feeling too bloated after all that now though...! 🙂

Think I would have had to have a cream donut, some crisps, battered sausage (with chips & peas of course!), etc on a really bad 'naughty day'... *drools on keyboard* hmmmmmmm....!
I completed it - only walking for 5 seconds in 9 mins 15 seconds. Is that a good time for a first run - I think it was 1.2 miles?
Is it really - I didn't have a time and PT didn't set a pace so not sure of the outcome. I did go off a big quick though I think!
Congratulations are due all round I think.

Northey for pigging out gloriously and
Lucy for trying to stop him!

Andy 🙂

p.s. I fully intend to do something similar when I hit my final target weight. Watch this space!! Well, it'll be a different one actually, I want my own thread. :D
Is it really - I didn't have a time and PT didn't set a pace so not sure of the outcome. I did go off a big quick though I think!

It works out at less than 8 mins/mile, which is about 3 hr 40 pace for a marathon (if you can maintain it for 26 miles!) - a very good pace indeed for someone so new to it. 🙂
Correction! 😱

Congrats are entirely due to Lucy! In excess of 7mph is brilliant. I don't go that much faster on my bicycle!

Andy 🙂
have you had your final indulgence yet so i can make my guess ...:confused:
Ha Ha Andy you are funny!
thanks for the stats it means a lot more. Strangely I didn;t hurt at all whilst running - jus the breathing was really hard - but strangely got easier the more distance I covered.

Alan - how fast will you be running tomorrow- if you keep hearing a scraping noise don;t worry it will just be your 'a** dragging behind after todays escapade. Andy you hit the nail on the head when you said I tried!!!
you're a bad influence Alan 🙂 i've had about 3 slices of pizza tonight (something i haven't had for a long time) and i'm bracing myself for my 2HPM reading. Your 'food fotos' look yummy, all of it and yes i too spotted the 70's plate 🙂
Blimey, I sign off for the day and come back and there are 74 posts! It is going to take me all night to read through all these. Has anyone been keeping a log of the guesses??
you're a bad influence Alan 🙂 i've had about 3 slices of pizza tonight (something i haven't had for a long time) and i'm bracing myself for my 2HPM reading. Your 'food fotos' look yummy, all of it and yes i too spotted the 70's plate 🙂

Sorry, I promise I'll behave! 🙂 That plate was good value for money, in daily use for 33 years (almost to the day, when I think about it, as Freshers' Week started late September 1977!)
Blimey, I sign off for the day and come back and there are 74 posts! It is going to take me all night to read through all these. Has anyone been keeping a log of the guesses??

I'm pretty sure we've got a winner 🙂 What has slightly disturbed me is the number of people suggesting I didn't try hard enough! 😱
I'm pretty sure we've got a winner 🙂 What has slightly disturbed me is the number of people suggesting I didn't try hard enough! 😱

have others got till midnight to guess??
have others got till midnight to guess??
Yes I do not see why not. Everyone can also still change their guess. And of course as it is only 10.30pm Northerner can have some more indulgences, which if he was trying he surely would do!
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