Group 7-day waking average?

@Ayesha I'm sorry to say that it sounds like your nurse isn't very knowledgeable :( Lantus is known for the fact that adjustments you make to the dose don't really start to take effect for two or three days, so changing it on a nightly basis according to what your levels happen to be before bed really won't work that well :( Have you ever been on a diabetes course, such as DAFNE, where you are taught to carb count, or are you just adjusting your diabetes according to what your nurse has told you? If you haven't been on a course, please ask about being put on one 🙂

Your lantus is supposed to deal with the trickle of glucose that your liver produces all the time to supply energy to your brain, heart etc. when you are not eating - adjusting it as you have been told will have an effect on your levels all through the next day and make it harder to work out how much fast-acting insulin to take when you eat - you need to take the guesswork out of things as much as possible. How do you work out how much insulin to take with your meals?

I don't do carb counting neither do I take the fast acting insulin. My nurse basically said I can eat anything and everything as long as I adjust my lantus. I always thought the daphne course is for those who need to do carb counting so I don't think it would be helpful for me
Up very late and my liver got up before me to start digesting the breakfast it hadn't yet been given! So a 6.9 which could have been worse.

Hope everyone has a nice Valentine's Day 🙂
Morning a nice 6.2 for me 🙂
I don't do carb counting neither do I take the fast acting insulin. My nurse basically said I can eat anything and everything as long as I adjust my lantus. I always thought the daphne course is for those who need to do carb counting so I don't think it would be helpful for me
Ah, sorry Ayesha, I'd forgotten that you were just on lantus. What I said about it still stands though, adjustments to lantus can take 2-3 days to take effect, so changing the dose according to your bedtime levels is not really that effective. You would probably be better using a different insulin called levemir, which does take effect almost straight away. Are you still testing before and after your meals? I'm a little alarmed that you have been told you can eat anything, because clearly you don't have a fully-working pancreas (otherwise you wouldn't need lantus!) - you still need to try and make sure that whatever you eat doesn't raise your blood sugar levels more than about 2-3 mmol/l.
Hey, I actually did mention to my nurse that should I be wary about what I eat and how much of it so I don't have to increase my insulin take as at first I was only taking 4units until she decided to switch it up to 8units as my evening BG used to spike up but she told me that I should eat as normal cz if I reduce what I eat I may lose more weight as I'm already 6and half stones and so Iv just been doing what Iv been told lol however my uncle a type 1 diabetic shares the same worry as you do but I think even he's given up with my nurse as he regards her advice not very knowledgable
Ah, sorry Ayesha, I'd forgotten that you were just on lantus. What I said about it still stands though, adjustments to lantus can take 2-3 days to take effect, so changing the dose according to your bedtime levels is not really that effective. You would probably be better using a different insulin called levemir, which does take effect almost straight away. Are you still testing before and after your meals? I'm a little alarmed that you have been told you can eat anything, because clearly you don't have a fully-working pancreas (otherwise you wouldn't need lantus!) - you still need to try and make sure that whatever you eat doesn't raise your blood sugar levels more than about 2-3 mmol/l.
Hey, I actually did mention to my nurse that should I be wary about what I eat and how much of it so I don't have to increase my insulin take as at first I was only taking 4units until she decided to switch it up to 8units as my evening BG used to spike up but she told me that I should eat as normal cz if I reduce what I eat I may lose more weight as I'm already 6and half stones and so Iv just been doing what Iv been told lol however my uncle a type 1 diabetic shares the same worry as you do but I think even he's given up with my nurse as he regards her advice not very knowledgable
Morning all, 6.1 today and was feeling very snuggly in bed when the alarm woke me, brrr it's chilly here. The weekends seem to be getting shorter and shorter and the weekdays longer and longer, humbugs, fruitflies and picked onions (that's my polite version of swear words, really really bad ones!) 🙂

Nice to see you again Ayesha, aside from that nurse of yours hope it's going well 🙂
Morning all, 7.4 this morning. Drs appointment at 8 let's see what he makes of my test results.
Good morning folks - 8.3 for me this morning and a snotty nose!! Seems DH has given me his cold 🙄 I am not sure now if it is the Levothyroxine that has increased my morning levels or the cold brewing. I will keep an eye on it and see what happens. Daytime results are all well within required levels.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.7 today.
Got a busy work week with lots of shifts including an overnight tonight. Could have done with a lay in today!
Shrieks! Waking up to a layer of snow and real feel of -4.

Might just stay duvet side today. Haven't tested yet.
Shrieks! Waking up to a layer of snow and real feel of -4.

Might just stay duvet side today. Haven't tested yet.

We had a light dusting, hardly anything. Was hoping it would be enough to stuff the trains up but unfortunately I am London bound on my daily commute.
6.6 for me today, and a bright, frosty and sunny morning here.
6.2 for me today. Thought it was frosty outside, but I'm closer inspection, looks like a very light dusting of snow.
Hey, I actually did mention to my nurse that should I be wary about what I eat and how much of it so I don't have to increase my insulin take as at first I was only taking 4units until she decided to switch it up to 8units as my evening BG used to spike up but she told me that I should eat as normal cz if I reduce what I eat I may lose more weight as I'm already 6and half stones and so Iv just been doing what Iv been told lol however my uncle a type 1 diabetic shares the same worry as you do but I think even he's given up with my nurse as he regards her advice not very knowledgable
The problem is that it's quite possible that if you are experiencing high blood sugars after eating then this is preventing you from gaining weight, as you will be peeing excess glucose away :( Do you ever see a consultant about your diabetes, or just this nurse? You may be better off using a fast-acting insulin as well as the lantus so you can make better use of the food you eat. If you only need very tiny amounts of insulin then you would be a very good candidate for an insulin pump - with this you can deliver tiny amounts of insulin for food, and also alter the amount of background insulin you need much more accurately - changing lantus based on your bedtime readings is incredibly crude and probably not really helping you achieve good, stable levels.

I would highly recommend asking your GP for a referral to a consultant - what's the one like that your Uncle sees?
8.1 for me this morning, after an 8.9 before bed - no doubt about the lurgy taking hold then! 🙄
Sorry to hear that your higher than normal BG's confirm your lergy northerner and hope things soon settle and it's back to normal service which in your case is usually very admirable control.

I'm a naughty 7.2 this snowy morning but I blame the Chinese food and the weather (though more of the former!) 🙄
The problem is that it's quite possible that if you are experiencing high blood sugars after eating then this is preventing you from gaining weight, as you will be peeing excess glucose away :( Do you ever see a consultant about your diabetes, or just this nurse? You may be better off using a fast-acting insulin as well as the lantus so you can make better use of the food you eat. If you only need very tiny amounts of insulin then you would be a very good candidate for an insulin pump - with this you can deliver tiny amounts of insulin for food, and also alter the amount of background insulin you need much more accurately - changing lantus based on your bedtime readings is incredibly crude and probably not really helping you achieve good, stable levels.

I would highly recommend asking your GP for a referral to a consultant - what's the one like that your Uncle sees?

My uncle actually goes private and the nurse that I refer to is my diabetic consultant. Iv never actually had a stable BG I find it he'd to get it stable
My uncle actually goes private and the nurse that I refer to is my diabetic consultant. Iv never actually had a stable BG I find it he'd to get it stable
There's a big difference between a nurse, even a Diabetes Specialist Nurse, and a Consultant Ayesha. Do you see the nurse at a hospital clinic or at your GP surgery? I'm concerned that you are not getting the help you need to achieve good, stable blood sugar levels. I think you need to seek a second opinion, your current treatment pattern seems far too haphazard :( You can ask your GP to refer you to another consultant.