Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 7,2 right hand so I tried again on left 7.5.
i was out as much as i could working in garden did take my tablet .
I ate the right things and thought it would come down a bit.
i wish i knew do a and b and that would equal HS or at least in that direction.
What can i do ?
Good morning everyone

Great supper last night. Stew was really good. Ate far too much! Guess what's for supper tonight...

Wake 5:30 am (it's too dark to wake natuarally my usual time of 4am I guess)
BG 5.5
Temp 36.4
Pulse 50
Oxy 96
BP 119/76

All good

Today...a walk with my friend, order meds for me and my wife, Christmas carols practice and I need to write out the music sheets.

My wife put one of those Christmas films on last night. Sometimes I like them but often they are a bit too cheesy. At least they have zero carbs ! 🙂

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Have a lovely day. Enjoy the walk
Everyone have a great day. My sons birthday. I saw him Sunday his staff are amazing . So lets all have a lovely day.
To be honest I am getting a bit fed up with trying to be Barbara and Tom (is that the right names?) from the Good Life. Yesterday and today we have made Apple and Ginger Jam, Spiced Apple Jelly, harvested yet more grapes (and there are even more still to harvest) and currently have the jelly bag bursting with a huge (and I mean huge) amount of grapes to be made into more spiced jelly tomorrow. Done 3 loads of washing (bedding and 2 loads of towels) and still have a full linen basket and ironing basket! Not worked so hard since I retired! Exhausted and still have dinner to cook!
It’s hard work being retired! I always say how did we have time to go to work. I got three loads of washing dried, ironed and put away yesterday. My laundry basket and ironing pile is no more! Smug emoji! No cooking yesterday though TBF, leftover Sunday dinner. Don’t you think we’re our own worst enemy though sometimes? I know I am. Tomorrow and Thursday are my cooking days, getting meals cooked for our holiday. I want to make them fresh and I can freeze them when I get there. Lamb Madras, beef goulash, ragu, chilli, pasties ( I know, coals to Newcastle) for our walks, two loafs of bread and whatever soup I can make from the leftover veg. I don’t want to spend too much time cooking when we’re away, although I will pack some of my spices, my Le Aldi Fake Creuset, microplane, kitchen scissors, sharp knife, teapot and cosy, and an apron! Oh and kitchen tongs, there’s never any implements for turning over your sausage and bacon in holiday cottages in my experience. I know I’m bonkers but I need the right equipment, I do sometimes wish I was The Mum who went to Iceland! Although I don’t have a microwave. 😉
Around 7 today.

I'm on pre prep day for colonoscopy which is Thursday so low residue diet today and clear liquids tomorrow after an early brekkie.
I'm more dreading the no milk in coffee tomorrow than the lack of food.
Going to start being productive and get a chicken roasting in the air fryer so I can make some chicken and rice soup for lunch and put some aside for dinner. Will strain the leftover soup for drinking tomorrow.

Hope you all have a great day!
Morning all, 7.1 here, and a flat line overnight, which is rare, normally I drop like a stone as soon as my head hits the pillow.
Kids have gone (they both stayed for supper, of course) daughter taking cat with her. After two weeks of trying not to trad on the cat, I am still looking down at my feet constantly, especially when about to close a door, and I can use the front door again!
Daren’t open it while cat was here, because it opens directly into the hall, and I lived in fear of accidentally letting her out!
Morning all. 5.8 on this fine morn.

Yesterday I got all my washing done and dried. The weather was absolutely perfect, sunny with some warmth and very blustery. Think Agnes was having a bit of a practice for the coming days. Mr Eggy got the hedge cut, I wish I’d taken a photo of it before and after. It looks positively naked! Not only did he cut the hedge he’s pulled out half the holly tree, big branches from the sycamore growing through it. I suppose you’ve guessed it’s not your run of the mill box or privet hedge. It’s got trees growing through, Holly and sycamore as I mentioned, elderberry, hawthorn, you name it it’s in there. That’s why the birds love it. As do I, I don’t like it naked, although it makes it easier to walk past it now and my sheets don’t get caught in it when they’re on the washing line!

A quieter day for both of us today. A bit tidy up in the garden, tomato and courgette plants still haven’t been pulled up and chitted potatoes need planted to be ready for Christmas, we hope.

Congratulations to yesterday’s HSers.
Good luck @gll, don’t forget the Vaseline!

Have a good day.
Good morning 5.6 today

eventful day yesterday
I managed to get a phone call from GP yesterday (turned out to be not GP but nurse practitioner)

Anyway he was able to give me some great advice on a few matters
including prescribed some antibiotics (for an infection)
ten regards my arm
go to the hospital for X-ray (Via A&E)
after being seen in minor injuries & X-rays done,
confirmed as tendentious [Golfers/Tennis Elbow]
was only in there there 2 hours which wasn’t so bad, although took ages to park.

whilst looking for a space to park,
received a phone cal
apparently I had earlier yesterday missed a Asthma review
that I thought was booked for Wednesday
he was quite insistent that we needed do this review right then
over the phone, i was asked loads of questions,
which I did my best to answer,
how could I remember my peak flow readings (whilst in a hospital looking for a parking space)
he obviously wasn’t 100% listening as received later yesterday via a link on a text message to a PDF
on reading it states I’m currently taking two tablets a day to help my asthma ? and recorded my Peak Flow readings as an average of 500
think that needs re-booking (for a face to face appointment) which I will remember to attend this time.

Good morning 5.6 today

eventful day yesterday
I managed to get a phone call from GP yesterday (turned out to be not GP but nurse practitioner)

Anyway he was able to give me some great advice on a few matters
including prescribed some antibiotics (for an infection)
ten regards my arm
go to the hospital for X-ray (Via A&E)
after being seen in minor injuries & X-rays done,
confirmed as tendentious [Golfers/Tennis Elbow]
was only in there there 2 hours which wasn’t so bad, although took ages to park.

whilst looking for a space to park,
received a phone cal
apparently I had earlier yesterday missed a Asthma review
that I thought was booked for Wednesday
he was quite insistent that we needed do this review right then
over the phone, i was asked loads of questions,
which I did my best to answer,
how could I remember my peak flow readings (whilst in a hospital looking for a parking space)
he obviously wasn’t 100% listening as received later yesterday via a link on a text message to a PDF
on reading it states I’m currently taking two tablets a day to help my asthma ? and recorded my Peak Flow readings as an average of 500
think that needs re-booking (for a face to face appointment) which I will remember to attend this time.

Oh my nurse understood i did not want to talk about myself in the high street and phoned me back. How rude your worker was . Yes important to keep an appointment but they could at least have been considerate.You were in the car .

4.8 today, today is weigh day, had a couple of bad days last week when I felt a bit off colour, and not so much exercise, but as long as I lose something, particularly 1/2 lb, then I will have lost 1/2 stone. Apart from work and weigh in not much else planned. I think Bake-Off starts tonight so will watch that,

4.8 today, today is weigh day, had a couple of bad days last week when I felt a bit off colour, and not so much exercise, but as long as I lose something, particularly 1/2 lb, then I will have lost 1/2 stone. Apart from work and weigh in not much else planned. I think Bake-Off starts tonight so will watch that,
i am doing okay weight loss wise but still a drop in the ocean to where i need to be .
However even if you stay the same you have not gained .
However here is a silver 7
Well done .
Bake off enjoy.
Have a good day and be kind to yourself.
A round 6 for me today. Loadsa rain predicted for this morning so on my exercise bike. 🙂

Good morning 5.5.

Not sure this lurgy isn't trying to stage a comeback - woke at 0500hrs freezing cold with burning trachea, pain in chest and under shoulder blades. Wrapped self in electric pad on max heat, added second duvet, crossed fingers. Hope I can avoid antibiotics - bad for the microbiom. Not raining here although if the thick cloud hanging over the place lets go it will be no hardship to stay in bed for another day.

Does anyone here know the Totnes area? The family seem to be exploring it for their next house and want me to do the same. I know Cornwall and Somerset quite well having had long windfarm cases there but not Devon. If it comes off it will mean giving up my ponies so shall be searching for a home for my elderly driving pony Peachy - currently a lawn ornament but could go back into work.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning all. 5.7 on this damp and dreary day. It seems like a Harvest Festival on here with all this produce collection. I've just got a load of chilli peppers. Chilli jam anyone?
I’m hoping to grow chillis next year now we’ve a greenhouse. I use them a lot. If you’ve an excess you could make sweet chilli sauce, it’s freezes really well, add it to stir fries/noodles etc, or have it with cheeses like deep fried Brie or baked Camembert. Yummy.
A wet and windy start to the day here in the Cotswolds but at least it's stopped raining and it's forecast to brighten up before lunch. Lovely B&B surrounded by open countryside. Had breakfast and will be heading out shortly to an NT place nearby. Didn't sleep that well (never seem to on the first night in a strange bed) but 5.7 on waking.

Nice meal at a nearby pub run by the NT last night. Soup of the Day was celeriac & apple. Never had that before. It was delicious. Salad main, similar to a Caesar's, so most of the carbs were in the soup.

Verdict on Bicester Village - OK if you've got lots of cash to splash. Designer brands everywhere but no High St brands. My wife stocked up on her favourite Molton Brown stuff but I didn't find anything I wanted to buy. I'd heard the place is popular with Chinese tourists and there certainly seemed to be a lot of Chinese there. Enjoyed my Caesar Salad wholemeal baguette at Pret.

Hope storm Agnes doesn't spoil anyone's plans.
Morning all.4.7 for me this morning.Just had a text telling me short notice appointments now available at the diabetes unit at Hospital.See if I can get any joy .Never had a face to face for three years Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
I’m hoping to grow chillis next year now we’ve a greenhouse. I use them a lot. If you’ve an excess you could make sweet chilli sauce, it’s freezes really well, add it to stir fries/noodles etc, or have it with cheeses like deep fried Brie or baked Camembert. Yummy.
Thanks for that eggyg. Chillis are dead easy in the greenhouse.