Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone. Have a good day today. Dull here today. 6.7 for me this morning- surprised cause out for meal last night.
Morning all, hope you are all well, a wonderful 10.6 for me today!!! My morning readings definately arent getting any better.
Morning! A lovely 4.9 for me today. Not bad considering i had new potatoes with dinner last night and ice cream for pudding.🙂
Morning all, 6.8 for me, but a confession to add. I went out for a meal last night with an old work colleague (she's not old just from my previous employment) to celebrate my new job. I had all intentions of being good, then I saw and smelt the table next to me being served up a wonderful portion of Fish & Chips, Peas, and tare tare sauce. Yes I weakened and ordered it for myself, it was delicious, but to make matters worse my dinner companion wanted a sweet, when the waitress told me it was Baileys cheesecake I weakened again and ate the lot. And 6.8 is my lowest blood this week. I was only 7.4 when I got home last night. I fully understand I've been bad, please don't kick me off the forum for one mistake I promise to be good again, sorry for letting you all down. However it was great.
Between 5.9 and 6.1 for me this morning kooky 😛

Hope your appts went well yesterday khskel and Mark and anyone else on the hospital run.

Sorry your morning levels are remaining stubborn stitch. Very frustrating for you.

And confession needed. We've all sinned and sounds like you dodged the hike bullet anyway 🙂
A spookily low 4.6 today.

I went for a fasting blood test at the hospital this morning, to check how I'm getting on without Metformin, and I've booked a GP appointment for 1st June (earliest one available) to review it.

I was so hungry after the blood test I had a nice hot bacon & egg roll and coffee at the hospital café 🙂
A very late good afternoon 🙂 I tested when I got up after working night and was 6.7.
Between 5.9 and 6.1 for me this morning kooky 😛

Hope your appts went well yesterday khskel and Mark and anyone else on the hospital run.
Thanks Amigo. My wife's appointment went well. She has finally been officially diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Ankylosing spondylitis & possibly PSA. A plan has been put in place to control the pain & reduce her fatigue. She has had a steriod injection but it hasn't kicked in yet. She is just glad to have a diagnosis & that something is being done.
Thanks Amigo. My wife's appointment went well. She has finally been officially diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Ankylosing spondylitis & possibly PSA. A plan has been put in place to control the pain & reduce her fatigue. She has had a steriod injection but it hasn't kicked in yet. She is just glad to have a diagnosis & that something is being done.

Glad she's had the diagnosis Mark, that's half the battle. Painful condition...wishing her well x
Good morning folks - a 8.3 for me today. Seems to be the trend this last week!
Morning campers, a 4.8 today after a very fitful nights sleep, this basal business is impossible 6.5 units not enough, 7 too much, quarter unit pen anyone 🙄

Amigo, rotator cuff? Ouch, I hope the physio works and all is soon feeler a bit better. I angered mine once and that was bad enough, so I can't imagine how painful a tear must be :(

Mark I'm glad your wife has a definitive diagnosis now, let's hope they get her sorted. Has she been told about anti Tnf therapy? My cousin is having great results with the meds, but he had to fight to get them despite them being approved for arthritis many years ago (he has Ankylosing spondylitis, along with three other family members), not sure why but there were problems with NICE guidelines for spondies specifically, this has been addressed now, but it was hard work for him. Just thought I'd mention it in case you need to investigate.

I've got the verbals again this morning...sorry I'll sit quietly in a corner for 30 minutes, that'll sort me!
Good morning all 🙂 And I'm sorry it's a 7 this morning. Was going to try again Kooky but afraid it might go higher!
Snap Northie 6.2 for me too. 6.3 @ 1:00 and 6.2 @ 5:00 with no basal. Going to skip breakfast and see what happens
Mark I'm glad your wife has a definitive diagnosis now, let's hope they get her sorted. Has she been told about anti Tnf therapy? My cousin is having great results with the meds, but he had to fight to get them despite them being approved for arthritis many years ago (he has Ankylosing spondylitis, along with three other family members), not sure why but there were problems with NICE guidelines for spondies specifically, this has been addressed now, but it was hard work for him. Just thought I'd mention it in case you need to investigate.

I think they are awaiting the results of all the tests before deciding on the course of pain management, but anti tnf has been mentioned but other things have to be tried first, according to NICE guidelines.
Good morning! Another 4.9 today. Only had a burger in balsa wood last night as the sweet potato spirals were a failure.
Morning all, 6.8 for me, but a confession to add. I went out for a meal last night with an old work colleague (she's not old just from my previous employment) to celebrate my new job. I had all intentions of being good, then I saw and smelt the table next to me being served up a wonderful portion of Fish & Chips, Peas, and tare tare sauce. Yes I weakened and ordered it for myself, it was delicious, but to make matters worse my dinner companion wanted a sweet, when the waitress told me it was Baileys cheesecake I weakened again and ate the lot. And 6.8 is my lowest blood this week. I was only 7.4 when I got home last night. I fully understand I've been bad, please don't kick me off the forum for one mistake I promise to be good again, sorry for letting you all down. However it was great.
I'll join your club Alan. Went out last night. Halved a starter, main course and then couldn't resist the sweet plus white coffee. Went home stuffed , slept like a bear, and have absolutely no remorse. Nice chatter and looking forward to working in my revamped garden. (And I'm not checking my levels this morning-so there !!! )Lol