• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

morning all a nice day here. Am ettng up new laptop today, its going to be a pain logng ot on old and in on new one as i tend to eave self sognd in an have forgottern lots of passwords lol
Was 5.7 perfick
Morning 4.9 on waking today
following a few hypo’s yesterday evening & overnight, it took the best part of a packet of JB’s to finally get back to normal levels - my evening meal was a curry yesterday however it didn’t spike me despite expecting it to,
I might try again reducing my insulin dose down to 6units, I did try this before at my GP’s recommendation, but previously I went back up to 8units, because I found was going up into teens then taking ages to come back down.

I’ve some jobs to do around the home today to keep me busy & my mind occupied
Mrs @goodybags wants some face cream it’s on offer at Boots so I’m thinking of walking later this morning to a retail park that will be about 3 mile round trip, that will be a good exercise (both for my body & mind)

then later this afternoon rather than picking her up in my car, she suggested I walk into town then we can walk back together, we are about 1/2 hour walk from town so will be getting a good exercise today (will keep some lifts in my pocket just incase)

Happy Monday everyone 😎
Morning all. The new sensor activated at yesterday evening was reading +3 initially then gradually settled to +1. Looking at the graph i rose to 13 overnight and stayed there. The reading this morning showed 11.7, finger prick 9.3. Hopefully it will settle down or its a call to Abbott over the next day or two. Even so, its ruined my TIR which, yesterday, had been the best it had been in a long time.

All the talk of taking walks is making me a bit jealous. I enjoy walking and promised myself that after finishing work, if i could walk somewhere instead of driving (ie a 4mile round trip to the shops) then i would. This problem with my heel is not going away despite the physio exercises (mind you, those are to strengthen my legs so i don't see how that helps). In fact the exercises are causing pain in my knees. I'm falling apart!

Have a good day everyone.
A 6.1 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all and 4.4 for me.
Early-ish start for he as I've taken Mrs khskel to the dentist.

This particular sensor seems particularly prone to compression lows. I wonder if that's because it was a bleeder?

Have a good day everyone.
3.4 for me the first time I woke up. Ate a JB and dropped back off and woke up half an hour later on 3.9. I was flat lining in the red for several hours so that has made a mess of my stats too, just when I was getting close to 100%.
I didn't get out for a walk yesterday and I didn't alter my evening Levemir but for some reason my overnight levels have swung the other way. No big deal as I slept pretty well.
I made a big pan of ratatouille yesterday and as a spur of the moment thing I added a tin of green lentils to it which gave it a bit of extra substance and I put slices of haloumi on the top and browned it off and it was so delicious I could have eaten the whole roasting pan full last night. Quite surprised that the lentils didn't sends me high overnight, as they usually do.

There are some telltale high readings this morning which make it look like a few of you were partying and eating birthday cake @Robin's last night!!
Morning everyone. A 4.7 for me today.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
I made a big pan of ratatouille yesterday and as a spur of the moment thing I added a tin of green lentils to it which gave it a bit of extra substance and I put slices of haloumi on the top and browned it off and it was so delicious I could have eaten the whole roasting pan full last night
Mmmmm, tasty! I love ratatouille, we have it with goats cheese chunked and sprinkled over. Ooh, i really must put that on next week's menu, we haven't had it for a while.
5.9 on a bright but sunless St Patrick's Day morning and likely to stay that way for most of the day. As it happens our eldest's middle name is Patrick, as being Catholic he has a saint's name, as is the custom.

Managed to get some garden maintenance done in the sunshine yesterday but it was still cold and I was glad to get back indoors. We're having our driveway widened in a couple of weeks and there was a shrub in the way that had to come out.
Cut it down to size with secateurs and then finished the job with an axe.

Wife's just texted to say that she's just about to head back from her sister's, so she should be home by half-eleven. It's a pretty straightforward run from Bedford - M1/M25/M4 - although it can sometimes be a nightmare.

Our youngest's birthday meal out this evening, so looking forward to that. In the meantime, as usual, I have to try not to disturb our WFHers whilst attending to the usual household chores. As someone once sang, I don't like Mondays.

Hope everyone has a good start to the week.
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Good morning everyone, 5.2 for me this morning

I am a numpty and have run out of both cannulas and test strips.
I ordered my test strips 2 weeks ago and my prescription was once again taken by RX Live, despite me requesting it to go to my local Asda pharmacy AND having changed my nominated pharmacy to Asda in the GP surgery. So who knows when I'll get those. Along with my insulin, folic acid and other meds, which I haven't yet run out of.

My medtronic cannulas is definitely my own fault - I have a drawer full of Guardian 4 sensors and didn't check the boxes properly, and assumed that half of these were cannulas.
Medtronic can send me more cannulas within 5 working days 🙄 good job it's Monday...
I have two emergency back-up ones which I'll have to hope last me until then, if my current one fails!

Also my diabetes team keep giving me phone appointments, which I'll take the morning off for, and then they'll call me 15 minutes after I get back to school in the afternoon. I missed the last one because of this, so they've scheduled me another one this week, and I can't get through to them to request a face-to-face / specific time instead.

Feeling a bit fed up. Sorry for the moan!
Morning folks. Had a bit of a lie after my 6am excursion to the chicken run and feeding the cat. Far too cold and damp so snuggled down next to hubby and slept another 2 hours.
7.3 this morning after a lovely beef stew for dinner last night.
Spent most of my time in the polytunnel as it was cold and showery. Strawberries done and in the fruit cage. General tidy up and weed so the polytunnel is now ready for veggies. Still have a parsley plant in one corner but it will probably set seed this year.

@Martin.A it sounds like you did a number on that shrub with the axe. We've got an old buddlia that needs removing if you are up to the job :rofl:

Congratulations on your HS @Lauren :star:

Lots of shredding to do today. Have a good one folks!
Good morning everyone. 7.1 today, after a night of waves, no hypo or hypers.
We went to church last night, the first time after several weeks. It wasn't so bad for me either - didn't find it aggressively tedious or problematic for a change, just let my OH worship in her own way, while I watched. I didn't participate. There were quite a few there, we had some live music from a guitarist who sang a lot. She was obviously very talented. Overall not too bad, I even relaxed.
We had a late supper as church went on for an extra hour.

Overcast today with very little breeze. Its supposed to get up to 11°C today, maybe but its started to break out in sunshine.

Have a good day everyone. Congratulations @Lauren on your HS.
Morning on this somewhat dull day. The black clouds opened up a patch of blue earlier but it's gone.

5.1 this morning. There's a patch of red about 3am but I don't recall an alarm.

I forgot to post yesterday - no matter, nothing of interest occurred. Washed the bedding/towels and today need to wash clothes.

Roast pork leftovers for dinner tonight, but will have to do more veggies as the cauli cheese was overcooked and so might as well turn it into soup... and the spuds were not nice as roasties as they were some wierd variety that is waxy and yellow. Makes lovely mash but vile roasties. Will start again today!

Wishing everyone a lovely day.
Good morning! 5'5.

My sensor is getting a bit loose around the edges, that's unusual for me. I had an armband for it that I never needed to use, would have come in handy now but I unfortunately lost it ages ago. I was hoping it would show up when I was packing to move houses, but it didn't. Well, this sensor only has 2 days left so not a great loss if it comes off.

Yesterday I went for lunch with a male mate. My work friend was teasing me about it as if it was a date, I said no, he insisted that even if that was not my intention it must be the guy's. I was annoyed as I didn't see it that way, and I thought the other guy was in the same page as me. We had a normal meetup, I enjoyed the food and the walk, then when we parted he made a comment about wanting to kiss me. Kinda ruined the day. I was especially pissed off to think my work mate was right. Didn't tell him about it 🙄 :rofl: Jokes aside, I don't know if I should meet this guy again. Might be the beer talking and he trying his luck and never happen again, but now I feel awkward.
We've got an old buddlia that needs removing if you are up to the job :rofl:
Sorry, no can do - we've got one of our own that needs a severe haircut, when I feel up to taking it on.
Sorry, no can do - we've got one of our own that needs a severe haircut, when I feel up to taking it on.
Oh well guess I will have to rely upon hubby when he is having a good day 😱:rofl:
They do look nice with the bees and butterflies in the summer but ours is a bog standard railway siding variety and looks very scruffy.
Good luck pruning yours :D