Group 7-day waking average?

Morning a 5.7 for me after a fairly flat night and a 1 unit correction dose last night seems to have done the trick.
Good to have your dad back home Colin even if you have some reservations and hope you all get any Self Asessments in time.We both got ours done in January but they are fairly straightforward even though we had a capital gain in the year.
Quiet day on the Wirral while my better half looks around the local Auction house so look forward to getting back and it looks like a poltergeist is in residence as all the furniture is moved around to hide something she has bought.
Happy birthday @ColinUK and good news about your father. I hope he continues to improve.
A 4.4 for me this am on this cold (0°c) morning. 🙂

Good morning. And for the first time in ages it was light when I got up. Anyhoo, 7.1.

Had a very restless night, first woke at 1.30am with a start and sweating. Then Mr Eggy woke me at 3.30am for his nocturnal loo visit. Then we both tossed and turned keeping each other awake. My back was aching and Mr Eggy couldn’t get his pillows right! 5am I had to take some painkillers as my back was really hurting. We must have eventually dozed off and when I woke it was 8.15! Now I feel like death warmed up! Never mind, no where to go until this afternoon so it doesn’t matter if we sit in our PJs watching the birds until lunch time.

Happy Birthday @ColinUK sounds like you’ve quite the day planned. Enjoy and try not to worry too much about your mum and dad, good news he doesn’t need surgery though.
@freesia so sorry to hear your mum is still in hospital, what a worry, I think @ColinUK is right, contact PALS soomer than later. It sounds like she’s slipped the net. Hope it gets resolved soon.
Congratulations to yesterday’s HSers @Eternal422 and @Gwynn.

Have the best day you can.

5.5 today, only work and weigh in today. Hubby’s colonoscopy went ok yesterday, some biopsies taken, it did however take a lot longer I waited at the hospital for hi, as they said approx 2 hrs, but it was ,icy longer so I was getting worried, but he passed out before they started so they waited an hour for him to recover before the started again, then he felt ill afterwards so he had a longer recovery before they called me.

@ColinUK - Happy birthday, hope you enjoy your culture day. Pleased to hear dad is home, but totally understand your reservations.

@freesia - sorry to hear your mum is still in hospital and not getting the care she deserves.

@Eternal422 - sorry it’s late but congratulations on yesterdays HS.

Dad’s been discharged and is back home. Care package to be determined but it’s good that he’s home.
Apparently he was up and down flights of stairs in the hospital yesterday with the crutch and there’s no more bleeds on brain so all is good.
He said that there will be some more visits to neurology arranged at frequent regular intervals for repeat scans and tests but basically that’s it. No surgery for any of the fractures unless they don’t continue to heal.

I’ve mixed feelings. It’s great that he’s home and yet there’s this niggling doubt that it’s too soon; mum won’t cope. But it’s not my decision so I just have to support them both as best I am able.

To celebrate I booked a ticket for Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake at Sadlers Wells. It’s for January 2025!

Today’s my birthday and it’s cultural day. Off to the V&A for two exhibitions: DIVA and also Chanel. Then this evening seeing Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker in Plaza Suite.

I’ll be lunching at the V&A as well. Interestingly it was the first museum in the world to be lit by electric lights and was the first to have a public restaurant.

The three rooms that house the restaurant still were each individual restaurants specialising in different types of food when the museum opened and they faced the original main entrance so they were the first thing that visitors saw upon entering. One specialised in grilled chops, another in fish and the third “lighter fare suitable for ladies”!
Happy birthday.
Morning all! 4.9 today for me.

Happy birthday @ColinUK ! Glad your dad is home, hope all continues to go well. Enjoy your cultural day!

Rush city today with lots of work to do, so thankful I continue to be able to WFH rather than having the added stress and time wasting of commuting! Almost into our last month now, eek!

Have a good day everyone!
Hello it was 11.1 this morning. I had something as a snack last night interesting once the bolus had worn of for it went up to just above range but letter on went down back into to range before going up again. The stressful situation that I mettion a few times is I've found out on Friday I've got to move houses again. It seems the landlord is making rearrangements. Since then my blood sugar has been a bit wobbly
Good mornig. 6.4

Very overcast - not enough blue to make a Dutchman's trousers.

Had a bad night so nothing planned beyond doing the laundry. What a dreadful task that must have been in the days of the Peggy Tub. Weather not propitious for outdoor drying. I shall have to avert my eyes from my now working smart meter display as the tumble dryer runs up my bill. Electrician coming this week which should see the last of "stricken by lightening" devices - I suspect it was in fact the power surge which followed it - but it will be good to have the CH controller fixed as well as the extractor fan.

Have a happy day everyone. Hope @freesia manages to convince hospital that Mum must have help to get moving and that @ColinUK enjoys his day and that his Dad contiues to make good progress at home.
Morning all and 5.5 for me.

Another couple of patches of snow drops have come up. I was worried that the sodden soil might have rotted them. Looks like I can split them again after they've flowered.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning everyone

It's a 5.7 for me today, back in the 5s again I'm pleased to say.

Have a great day all and stay safe.
Morning All (well nearly!). 8.2 this morning as slightly large snack bowl and choccy before bed last night. Gorgeous day here today and I'm off to have my nails done 🙂 Yesterday I helped out at the first session of "Walking Netball" which was a great success. We had over 50 people turn up! I only went along on the off-chance in case the coach needed an extra pair of hands and she was very relieved that I had. I used to be an aerobics instructor so am not phased by encouraging large groups of people and it all came flooding back to me - and luckily I understand (sort of) the rules of netball too. Hopefully some will come back next week and we might get more as a photographer for the Herald was there taking pics. Hope you all have a lovely day and that @freesia you get the answers and result you're looking for. Happy Birthday @ColinUK xxx
Afternoon all - lovely day.

A disappointing 9.4 at 07:30 this morning with only 30% in range for the last 24 hours... ruined my week's 97%. I knew I should have done a correction before bed, but I thought it'd come down as it has been doing previous nights. On the other hand it's been high all day despite corrections, so maybe I am incubating Julian's cold. BP is also running high.

Had an early lunch then did a grocery shop and then went straight to the Hygienist. It was a different one to last time and she was lovely! Such a relief as I'd been dreading it. I've asked for her for my next appointment.

Roast beef, green beans, broccoli, hassleback spuds and yorkshire puds for dinner - M&S were doing a £12 roast dine in. Also got some battered Haddock as @Gwynn keeps recommending M&S fish. Hope we got the right stuff as it was indeed expensive. Gives me a bit of a rest from food prep!

Happy Birthday @ColinUK, your afternoon sounds wonderful. Glad to hear your Dad is healing and has been sent home, but hope they put a decent care package together and Mum can cope.

@freesia hope the water pills help your mum and that she can be discharged very soon.

Have a good day all - what's left of it!
Morning all and 5.5 for me.

Another couple of patches of snow drops have come up. I was worried that the sodden soil might have rotted them. Looks like I can split them again after they've flowered.

Have a good day everyone.
Yes Monty Don said that was the best time to split them, they are a real sign spring is around the corner.
Happy birthday @ColinUK , hope you enjoyed your day! The cafe of the V&A is gorgeous, I sent pictures to a friend and she said she would like to visit the museum just to have a tea in there. I went myself thanks to your recommendation, so thanks again! 🙂
Good morning - 5.4

Have a great day everyone.