Guess Northie's peak BG on his day of indulgence

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have a good night trace hun xx

thanks steff hun, im panicing now trying to paint my nails and sort out what to wear lol.
sorry northener ive been taking over your thread 😱
The lad did well, impressive...


As said, high fat and high sugar, plays advoc with sorting out an insulin dose/jab, as the fat slows everything down... So you may need to consider actually splitting your jab into 2 to avoid a hypo.. As chinese is another pizza affect..

Whe I ate them on MDI I would inject part of the dose before I ate considering the likely carbs I was eating (very difficult to work out for a chinese) then keep an eye on the carbs I felt I had actually ate, inject the rest with of the dose (with a correction if felt needed) after I finished eating...

But you do need to keep an eye on BG I used to check several time for the next couple of hours, to ensure everything was fine..

Hence why until I got my insulin pump I didn't indulge in many chinese, and kept to one takeaway that I had worked out my figures for🙄
Thanks Ellie 🙂 All you say is what was running through my mind yesterday! I injected after my breakfast as it had so much fat in it, and that seemed to work well - normally I would inject before. I don't think Tracey is on insulin, so will have to rely on her pancreas!
I thought you would test at 1 hour after your meal. No wonder I was wrong :( 😉
I thought you would test at 1 hour after your meal. No wonder I was wrong :( 😉

I was complying with rossoneri's rules - read the paper carefully before starting the exam in future katie! 😉

I had to write an essay in Russian as part of my finals. The questions were all in Russian, and I didn't have a clue about most of them. I finally decided on one which I thought was 'What are the uses for a dead prince in modern society' (I know!), but actually said 'What purpose does the death penalty serve in modern society'. My response was interesting, as I also managed to include a lot of the vocabulary about nuclear disarmament that I had learned...:D
And the winner is...Bev!
Congratulations bev. And also to caroleann for also getting the 8.9 value, you will just have to be quicker than bev next time! As 8.9 was the only duplicated guess I think it does show that we are actually learning something on this forum. 😉

I have thought of a worthy prize for our winner, when the meet up for the Forum's birthday happens in London bev should have the honour of buying everyone their first drink. If you do not plan to attend then sending a blank signed cheque will suffice. 😛
Congratulations bev. And also to caroleann for also getting the 8.9 value, you will just have to be quicker than bev next time! As 8.9 was the only duplicated guess I think it does show that we are actually learning something on this forum. 😉

I have thought of a worthy prize for our winner, when the meet up for the Forum's birthday happens in London bev should have the honour of buying everyone their first drink. If you do not plan to attend then sending a blank signed cheque will suffice. 😛

I will second that! Thanks in advance bev! 🙂
... My highest level was two hours after breakfast, at 8.9 mmol/l. Average for the whole day was 6.4 mmol/l. My lowest level was 3.2 before my evening meal. It appears that I was craving fat, as that was the dominant 'bad' throughout the day, rather than sweet things, and as a result my insulin requirements were not much greater than a 'normal' day. Also, the fat obviously smoothed the peaks so I didn't spike very high. ...
Northerner, just out of interest how does the peak, low and average compare to the equivalent values on a more 'normal' day? And how about the timings of the spikes, is post breakfast a normal peak for you and pre tea/dinner a normal low?

... And Lucy - my weight hasn't changed by a single ounce!
Be careful on this account, those fats can take a little while to be digested.

I had a poor night's sleep, but not sure how much of that was related to the food! ...
I did warn you, you should have had one last treat and then stayed up and watched some movies!

I thought you would test at 1 hour after your meal. No wonder I was wrong
Hmm I wonder if the high fat content meant the peaks were actually delayed even more, say three hours after the meal started. I reckon that would have added, probably about 0.8mmol/L, to the peak value. 😎 But as Northerner says, them were the rules!

I also wonder how confident we are that Northerner's meter is properly calibrated. :confused:
I was complying with rossoneri's rules - read the paper carefully before starting the exam in future katie!

I had to write an essay in Russian as part of my finals. The questions were all in Russian, and I didn't have a clue about most of them. I finally decided on one which I thought was 'What are the uses for a dead prince in modern society' (I know!), but actually said 'What purpose does the death penalty serve in modern society'. My response was interesting, as I also managed to include a lot of the vocabulary about nuclear disarmament that I had learned...

Sorry the instructions were too long 😛 I only read part of this sentence:
Take regular BG readings, that is before each meal and after each indulgence (although not within two hours of finishing it to avoid the natural BG peak)

I thought we were guessing the peak? Oh well 🙄:D

Northe, that is hilarious! How could you think that's what the question was? did u pass? 😉
I know, next time he has to borrow a CGM
Well I reckon we have learnt a lot from this exercise e.g. if you are going to indulge for a day then fatty stuff is better than sweet stuff if you want to avoid double figures; one day of high fat does not necessarily push up your weight; evidence to support everydayupsanddonws theory about the likelihood of a spurious hypo when indulging ourselves; and that 1970s crockery is back in fashion. 😎

(So you see lucy there was some benefit for Northerner being the guinea pig here!!)

Now if someone could write up a medical research paper on all this then maybe for next year's day we will get research funding and we can purchase a CGM. 😛

Sorry the instructions were too long
Yes I had meant to apologise for the length of the original post, the work I had been doing that night had got me into report writing mode and it kind of spilled over into the post. I guess I am not ready for the Twitter 140 character age. 😎
Congratulations bev. And also to caroleann for also getting the 8.9 value, you will just have to be quicker than bev next time! As 8.9 was the only duplicated guess I think it does show that we are actually learning something on this forum. 😉

I have thought of a worthy prize for our winner, when the meet up for the Forum's birthday happens in London bev should have the honour of buying everyone their first drink. If you do not plan to attend then sending a blank signed cheque will suffice. 😛

Thanks very much - I think!😉

More than likely wont attend the meet - so have a drink on me - Northey's paying as his wife has just won the award for 'best looking elephant whilst not even trying' competition. Apparently she just flapped her ears and let out a roar.:DBev

p.s. I dont know why - but I *knew* that I would win and I *knew* that northey wouldnt go over 8.9.
Thanks for listing the guesses Rossoneri! And the winner is...Bev! 🙂

My highest level was two hours after breakfast, at 8.9 mmol/l. Average for the whole day was 6.4 mmol/l. My lowest level was 3.2 before my evening meal. It appears that I was craving fat, as that was the dominant 'bad' throughout the day, rather than sweet things, and as a result my insulin requirements were not much greater than a 'normal' day. Also, the fat obviously smoothed the peaks so I didn't spike very high.

And Lucy - my weight hasn't changed by a single ounce! 🙂

Bleedin Nora🙄

Good work lad!

I guess you must have been on the wine all day to help keep you down?? Works better than insulin sometimes!!


Rossi :D

(Obviously not a medical recommendation people!)
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