Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, a 6.1 for me this morning.
Been on the LC diet a week and just got my meter yesterday. My first ever morning test was 6.8 - happy with that so far 🙂
Great results Bob and Stitch! I aspire to those sort of numbers *sigh*
Great results Bob and Stitch! I aspire to those sort of numbers *sigh*

Believe me Lynn its not been easy. Diagnosed as type 2 given Metformin, levels regulary in the high teens and low 20's, saw a different doctor who said I am more like MODY type 3, as metformin made no difference to my levels, gave me gliclizide levels started to improve almost immediately which helped him to confirm my diagnosis. I feel so much better being nearly "normal". Just need to work on my levels dropping whenever I walk for more than 15 minutes
Levels dropping when walking is not a problem I have at the moment - in this cold damp weather my arthritic knees sure know about it!

I took my first Metformin tablet yesterday morning and for the rest of the day I had the best test figures evah!!! all of them for the whole day either below 7 pre eating and only just above post eating - seems it is a wonder drug after all - pmsl!
Metformin done nothing for me at all, but luckily i didnt get any adverse side effects either.
Morning all, 6.5 pretty good even after the hic up in the night of a 4.0.
Good morning all and great to see such brilliant levels from so many of us today 🙂 Pats on the back all round!
I'm afraid someone always has to spoil things. I woke with a never seen before fasting of 8. Redid and got 7.9 so it's not a dodgy strip alas. Didn't take BG before bed last night so no idea if I went to bed high or it happened overnight.
Rechecked after an hour with only coffee and 6.9.
I have put on a couple of pounds over Christmas so hope my efforts to lose that will also lower my BG.
An unusually low 5.7 for me this very snowy morning. Sometimes the numbers defy explanation!

Just seen colorectal surgeon and scheduled for a colonoscopy soon.
An unusually low 5.7 for me this very snowy morning. Sometimes the numbers defy explanation!

Just seen colorectal surgeon and scheduled for a colonoscopy soon.
Good number 🙂 Snow! 😱 Horrible stuff! Hope you don't have to wait too long for your appointment 🙂
Good number 🙂 Snow! 😱 Horrible stuff! Hope you don't have to wait too long for your appointment 🙂

Thanks northerner...yes horrible snow and sub zero temperatures! 😱

I won't have to wait long...the only benefit of already having cancer is they fast track me.

Hope you're ok after your little 'episode'.
An unusually low 5.7 for me this very snowy morning. Sometimes the numbers defy explanation!

Just seen colorectal surgeon and scheduled for a colonoscopy soon.
Good luck to you too. Enjoy the free hippy crack.
Jamie was 8 this morning after a night of lows. He has been unwell for a few days so insulin increased and had a lovely steady within range day yesterday UNTIL bedtime when he dropped like a stone. Gave biscuit and jelly babies and monitored every 20 minutes between 11pm and 2am until he started to stabilise. Does anyone else have this problem in the night? Jelly babies in the day seem to work very quickly, at night, so slow. Was then up again at 3am and 5am and finally up at 7am so suffering from sleep deprivation. Have reduced insulin today. I hate diabetes today and with these sort of days worry about what will happen when we are not around anymore to be vigilant, sorry dark 4am thoughts!
6.0 for me. I sympathise with your Lantus problem, Bloden, it's always about trying to find the 'best fit' for me. At the moment, taking it at 6pm and having a slow release/protein snack seems to work, but that's this week....

Thanks, Robin. 🙂 It's always good to know what other people do...that snack, esp the protein, is a good idea. I don't want to 'feed the insulin', but I don't want to split the dose either - that would really put me in a tail-spin!😱🙄
Jamie was 8 this morning after a night of lows. He has been unwell for a few days so insulin increased and had a lovely steady within range day yesterday UNTIL bedtime when he dropped like a stone. Gave biscuit and jelly babies and monitored every 20 minutes between 11pm and 2am until he started to stabilise. Does anyone else have this problem in the night? Jelly babies in the day seem to work very quickly, at night, so slow. Was then up again at 3am and 5am and finally up at 7am so suffering from sleep deprivation. Have reduced insulin today. I hate diabetes today and with these sort of days worry about what will happen when we are not around anymore to be vigilant, sorry dark 4am thoughts!
Sorry to hear about your difficult night, Shirley. o_O Hope you catch up on your ZZZ's tonight. I know what you mean, worrying about the future. I try very hard not to!😱🙂
Thanks, Robin. 🙂 It's always good to know what other people do...that snack, esp the protein, is a good idea. I don't want to 'feed the insulin', but I don't want to split the dose either - that would really put me in a tail-spin!😱🙄
I did split mine at one point, and it didn't seem to make any difference, I came to the conclusion that it's what my body does, and not what the Lantus does, that's the problem!
I did split mine at one point, and it didn't seem to make any difference, I came to the conclusion that it's what my body does, and not what the Lantus does, that's the problem!

Yeah, I'm convinced that it's my body too. The Lantus chugs along, doing it's thing, but it's my liver's periods of activity / inactivity that have the real impact. 🙄