Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everybody. 5.4 for me, and it's actually not raining for a change!
Good morning everyone - a nicely rounded 7 for me this morning - lowest it has been for weeks!
Fabulous result Lynn! 🙂

A not so good 6.9 for me today. Woke up last night with pins and needles in arms and legs, lips numb, so I knew I was pretty low. Didn't bother to test, just ate 3 jelly babies (thankfully kept next to my bed). Didn't feel things were improving so got up and tested - 2.0 😱 Normally, those JBs would have brought me up straight away, so goodness knows what my level was before them. Decided to get up and monitor properly. Had another couple of jelly babies and followed up with a slice of cheese on toast. After 30 minutes my level was up to 3.2, up to 4.8 after an hour 😱 Sigh! Feeling a bit zonked out now :( No reason, no active bolus and no basal - my spluttering pancreas must have decided to have a totally unprompted splurge. When this last happened I thought it might be partly due to my body recovering from a long drinking session, but since I haven't had any alcohol this month, that theory has been scotched. No more active than usual yesterday, have run out of ideas, except maybe TW's idea of a latent pool of injected insulin letting go, but it seems very unlikely. :confused:
Oooh, Northie, scary! And perplexing, even if your pancreas is spluttering, it surely shouldn't throw out unprompted offerings in the middle of the night like that. The only explanation would seem to be a pocket of insulin, nothing I've ever been aware of, but I do have a bit more flab to tuck it into.
Sounds scary Northie, hope you feel better as the day goes on.
Wait for it, wait for it..........

*mini lap of celebration round the office*

an impressive 5.9 for me today!
Well done Stitch that is a brilliant result. I'm so pleased for you 🙂
Northerner that sounds so awful and scary. Is there nothing that the doctor can do to help?
Wait for it, wait for it..........

*mini lap of celebration round the office*

an impressive 5.9 for me today!

Northerner that sounds so awful and scary. Is there nothing that the doctor can do to help?
I don't see how Amanda. I told my consultant about it and he was just as nonplussed as me. The thing is, if it is a 'pocket' of insulin it seems very strange to me that I've only ever heard of this in relation to lipohypertrophy, which I'm not affected by, and the only actual person who I've heard of it happening to is TW, and I think only once. Yet this has happened to me several times, but without sufficient regularity for any pattern to be detected. We know that I'm weird anyway, so it must just be a characteristic of my own particular flavour if diabetes! 🙄 Just thankful I woke up!
Great number Stitch *clap*

Northie - hope you feel better soon xx
Ooh Northerner, I hope things improve soon!

I had a lovely 5.3 today 🙂
Glad you caught it in time. I know the feeling. Woke up at a good 5.3 this morning and been sucking on glucotabs ever since despite no food or insulin since yesterday.
Morning everyone. 4.9 at 09.12. Pleased with that. Saw my GP last wk . She really pleased with my readings and is sure my hba1c will go down. Its lovely and sunny here so a short walk might be in order before heading to hairdressers then tackling a heap of ironing, or I could ignore and watch Endeavour instead! Oops its nearly midday n not done my hammys morning eyedrops yet.hope u all havea good day. H
Morning or should I say afternoon all 🙂 and 7.2 after a night shift.
What a worrying night Northerner. Hope you feel better as day goes on.
Some great numbers today too! 🙂
Well done!
Didn't see your initial post northerner...hope you can get this sorted because it must be scary for you. Sending best wishes.
Good morning 🙂 5.5 for me today, and no 'incidents' in the night 🙂

That's a relief! I hope you don't have another 'episode' ever again!

Morning all.🙂 3.3 here.😳 Very frustrating...if I lower my Lantus dose, I get no o'night hypos but my basal struggles to properly do its job during the day. I'm going to change the timing of my Lantus jab, see if that helps.🙄 What did I fill my days with before diabetes? I must've had loads of free time!:confused:

Hope it's a nice day where you are...
That's a relief! I hope you don't have another 'episode' ever again!

Morning all.🙂 3.3 here.😳 Very frustrating...if I lower my Lantus dose, I get no o'night hypos but my basal struggles to properly do its job during the day. I'm going to change the timing of my Lantus jab, see if that helps.🙄 What did I fill my days with before diabetes? I must've had loads of free time!:confused:

Hope it's a nice day where you are...
6.0 for me. I sympathise with your Lantus problem, Bloden, it's always about trying to find the 'best fit' for me. At the moment, taking it at 6pm and having a slow release/protein snack seems to work, but that's this week....
Good morning folks - 7.6 for me today.

Glad you had a better night Northie :D