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Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all
Things are not 100% MH wise have the team coming to see me today Have not been sleeping very well and its affecting me a bit.
BG at 737b 5.9
you all take care love to all
Just showed my wife your gorgeous picture and she said they looked like a cross between a canary and a sparrow and had not seen them before.
Happy for them to flit to our garden just tell them to follow the M6.
We’ve never had them before either. They haven’t been this morning the sparrowhawk is on his rounds!
Don't usually post on this thread as don't do a first thing test. I dropped one metformin last month and having not tested for months started a week ago. My BG has been erratic. Sometimes I know I've overindulged in carbs but other times not. Have had my lowest ever reading 3.8 and highest 17. Am hoping to stay level so thought would do morning one again.
I was on a two week steroid course and decided not til test til finished.
Today birds are chirping and it's sunny.

Reading 5.7
Morning all. The low alarm woke me with a 4.8 but by the time i got out of bed it had dropped yo 3.8 with a down arrow! This was after a spike to 14 and a correction overnight.
Morning all, 5.3 here, so close!
We had yellowhammers round here when we first moved here 40 years ago, @eggyg , but then I realised they had become few and far between, and I didn’t see any for a few years. Now they seem to be on the rise, haven’t seen or heard one yet this year (the distinctive 'little bit of bread and no cheese') but there have been reports of sightings locally.
Meanwhile yesterday, there was a flock of Fieldfares in the hedge down the side of the pony paddocks. I’d have thought they’d have gone back to Scandinavia by now, but there’s been a keen North/East wind for a couple of weeks now, so maybe they’re waiting for a SouthWesterly to blow them home.

6.1 for me. Off to a craft morning at church and then taking 7yo for a playdate. I'm unsure whether it's a drop-off-and-run-away type of playdate or the stay-and-have-a-cup-of-tea type. I'm terrible at socialising but I really like this friend's mum so hopefully all will go well either way. Wish me luck!
A 6.2 for me this morning. Sainsbo delivery later - everything on the order available - for a change. 🙂

Morning All - 5.3 this morning. My low alarm went off a few times in the night and in my drowsiness I eventually worked out it was actually low and not a compression low - just had one JB and it started to rise. It's happened quite a lot lately and I definitely feel a bit weird when it wakes me up. Double checked my BG with a finger prick this morning just to make sure it's not the sensor reading low. I can't quite understand it as I've started having pudding every evening after supper: greek yoghurt with blueberries, 2 blood oranges and the last few nights a bag of Cadburys chocolate buttons or a Twirl - I've obviously bloused but not overly. Maybe I should reduced my Lantus basal dose - I'll see how it pans out over the next week. I had a lovely day with my Mum yesterday as had an appointment at a foot clinic (to have some new orthotics made) at a place that had been highly recommended in Settle - so we went on the Carlisle to Settle Railway from Appleby and had such a nice little day out. Got there in time to have lunch in a cafe first and had time for a coffee in another cafe before catching the train home. We've been wanting to go on that train journey ever since moving up here so lovely to have done it. Have a good weekend everyone xxx
I'm joining @saffron15 on the 5.7 step this morning, which has dawned grey and wet and with thundery showers forecast for this afternoon. Not cold, though - temperatures mid-teens for a while later.

Our two boys will be off to Cardiff sometime after lunch for Wales's World Cup Qualifier against Kasakhstan, 7:45 KO. M4's closed between J18 & J19 so they'll have to factor that in. Coming back should be better as they'll be heading home around 10 and not getting home until gone midnight.

@eggyg - my wife has set up a field camera (I think that's what it's called) in our garden, pointing at our bird feeders, to see what kind of birds we get. So far it's captured a couple of pigeons, a robin, various tits (we have a chart on the kitchen wall from the recent bird count) and someone's damn cat. Why can't it do its business in its own garden?

My wife's arranged for some friends to come round this evening for a games night, so we need to do some shopping for what she needs to make nibbles. A walk into town is planned, with a coffee - maybe lunch, too - in our favourite (and independent) cafe.

Whatever your plans, enjoy your Saturday.
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Morning all. 7.7 here.

Last night’s gig was fab! The room was packed with wrinklies like us (a lot of die-hard Gruff Rhys fans) and a smattering of youngsters. Gruff was eccentrically brilliant. The other highlight was a young band from the Welsh Valleys called The Family Battenberg. They were LOUD and very talented. Hubby bought the t-shirt, he was so impressed.

Got home at midnight, didn’t turn into a pumpkin, and the puppy hadn’t dismantled the kitchen...gwych (excellent)! I’ve still got it! (Not every night tho, plz).

4.3 today after an awful nights sleep, mind just wouldn’t stop thinking about the clearing/selling of F IL house, still seems a mountaintop climb. Off to do big shop and then round to FIL house to do some more, our daughter is coming to help this afternoon.

@gail2 - sending hugs.
there was a flock of Fieldfares in the hedge down the side of the pony paddocks.
We did get fieldfares when we moved here 39 years ago, they feasted on the apple windfalls but unfortunately haven’t seen any for many, many years and the apple tree is still producing fruit. Maybe this year’s the year.
5.1 and now back home after our adventure bringing NB Solace back to our home mooring at Aston Marina, just south of Stone from winter maintenance up at Middlewich. Really enjoyed the trip but it is nice to be back home.

Back to reality though, Dad had a fall yesterday and a neighbour got him up again. That’s two falls in the week we were away and Mum fell as well in that week! Dad is saying he thinks they need to go into a care home, although they both have said they don’t want to and I know they’d both hate it. We are going over this afternoon so it will be a difficult conversation. At the least they obviously need more help at home (two falls were when they were preparing meals and one when Dad was getting dressed). Yet Dad insists that they can manage! Wish me luck!

Take care everyone!
morning 7.2 on waking today

I’ve been reducing my insulin dosage for last few days, so far it’s been ok seems ok (this is something a GP encouraged me to do before but it didn’t work previously) spoke to a different GP yesterday regarding MH she was happy to switch Sertraline for Citalopram, when I pointed out to her that had previously been prescribed with no side effect.

the Saturday morning walking football & MH focus program I’ve been on wont happen today, so I’ve a lay in, but it will resume next week, the organiser is needed to be focusing on something elsewhere todayhe assured me it will be back on next Saturday, plus good news it will be running for a minimum of 48 weeks which is great.
hope its ok to post this here but its a follow on to earier post
MH team very good They are putting me on there books for a week to see how i go means i get daily visits/phone calls Am feeling very weepy/emotional and down Dont wanna go into hospital told them that and they agreed with me that it wouldt be a good idea at moment. We will see how it goes Staff are being so kind dont know how i deserve such kindness/support
Can i just say thanks to people who have liked with care emojis your continued support means a lot to me
Good morning, just missed out on a HS with a 5.3.
It's a bit cool and cloudy but I am sitting outside with a cuppa listening to the birds. A blue tit was looking at my nest box yesterday so I'm hoping it decides to move in. I think only spiders have used it since I put it up!
On the positive side we have heard from the insolvency practitioner regarding redundancy and notice payments from work, it looks like the owner has finally decided to make the business insolvent after being unable to sell it for what he hoped for (far more than it's worth)
So hopefully there will be a bit of money coming our way soon.
Morning all. A happy 5.7 for me on this grey but warm day...

have a good day folks and stay safe.
hope its ok to post this here but its a follow on to earier post
MH team very good They are putting me on there books for a week to see how i go means i get daily visits/phone calls Am feeling very weepy/emotional and down Dont wanna go into hospital told them that and they agreed with me that it wouldt be a good idea at moment. We will see how it goes Staff are being so kind dont know how i deserve such kindness/support
Can i just say thanks to people who have liked with care emojis your continued support means a lot to me
Morning Gail of course it is always fine to do a follow on post as much or as little as you and everyone else feels the need to or wants to.
Remember your posts may cheer others up as well as cheer yourself up depending on the content/ nature of the post but the environment here is safe and open so please post away.
Some choose to watch,react or post and that is fine as we all have different reasons and situations but I like reading yours and everyone else’s posts and react accordingly.