Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning with an added pinch and punch 🙂
A not very pleasing 10.2 after a 2.3 before bed and a Jaffa cake feeding frenzy !
Grr! Sorry to hear this Flower :( I cannot have Jaffa Cakes in the house - despite my almost unshakeable willpower, once open the packet will inevitably be empty, seemingly without any passage of time 😱

Hope things settle for you and you don't feel too rough {{{HUGS}}}
Thanks Northerner 🙂 Jaffa cakes are a battle of willpower , these had somehow escaped my radar until last night. It was an 'I'll sort it out in a bit hypo' that I left for too long, lazy girl!
Good morning folks - 7.6 for me today.

I cannot have Jaffa Cakes in the house - despite my almost unshakeable willpower, once open the packet will inevitably be empty, seemingly without any passage of time 😱

I am the same with custard creams - they just seem to evaporate! 🙄
Morning all, 6.8 for me. MMmmmmm Jaffa's
Morning all! 5.6 today. This lurgy doesn't seem to be affecting my BG too much now.🙂
6.7 for me . Made a complete a*** of my bolus last night went to bed on a 9.2 so not too bad
One of these days I'll be or do something normal!!! I'll mention these to the dr when I see him on Friday! Ive just been chatting to someone I work with about diabetes as he is also diabetic (type 2) and I sat here in shock about how so blase he is about his own diabetes, especially about the part that he is happy with his daily numbers of usually about 11 and the fact his cholestorol is about 12!!!!
It takes all sorts, as they say. 😱 It's a shame your colleague doesn't have your drive, Stitch. Good luck on Friday!🙂

Morning all. 🙂 3.9 here - if the summery weather would just stay put for more than 10 minutes, I might be able get my basal right!😛
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.3 today.
Morning 🙂. 4.4 from me today. Did someone say Jaffa cakes? Mmmm.....
I now want Jaffa cakes......... stop talking about Jaffa cakes........ mmmmm Jaffa cakes!!!

Anyway, an annoying 11.6 for me today, didnt test before bed as I was shattered and went to bed early, but I had a very low carb dinner last night followed by some strawberries (6 yummy strawberries). Oh well, hopefully the Dr will help sort me out on friday.
Good morning all, 4.1 for me. I am trying to test for basal but always go low and without fast acting reluctant to change my lantus. But my Freestyle Libra is on its way and appointment with the diabetic nurse soon after. I feel progress!
Jaffa cakes are now all I can think of! Yummy.
Sounds like you could do with one! 🙂 Glad to see the 8s have disappeared 🙂
Well if you add the figures together, we still have 8... must be my lucky number!
Good morning all, 4.1 for me. I am trying to test for basal but always go low and without fast acting reluctant to change my lantus. But my Freestyle Libra is on its way and appointment with the diabetic nurse soon after. I feel progress!
Jaffa cakes are now all I can think of! Yummy.
Hope the Libre proves a success in helping you find out what is happening and get the doses right 🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.3 today.

I'm on the 6.3 step with you this morning Linda.

I keep saying this stitch but really mean it, I hope the doc sorts out the naughty numbers on Friday. Your body obviously sees 6 strawberries coming and assumes it's Jaffa cakes with a Belgian bun chaser! Can't he refer you to a specialist or have you been down that route?
I'm on the 6.3 step with you this morning Linda.

I keep saying this stitch but really mean it, I hope the doc sorts out the naughty numbers on Friday. Your body obviously sees 6 strawberries coming and assumes it's Jaffa cakes with a Belgian bun chaser! Can't he refer you to a specialist or have you been down that route?

Hi Amigo, not seen a specialist at all yet. Ive got a list of questions/ideas to take to the Dr's with me on friday. Its very frustrationg at the mo. My bloods seemed to be coming down nicely when I was first put onto the gliclizide but now they are creeping up again and i'm definately feeling it (peeing more and feeling tired). Ive cut out more carbs than I did at the start, usually have between 75-100g of carbs a day (somedays less than that), but nothing seems to be helping at the moment. :(
Morning all, a lovely 5.1 for the third day in a row 🙂