Guess Northie's peak BG on his day of indulgence

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9.9 from me, he will be satisfied at not going in to double figures, er maybe. doubt about it.......:confused:
I'm going to stick my neck out and go for 13.8

I just wish I could be there to help him when he can't manage to finish. 🙄

Think of the indigestion!
my guess 14.4
Just wondered Alan - when are you thinking of updating your pledge????
Here's my 6-eggs (d'ya see what I did there...).

High of 14.1, low of 3.2, pounding heart-rate early evening, slight sweats at one point, massive feeling of contentment followed by a brief period of guilt and a determination to get out running tomorrow. Ends the day feeling very happy and pleased with how it went. Decides he will do it again some time.

Leftovers eye him accusingly from the fridge.

Writes a poem about it.

I'm going for a 10.4

I'm not sure which part I envy?

They day off!

Or the fact he can acutally do it, looking at breakfast by the time I got through that, that be me done for the day😱
I will go for a high of 20.7 and a low of 6.4, together with a cholesterol of 12.3 (only joking Northe). Between the big breakfast and the "Fish & Chip" summer I would throw in a light lunch, something like a 12" pizza and garlic bread! Enjoy yourself!
Falcon - you might throw in a light lunch - I would throw up!
Alan you are very quiet now - are you lying down holding your stomach!!
That looks yummy!

I don't think the breakfast will make northe high but maybe the cakes & other treats 😉 so i'm going for a high of 12.0

That's assuming he tests often and gets the peak 😉
Well, as you might imagine I wasn't overly peckish at lunchtime so I opted for cheese on toast, a chocolate eclair and ten pieces of Galaxy dark chocolate. The eclair was positively divine!!! I'm still salivating and have another one for later one! :D

Loving the "Gallery of (over)Indulgence" 🙂

Can't wait to see your evening meal...
Nah! I could quite happily give your lunch a miss, Northey.

But, the cheese on toast on its own (with perhaps a sprinkling of mixed herbs toasted into the melted cheese and a splodge of tomato ketchup) would be a different matter!

Andy 🙂
I was going to saw eeew to the Galaxy, but I havent tried their dark chocolate, so might be ok 😉

Whilst you were eating your cooked breakfast I was eating a bowl of porridge, mmm yum. 🙄
ill say 12.9.
enjoy your day off northener, well deserved 🙂
I'm going for 4.8. cos i think he might over compensate. Who knows. Enjoy, that fry up looked lovely. x x
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