• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

A 5.3 for me today. 🙂

3.8 on waking this cold morning here at Norbury Junction on the Shroppie. We will be hanging around for a bit as we wait for someone from the boat management company to come out and fix a broken table leg (coffee and tea everywhere yesterday morning!). Although not an emergency it is really difficult not having a table on board!

Hope everyone is well, not had much signal to catch up. Here’s one from Sunday as we made our way up the Audlem flight :


Take care everyone!
Out of interest, which part of Lincolnshire? My mother was a Lincolnshire girl, from Appleby, and I have family in Scunthorpe and Gainsborough.
That’s my surname. No family history anywhere near the place though!
Hmmm….I do that, same word but a different number, then write it in notes on my phone. Not sure it’s the most secure way but needs must! Too many passwords these days, drives me mad!
Use the password manager built in to either iOS or Google.

It’s taken years but I’ve finally managed to get my folks to stop writing passwords down and to use the password manger. They’re also now happier to hit Forgotten Password and reset it if they can’t recall where it is. It’s much easier and much safer.
Morning all
Nervosa day for me today, Liz Kendails due to give her speach about DWP benifit cuts today at 1230, will be watching to see for changes for me and others. I have worked for 30 years and paid my stamps in some crappy jobs.
Sorry better stop here or it will become a mini rant
BG was 5.8
5.9 this morning.

Hit the gym yesterday and then went to see the nurse to have bloods drawn. Told her the suite of test results from the hospital dermatology blood test in Feb (so hba1c, protein levels, cholesterol etc) which she was delighted about. Told her my current weight as well as it wasn’t a diabetes related vampire session.

She’s agreed that we’ll see what the numbers are like at my next diabetes check and look at coming off metformin and also the ramipril.

Other than that I’m trying to convince myself I don’t actually need a new iPad and that my very old iPad mini 4 has life left in it yet despite it not holding charge so well.

Meeting my ISVA this morning to talk about thoughts etc after the police meeting last Thursday. I’m genuinely ok with it overall I have to say.

I do want to think about how/whether to tell Matt that it’s all over and done with without giving him any indication that the case collapsed because he won’t give evidence though.

I’m thinking I might just tell a white lie and say that he pled guilty when shown the evidence. Or I might just never mention it at all.

Oh yesterday before the gym I went to Tate Modern and two exhibitions: Leigh Bowery and then Electric Dreams. I’ve no idea how or why Bowery is thought of as deserving a huge exhibition in Tate Modern. He was nothing more than a massive egoist and self proclaimed artist. He was an odious man.

Electric Dreams was a curious collection of “technological” art that predated the Internet. It was definitely a curious collection.
Good morning all. 4.1 for me but getting there involved 3 jelly babies although I only remember eating 2 of them and a lot of red on my overnight graph. I reduced Levemir by 1 unit last night despite still not getting out for a walk and yet I still hypoed and no FOTF this morning either so dropped straight back into the red after getting up. I think my diabetes needs a refresher on the agreed rules of engagement as it is not following protocol. Maybe I burned off all that glucose in my dream because I spent what seemed like the whole night cutting my hair and it got shorter and shorter as I tried to correct mistakes. I have had long hair for the past 30 odd years so cutting it short is not something I would undertake lightly and it was a bit fraught. It was a relief to wake up and find it all still attached!

Got my annual diabetes review with the nurse at the GP surgery today. It is a new nurse who I haven't met before. Hope she is as lovely as the last one. I think probably the only point of discussion will be my elevated BP as everything else looks OK.... unless she wants to have the "statin" conversation again. 🙄
I’m thinking I might just tell a white lie and say that he pled guilty when shown the evidence. Or I might just never mention it at all.
I always feel that hiding the truth from someone leaves you open to losing your temper one day when they annoy you and blurting out the truth.
How about, 'He stonewalled police when they interviewed him, and it proved impossible to take the case further, but I'm really glad he had to face the questions put to him and was made to feel uncomfortable/confront the incident, etc.'
Made a stupid mistake this morning, injected my bolus into my leg (I take 6 units of both, when I’m having overnight oats, bolus normally goes into stomach, basal into leg). I know there’s been a thread somewhere on absorption rates of different areas, and for me, Thigh has always been too slow for bolusing. So I was high anyway, but waited 45 mins to eat, it’s now an hour since I ate, and I hr 45 mins since I injected. I’d normally expect a straight line…
5.7 for me on a bright, sunny but still cool Berkshire morning. Wall-to-wall blue sky and the forecast says we have 3 days of this to enjoy until, wouldn't you know it, a wet weekend. Swim later, as usual on a Tuesday, after having to switch days last week, and the week before, on account of the mobile mechanic sorting out our youngest's car. I'm a creature of habit and don't like having to change my routine.

@rebrascora hope your DN meeting goes well. Mine brought up statins at my last review too, even though I don't have a problem with high cholesterol. He said there were other benefits, but I still declined. I'm averse to taking anything unless it's absolutely necessary.

Hope everyone's getting some of this lovely Spring sunshine today.
Use the password manager built in to either iOS or Google.
I use BitWarden Password Manager. I've only got to remember the master password and it generates all the other ones for me.
My passwords are ones like "4av@3^C8a!JeQQRi$jyZR" and "5mJVKyrM$V$Wm5@E35T@q"
(not my real ones if there's any hackers looking in) :D

Morning was 6.6 on waking

however today FOTF a cuppa tea, then a coffee soon soon shot my levels up (took a few hrs to normalise) I’ve just showered and about to eat some breakfast
nothing exciting planned for today, but might phone a few friends and do some jobs at home whilst my wife is working
feeling slightly guilty of being at home whilst she’s working, plus I’m not actually getting paid (other than SSP) whilst I'm off work sick, so will need to think carefully about what’s going to happen

It’s a sunny day here today, I might go out for a walk later, I had intended to walk to a few places yesterday however it was cold and I got distracted (whilst doing some jobs at home) sometimes things are taking longer than I would expect probably due to my stress levels

TC everybody
Good morning
5.3 for me today, enjoying being in the 5s this week!

Well today has been an exciting day so far! Car wouldn't start this morning (electric car, yes I regret it). Husband stayed to sort that out while 7yo and I walked, took a bus, and then walked for another 40 mins to school! Thankfully it has been a beautiful and warm morning. I couldn't imagine doing it in the rain!

Car is a hire purchase job. After 4 breakdowns they have finally agreed to look at it properly and (hopefully) fix it!
And work have been very nice about how late I am!
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Mine was 6.4 after a flat night. I don't know how much insulin I got this morning, because the needle was bent when I took it out and a dribble came out of the end.
It wasn't bent when I stuck it in so no idea what happened!
We have an Appleby up here too. Lovely little town on the outskirts of the Lake District near the Pennines.
Is that as in Appleby horse fair? Last time we drove back down from Scotland, the motorway was stuffed with pickup trucks with a trotting cart slung on the back, towing a trailer with a pony inside. I think it had just finished, and they were all going home.
Is that as in Appleby horse fair? Last time we drove back down from Scotland, the motorway was stuffed with pickup trucks with a trotting cart slung on the back, towing a trailer with a pony inside. I think it had just finished, and they were all going home.
That’s the one. It must have been beginning to mid June was it? They start coming 2/3 weeks before and it starts first week of June. I’ve never been myself.
That’s the one. It must have been beginning to mid June was it? They start coming 2/3 weeks before and it starts first week of June. I’ve never been myself.
Yes, it would be about then, we had snow on the Nevis range when we were walking up there, and I remember commenting that snow in June was a bit much!
Morning all and 8.6 for me due to trying to fettle one of those hypos that are slow to shift.

Anyway the sun is bright but the wind is still a chilly one.

Looks like we've been asked to take part in a Bradford city of culture event along with other local heroes Terror Vision, New Model Army, Paradise lost and Ghost Dance. Could be fun as Ghost Dance are fronted by our original singer. She and our guitarist hate each other with a passion and she had to pay us damages for trying to use our name.

Have a good day everyone.