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Group 7-day waking average?

I had shingles in my 20s and it was incredibly painful, it was on my back and even fabric touching it was very painful together with a burning feeling under the skin an experience I wouldn’t want to repeat, especially as I get older and have an even lower pain threshold
Likewise Lorraine I had Shingles in my 20s and although it was painful I was happy to be diagnosed as having pains in your chest even when fit and in 20s was worrying at the time. So when rash and spots appeared and recognised as Shingles I was relieved.
Also got it in 40s and same experience but caught it earlier with anti virals.
Both times on my body but always heard Shingls of the scalp/ head is always the worst place to get it in terms of discomfort.
have fun with the new washing line :rofl:. No chance for us to use ours today yet, unless we take the attitutude of ignoring the rain and saying “It can stay out until it’s dry”!
Oh I’ve had fun. Two loads out on two lines. Dried and now in the airing cupboard. If I hadn’t had childcare I’d have ironed it too. I’m easy pleased these days. :D
OH had his when he turned 70, I asked him about it, and he can’t remember having any side effects from it. Someone I know was telling me last week that their mother has got Shingles at the moment, and it’s all round her eye on one side, her eye is swollen, and very painful.
I’m not eligible yet. They are now doing people who turn 65, but people who had turned 65 before they brought that in, but who aren’t yet 70 (ie, me!) aren’t eligible.
Oh i didn’t know that. I turn 65 in less than four weeks. I wonder if you’re “called” or just make an appointment? I’m due my five yearly pneumococcal vaccination soon so might make sense to get both together. I’ve got diabetic review in May I’ll ask the question if I haven’t been called. I saw today eligible folks ie me, are getting called for spring Covid jab. I’ll be like a pincushion!
Anyone had the Shingles jab? I've been reading about how painful Shingles can be, especially a form known as Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and as I qualify for the vaccine I'm thinking about booking an appointment.
Hi Martin, I had my first shingles jab last autumn when I turned 65. My arm was sore for a few days but other than that no side effects. Funnily enough I got a reminder this morning to book the second one. Yippee! Did I mention how much I hate needles.
Joking aside I would recommend it. A friend got shingles at the base of his spine, bum and thighs. He was in a lot of pain and unable to sit for several weeks. Very unpleasant illness.
Oh - and @Bloden I found exactly the same with the Omnipod HCL. Useless.
It can't seem to learn that my BG goes up at 6am and keeps suspending insulin at 5am. I'm sticking with it though - I don't want to go back to all that pesky basal tweaking. It used to do my head in!
Yawning morning. 5.5. I’ve had the best sleep I’ve had for ages. Didn’t want to spoil it but going back to bed after my first loo trip at 5.30, so here I am.

Wednesday childcare day for two. Weather supposed to be good again, yesterday, once out of the wind, was beautiful, and walking back from the park at 3pm yesterday we were sweating. More of the same today allegedly. Fingers crossed. Getting outside definitely makes the day go faster and tires out the kids, NOT! Oh to be young and never get exhausted! 😉

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
And Hba1c repeat test is back from the GP…. 35

Which tallies nicely with the result from the hospital a few weeks ago. Clearly dropping tonnes of weight does have an impact on general health!

It also has an impact on clothes shopping. I bought a size 31 trouser today and a T-shirt in Small. Granted the T-shirt is perhaps harking back to my full on clubbing days as it’s so tight I can’t actually breathe but I’ll enjoy owning it (until I come to my senses tomorrow and take it back!).

Kaftan update. The resent lost package arrived. The silver sleeveless one is truly hideous as well as being see through so that’s going back.

Oh and 5.8 this morning 🙂
Morning a 7.2 for me but was low going to bed so had a couple of crackers and stayed within range all night so continues to drop average BG and improve TIR so back in the 90s.
Have a long day today with an evening Meeting on the Wirral.Fortunately have very few of these anymore as like my free evenings but would normally balance out by having a quieter day but have a Lunch and Learn today and ordered Pizza in.Even with 50% off it is a big bill but there will be a lot there and I always like to provide extra for other staff.
Anyway hope you all have an enjoyable and productive day.We have gardener coming today so will look nice when I get back even though I won’t see his work until the morning.
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Good morning everyone! 7'1 after visiting the toilet (forgot to scan before getting out of bed), but down to 6'1 by the time I sat down with my tea and toast.

Had a very complete day on Monday with some work, walking, reading and watching a movie. I also tried making my egg muffins in the air fryer. They turned out okay, eventually, but I think I'll stick with the oven as I know the settings better and I can make a bunch more in one go.

Yesterday was creative club in my usual cafe, sandwiched between two work shifts. Very low attendance this week. It is at lunch time so I order food. If I have a sandwich I usually tell them to leave out the crisps, but yesterday I didn't. I think I need to add a touch more of insulin to cover them. Well, I will have to have the crisps again next week for the experiment 😉
Morning all. 🙂 7.3 for me.

Wednesday’s my busiest day but then it’s a gentle slide into the weekend. We’ve got training on Friday - as per usual, some bloke is going to explain something really interesting that has nothing to do with my job but that highlights the amazing work some people do on the fringes of our education system...looking forward to it, tbh. We don’t get pizza tho @Wendal! A cuppa and a biscuit, but no pizza. 😉
Morning all, 4.3 here, Dawn has disappeared for the moment.
Was so pleased with my pony yesterday, I had a hypo half way round a solo hack, heard the Libre alarm, but was plummeting so fast I was in hypo territory straight way. He’s normally a fidget if we’ve got to do a gate, etc, but I stopped him in the middle of the bridleway, and he stood stock still while I faffed around getting jelly babies out, then having to take my gloves off to open the placcy bag they’re in, he didn’t even think about wandering to the verge for a snack (if he had but known, I’d have let him! It’s normally forbidden while he’s being ridden, but it doesn’t stop him trying on occasions, but it would have kept him occupied while I faffed). Then we rode on, got to the corner where we turn onto a grassy track and he normally starts speeding up because he knows we often canter up it, but he waited for me to tell him it was OK to go faster, I swear he was thinking, are you OK now, Mum?
Morning all. I had a shock when i when i woke this morning. The sensor fell off yesterday morning so i applied a new one and activated it last night. It was spot on with the finger pricks during the evening. This morning i woke and checked the reading. At about 2am it had a vertical line to 18 and had slowly come down to 12.5! Finget pricked and this is right. There was no reason for it to spike like that, i was well in range before bed and had a low carb dinner. The alarm went off in the night but its set at 10 and i wasn't expecting a spike. Its made a big mess of my TIR and i'm now starving, waiting for it to drop enough for breakfast.

Today is weekly food shop day and then a friend is coming for our weekly cuppa and craft.

@ColinUK what a fab result! Well done.

@Robin they say animals can sense things don't they. Give him a big carrot from all of us for being a good pony.
It can't seem to learn that my BG goes up at 6am and keeps suspending insulin at 5am. I'm sticking with it though - I don't want to go back to all that pesky basal tweaking. It used to do my head in!
I have been lucky. I am starting on the Ypsopump HCL on 1 May... I have the bits all around me as I type. Apparently quite a number of people who went on the Omnipod similar timing to me gave up with the HCL.
@ColinUK: Excellent results!

5.3 today ... so close!

We're going in! Since we became a 2 person working family a few years back, we've totally ignored our extension room. What was meant to be a music room/study could currently feature on Hoarders UK!

But, today is the day Mr B and I are going to sort it. I am foreseeing multiple tip trips (trying saying that fast!) today.
And Hba1c repeat test is back from the GP…. 35

Which tallies nicely with the result from the hospital a few weeks ago. Clearly dropping tonnes of weight does have an impact on general health!

It also has an impact on clothes shopping. I bought a size 31 trouser today and a T-shirt in Small. Granted the T-shirt is perhaps harking back to my full on clubbing days as it’s so tight I can’t actually breathe but I’ll enjoy owning it (until I come to my senses tomorrow and take it back!).

Kaftan update. The resent lost package arrived. The silver sleeveless one is truly hideous as well as being see through so that’s going back.

Oh and 5.8 this morning 🙂
Well, Colin, don't know whether to give you a star for the Hba1c or a full on bellow of laughter for your T shirt and the Kaftan description!