Group 7-day waking average?

9 ish when I got up but been up since around 1am (tummy being sore & grumpy)
Need to get a light brekkie then its clear liquids until after colonoscopy tomorrow. Will hopefully get a small nap in after food.

@eggyg vaseline and sudocrem at the ready. Tablet has full charge and I'll set up camp in the bathroom for prep later on this afternoon 😉

Hope you all have a good day today
9 ish when I got up but been up since around 1am (tummy being sore & grumpy)
Need to get a light brekkie then its clear liquids until after colonoscopy tomorrow. Will hopefully get a small nap in after food.

@eggyg vaseline and sudocrem at the ready. Tablet has full charge and I'll set up camp in the bathroom for prep later on this afternoon 😉

Hope you all have a good day today
Good luck Lou! Fingers crossed for a not too bad prep and for tomorrow.
8.2. Really sore throat and stuffy nose, think I’ve got a cold as the ME causes sore throat but not usually this much and not with sniffles. Not what I need when I’m trying to learn how to get through a full day at work.
Good morning everyone. Up really late this morning at 7am!

BG 5.5
Temp 36.4
Pulse 54
Oxy 96
BP 122/76

Had a crazy but great dream last night about winning the lottery. Yesss, ok, bring it on!!!

Today...avoiding Agnes!!! My wife sorted out protecting the bins as a precaution last night ! And... it's beef stew again tonight. It really is very tasty. 🙂

I had better get on with my Christmas carols practice. I watched some real pipe organs last evening. Carols and hymns. Then I asked my wife to get me a big pipe organ for my birthday. We have a room free where it could go! (My wifes sewing room, being rennovated so thetes pleny of space as right now it is empty) 🙂

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

A so near so far 5.3 today. Lost 2lb at slimming world, got my 1/2 stone award, total of 8 1/2lbs off, so that is slightly over 1/3 of the weight gone, have 1stone 1/2lb left to lose, I was joint slimmer of the week and won the raffle, should have bought a lottery ticket on my way home.. today providing the weather behaves I will be out for a run this evening with the running group.

@Paul Gibbins - congratulations on your HS today.

@gll hope things go well tomorro.
Thanks for that eggyg. Chillis are dead easy in the greenhouse.
Chilli's seem easier than peppers but I never do well in the polytunnel shed lol its hardly either. Maybe I'm not a gardener I'd say try as anything you grow is nicer than the shops.
7.5 getting up then 7.8 before breakfast it does seem to be going up again and to be fair I thought it would go down as I am doing more. Had a rough night with my legs though. When they are this sore I just wish I had none. Only seem to get it in bed. I don't know how to get comfortable in bed. Maybe try sleeping in the chair if it continues.
Well done @Paul Gibbins on the HS. I'm joining today's 5.0 crowd.
And good luck to @gll on your preparation. 🙂


A so near so far 5.3 today. Lost 2lb at slimming world, got my 1/2 stone award, total of 8 1/2lbs off, so that is slightly over 1/3 of the weight gone, have 1stone 1/2lb left to lose, I was joint slimmer of the week and won the raffle, should have bought a lottery ticket on my way home.. today providing the weather behaves I will be out for a run this evening with the running group.

@Paul Gibbins - congratulations on your HS today.

@gll hope things go well tomorro.
Almost a house special I believe it is. Well done and you must be feeling better to know you are doing so so well.
Yes I just caught them in time. OH is tackling the pot. First batch is some ginger marmalade, the rest I think will be lemon and lime.
Might sound silly but can you make low carb jams and marmalade? or is it for those that count the carbs?
Might sound silly but can you make low carb jams and marmalade? or is it for those that count the carbs?
You can. You do it without the sugar but use another setting agent like chia seeds or agar agar instead.
Might sound silly but can you make low carb jams and marmalade? or is it for those that count the carbs?
Without sugar they will only keep for a short time in the fridge. I make jams, marmalades and chutneys with just 60% of the sugar and they still keep for years - and taste better!
Take your pick this morning - 3.3 on first waking, 4.2 when actually dragging myself out of bed! Most of the night in the red again. Must try and get out of that situation.

@Paul Gibbins - congratulations on your HS today!

@gll - good luck for tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone, hope Agnes doesn’t hit us all too hard.
Morning all.5.8 for me this morning.Alarm went off 3 times during the night.Luckily never went below 4.1 Have to take a few extra units after the jbs I took .Got a call later today from Diabetes consultant.Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all

Another grey day and another 5.6 for me...
Morning all - well, Agnes is clearly on her way judging by the grey skies and the way the trees are thrashing about. Shame, yesterday was really gorgeous sunshine in the afternoon with no wind.

8.3 first thing with a flatfish. Now dropped to 5.4 after a 1u correction worked out by my Omnipod. Dreadful night's sleep again, awake from 3.30 to 6.30am - at least that was the last time I checked the time. Woke again at 8.45.

Last night's "Marry Me" chicken was absolutely delicious. J was well impressed. It was easy too and there's enough left over for tonight which will save me cooking. Definitely one to repeat. On the cards today a rest from preserving, ironing instead. Then around 5pm an hour in the pub meeting friends.

@gll thinking of you... been through it more than once and it's not a great experience.

@Paul Gibbins congrats on the HS.

Not seen @rebrascora posting in this thread for a few days. Hoping she is OK.
Good morning everyone

The last 6 months or so have been very difficult and I have suffered a lot.

10 days ago I had a very bad hypo in the kitchen. Was out of it for about 5 hours.

Took some easy carbs and got to bed.

The next evening I cooked a meal and injected Novorapid to cover the carbs but in the night I had a massive hypo and severly damaged my arm, blood everywhere. My doorbell rang it was my English neighbour with two others who wanted to let me know that my emergency key to get into n the house was visible to all and sundry. I showed them the state of my arm and two of them went off to get the docor and they came back with her and she stitched me up. She also gave me a stern lecture about living alone and suggested that I should move to a residencia for my own safety.

In the meantime I had reduced my evening bolus to a fraction of what I would normally take but I was still having nocturnal hypos leaving me bedridden.

The next evening I decided not to bolus at all and just ate the meal. It is now 6 days since I used Novorapid and I am sleeping well, no hypos and waking up to readings of between 4 and 6 with no ill effects.

It is all very strange and nowhere can I find any reasons for why I should benefit from not using a bolus injection.

As long as this regime works for me I am reasonably happy, but I would like to know why.
I’ve got a small one and it’s fabulous. Although it’s really too small and I could do with a normal sized one.
The amazon basics one says 5l capacity but, it looks TINY as it’s in the round rice cooker shape compared to my old Tefal long oval shape slow cooker! The other casings are very thick, for safety I suppose, & the whole thing has a very big footprint on my countertop! 😱
Been posting first, for some time, as in my distracted short term memory forgetfulness I keep leaving my libre on, forgetting to quit the app, when I have to keep looking up the reading to post by the time I’ve read your posts: it’s just less hassle all round this way! Just replied to Colin first because it’s under the Alerts bell menu! 🙄😳:rofl:😉

10:43 BS 11.3 because for safety I under did NR last night before going to bed: still drifted down a lot; rather being a bit higher than go into the red as I didn’t wake or feel myself going under 3 mmol the night before last!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Had breakfast already & only had 24 NR for the remains of half a bag of ramen: couldn’t finish it last night; ate it a bit early after dinner as I dropped more than I thought I would despite reducing -8 NR! So, I went to bed after eating a 4th meal of half a bag of ramen with no NR at all which sent me into the 17’s when I went to sleep right after!

Big tip & note:- ramen is only meant to be cooked once & not reheated & I now know why! Soggy overnight ramen noodles reheated in the microwave went tough & I had to eat it very slowly because the NR was already in as it was a serious choking hazard to me even cut up further with the scissors: due to my damaged swallowing reflex I always break my noodles into 4 to 6 pieces anyway before cooking; I had to cut it down even more with the scissors as they went so hard in the microwave! Urgh! I DID NOT ENJOY MY BREAKFAST this morning! A Green Puking emoji!

Now, I’l push the button to post & go back & read what you lovely have been up? :confused::rofl: