Group 7-day waking average?

Morning folks 🙂 and glad the snots are on the decline! A 7.3 today after a very nice girls meal out!
5.6 my lowest result in 30 days since I started taking readings, off to see nurse today.
A 6.4 for me.

Nice reading Alan...hope your appt goes well.

Get well soon Kooky and Rosie.
Oooops 9.2 for me this morning. I had a stir fry last night and went a bit mad on the noodles!!! But I really really fancied the. Lesson learnt!
Good work Northerner, now that's stability for you 🙂 A [whispers with a shudder] 6.0 today, but I'm looking forward to a weekend without snot so I choose to ignore it :D
Good work Northerner, now that's stability for you 🙂 A [whispers with a shudder] 6.0 today, but I'm looking forward to a weekend without snot so I choose to ignore it :D
Glad to hear that the torrents of blood and snot cascading down the slopes of Manchester are subsiding in their intensity, KookyCat, I hope you have a splendid weekend free of afflictions! 🙂
Not quite 3 house specials in a row 5.3 for me. this morning.
Good morning! 5.8 for me.🙂
Good morning folks - 7.4 for me this morning. My snot seems to be on the wane as well Kooky

Some great numbers this morning - well done Alan. Hope your appointment goes well today.

After a day of highs yesterday starting with my 9.2, then 10, then 10.4, then 7.4 and a 7.6 after dinner (don't know what caused my highs yesterday, I just hope its not where I am reducing the metformin) I seem to be back to normal today. So budge up Northerner I'm sharing the 6.5 step with you today.
Morning all!
5.3 for me this morning 🙂
Not quite 3 house specials in a row 5.3 for me. this morning.
Proves your meter isn't stuck 🙂 Great number to wake on! Did you know that meters contain tiny moles that work out that number for you? (A bit of an epic, this one 🙂)


Once upon a time
In a little earthen hole,
Lived a tiny little creature
Whose name was Milly Mole.

She had a thousand cousins who,
If laid limb to limb,
Could fill a litre measuring jug
Right up to the brim!

Their life was one of tedium
Within the mole-filled lands,
Until one day they chanced upon
A scientist wringing his hands.

He said, ‘My goodness, look at you!
You’re just the perfect size
For me to measure sugar voles –
I can’t believe my eyes!’

‘What do you mean?’ said Milly Mole
And all her cousins too,
‘We’d never even heard of sugar voles
Till we met you!’

‘Let me explain’, the scientist said,
‘And all will soon be clear.
The sugar voles live in the blood
And are a source of fear.’

‘They like to live in people’s cells
But sometimes can’t get in
Because they need to wear a coat
Of shiny insulin.’

‘There are some people who produce
Some droplets of this stuff
But as their cells have sticky doors
It’s never quite enough’

‘For some, their poor old Pancreas
Has given up the ghost,
And they produce no insulin
For when they need it most.’

‘The sugar voles remain outside
And there their numbers grow,
But if they cannot count them all,
The people never know.’

‘There used to be a way if they
Could pee upon a stick –
But it wasn’t very sociable,
And it wasn’t very quick!’

‘And so I’ve made a meter which,
With just a drop of blood,
Can count up all the sugar voles,
Or, at least it could…’

‘I need something to live inside
And, when the blood comes in,
To count how many sugar voles
Can balance on a pin!’

‘And when you know, dear Milly Mole,
How many voles you’ve seen,
Why, then you’d type the number up
And show it on a screen!’

‘The people then would know the truth,
And they could make a start
To save their kidneys, eyes and limbs,
And hopefully, their heart!’

Well, Milly and her family
Said they could hardly wait
To help the humans count their voles –
They thought it would be great!

So, when you take that drop of blood
And place it on the meter,
Remember please, the Milly Moles –
A thousand to the litre!

I love that one. I wish I had the skills/brains to write lovely poems like that.
I love your Milly Mole poem, Northie.
4.9 this morning and the sun is out again. That's two mornings running.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.6 after a very late shift.
Great poem Northerner :D