Group 7-day waking average?

Morning folks a 6.4 today and wondering if basal wants to go up or down because of the weather....oh well what else would I have to think about if insulin wasn't so ruddy difficult!
Good morning folks - 8.3 from me today. Must have been the bbq last night. Had a burger in a bun! Oh and the coleslaw did taste sweet! Had a 9.1 two hours after but down to 8.3 at bedtime.

*note to self* step away from the buns!
Good morning folks - 8.3 from me today. Must have been the bbq last night. Had a burger in a bun! Oh and the coleslaw did taste sweet! Had a 9.1 two hours after but down to 8.3 at bedtime.

*note to self* step away from the buns!

The burgers probably had carb in them too - bread, if home-made / some kind of starch, if not. Processed meat is a carby mine-field here in Spain. I'm pretty sure it's the same in the UK. I wish they'd stop fiddling with our food!:confused:

Morning all.🙂 5.9 here. Hope the pain goes away soon, Amigo.
5.8 for the 3rd time in a row although had a slight nightmare last night was 5.0 before bed so had some crisps to boost it, checked after 15mins and was 5.4 so i ate 2 biscuits and some milk but only then it went up to 6. Something. I wasn't even hungry just wanted to sleep but had to wait argh!
Morning all! 5.7 today. Also had a bbq last night. No buns for me though. Just plates of meat, coleslaw & salad. We got some steak burgers from Sainsburys, only 0.3g carb each!:D
Morning all. 7.6 for me. Had visitors over weekend, so won't say any more. Lovely time, with nice weather and 3 days off. Garden getting revamped so looking good. Soon to get exercise by planting up the raised beds-plus yipee, my apple tree is thinking about flowering
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.1 this morning. We went to friends and I couldn't resist lemon cake. Think the sun effected my decision making!
Hope you feel better today Amigo xx
A Kooky baiting 5.0 for me this morning.
Lemon meringue pie strategy worked last night, was 5.8 at the 2hr stage, and at bedtime, thought my meter was stuck! *puts tin hat on and dodges bread rolls thrown by envious Type 2 s*
Morning everyone. A 9.5 for me today. I also had a bbq last night, lots of meat and salad, I did give in and have 1 small tortilla wrap. And Bryan Adams was fantastic on Saturday night.
Morning All 6.4 for me. Over a week with no gliclazide and my highest reading has been an 8.4.
Oh the summer of 69. @Stitch147 (mind you I was only 4)
Morning all! Missed a couple of days of this thread so just catching up. Sounds like there were a lot of BBQ's over the weekend!

Nothing much to report from me, getting a few higher morning readings lately. Today it's a 7.1
Another kooky-spooky round 7 I'm afraid for me. Had a curry last night.

I've got more pains than a window cleaner, have gone a fetching dark black colour from elbow to fingertip and my shoulder is a sleep affecting agony! 😡
Another kooky-spooky round 7 I'm afraid for me. Had a curry last night.

I've got more pains than a window cleaner, have gone a fetching dark black colour from elbow to fingertip and my shoulder is a sleep affecting agony! 😡
That does not sound good at all :(. I hope you get better soon. Take care xxx
Went to bed on 16.7 after not going below 16 all day. Woke up 13.6 today so hopefully today will be a better day!

Jealous of all the BBQs that happened last night! It was 27 degrees yesterday!

Amigo I really hope you feel better soon
Oh @Amigo, banish those pains! {{{hugs}}} from me too.

A lovely jubbley 5.0 this morning - yip yip yip :D