Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 10.6 for me today. Cant wait to go back to Dr's on friday to see what he say's. Im wiped out by the afternoon at the moment. Hope you have a great adventure Lynn.
Not if the forecast is to be believed Lindarose!! Thunderstorms and rain for the foreseeable future! Still we will keep heading south and hope for the best 😉
Storms over Germany and strikes over France! Hope you manage to avoid both. We are scheduled to fly to Nice to start a cruise one day ahead of the next air traffic control strike, keeping our fingers crossed they don't walk out early.
5.2 HS again for me, meter must be stuck.
Morning all, 10.6 for me today. Cant wait to go back to Dr's on friday to see what he say's. Im wiped out by the afternoon at the moment. Hope you have a great adventure Lynn.
Really hope you can get something sorted Stitch 🙂 Are you getting any lows at all, or are you always up towards double figures?
Storms over Germany and strikes over France! Hope you manage to avoid both. We are scheduled to fly to Nice to start a cruise one day ahead of the next air traffic control strike, keeping our fingers crossed they don't walk out early.
5.2 HS again for me, meter must be stuck.
Are you sure you haven't just painted it on during a hypo? 😉 Congratulations on great consistency, hope your hols go smoothly 🙂
Really hope you can get something sorted Stitch 🙂 Are you getting any lows at all, or are you always up towards double figures?

I had a 5 on saturday, but that was several hours after breakfast (7am) and after mowing the lawn and walking round several garden centres and shops with the OH and his mum before a late lunch (2.30pm). Most days the lowest I go is between 7 and 8.
A 6.6 for me.

Have a lovely cruise Robin 🙂

I really feel for you Stitch. So unfair when you're trying hard. Seems inexplicable to get a non diabetic Hb result too! 😉 Must puzzle you.

Physio again today for me.
Hope the physio goes well Amigo and yes it is puzzling and annoying!
Hope the physio goes well Amigo and yes it is puzzling and annoying!
It's a mysterious enigma, wrapped up in a conundrum! 😱 Sounds to me like you would benefit from a basal insulin, or possibly something like Victoza or Byetta.
Morning! 5.3 here today. It's a bit grim outside, looks like the bank holiday weather rolled in a couple of days late...
It's a mysterious enigma, wrapped up in a conundrum! 😱 Sounds to me like you would benefit from a basal insulin, or possibly something like Victoza or Byetta.

One of these days I'll be or do something normal!!! I'll mention these to the dr when I see him on Friday! Ive just been chatting to someone I work with about diabetes as he is also diabetic (type 2) and I sat here in shock about how so blase he is about his own diabetes, especially about the part that he is happy with his daily numbers of usually about 11 and the fact his cholestorol is about 12!!!!
One of these days I'll be or do something normal!!! I'll mention these to the dr when I see him on Friday! Ive just been chatting to someone I work with about diabetes as he is also diabetic (type 2) and I sat here in shock about how so blase he is about his own diabetes, especially about the part that he is happy with his daily numbers of usually about 11 and the fact his cholestorol is about 12!!!!
It is awful when people really don't understand the potential damage they might be causing themselves :( We all go to meet our maker eventually, but I want to be as fit and healthy as possible until a nanosecond before I pop my clogs, at an age that earns me a place in the Guinness World Records book! :D
Thats the same with me. I want to keep my D under control and enjoy my life as much and as long as possible. I often say that I want to keep my BG under control as I like my toes!!!
Good morning. 7.7 and feel absolutely lousy.
Thank you Northerner and Stitch. I guess it is a combination of the infection, side effects of the antibiotics and gastroparesis flaring up. At least I haven't got to be anywhere this week so I can just rest 🙂
Evening all, On the missing list again, 7.1 today.
I've had two 3.9s in a row the last two mornings and daytime hypos, having put my Lantus up a unit after having an 8.3 and an 8.4 in the mornings and daytime 8s and 10s 🙄

Need to organise getting cartridges for half unit Lantus pen ...