• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Mooooorning! 6.4 here.

For those that are interested in the Omnipod 5 - I’ve been switching to Manual mode for my afternoon walk and setting a TBR. It’s much better than using Activity in Automated mode. I might do the same this evening for work (I had 2 low alarms in class last night even tho I had switched to Activity for the duration of the class - not ideal!).

Sunshine! Enjoy it while you can, folks!
Morning all. 5.2!

Its a busy day today. First i need to go and register at the local garden centre as an over 60 person to get offers, then off to do the weekly food shop. Straight from the supermarket to mums to check on the house, pick up post etc. Back home to put away the shopping, then off to pick up my brother and visit mum in the hospital. Theres no sign of her coming out yet though we keep getting mixed answers from whoever we talk to. This weekend hubby is off so i might make up mum's bed while i'm there at the house as its just our luck we'll go out for the day and get a call to say mum is home and the bed isn't made up.

I have a check up at the doctors tomorrow to see how i am after a month of BP meds. After the last 3 weeks or so of hospital visits, emotional phone calls from mum and frustrating calls with the hospital, i'm not sure it will have gone down! Oh well..

Enjoy your Wednesday everyone. Its beautiful sunshine and blue sky here but freezing!
A 5.6 this morning. 🙂 And well done @freesia on the 5.2 :star:
As I mentioned I've been playing with some of the latest chatbot AI's
I've asked them to write a witty poem about life as a type 2 diabetic.
I'll post one today and others in the next few days. Let me know what you think.

In the land of sugar highs and lows,
Where the insulin needle often goes,
Type 2 diabetes, a tricky plight,
Balancing blood sugar day and night.
One day it's up, the next it's down,
A rollercoaster ride through town,
Counting carbs and watching sweets,
Dreaming of those tasty treats.
Exercise becomes your friend,

A healthy lifestyle, the new trend,
But oh, the cravings, they persist,
A battle fought with iron fist.
Yet through the ups and downs we go,
With strength and courage, we grow,
Managing diabetes, a daily quest,
Living life and doing our best.

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5.8 for me this morning after another night with red on my graph and a jelly baby for a 3.1 despite no evening Levemir (a drop of 4 units), I did however get out for a walk yesterday twice.... both scenic circular routes to the GP surgery, the first time for my diabetes review and the second to pick up a BP monitor. The nurse was nice enough but very matter of fact. She wanted to know my insulin doses (both Fiasp and Levemir which I always find odd because of course they vary). I think I may have bamboozled her with talk of protein release injections 2 hours after meals but she tried not to let on. Unfortunately BP was high again at 156/110 although at the third attempt with the help of a couple of minutes of focused breathing exercises I managed to get the bottom end down to 78 (I get horribly stressed about appointments 🙄 ) I am now doing a twice a day 7 day monitoring regime for her though. The statin discussion was surprisingly short and in fact she seemed to be very accepting of my decision not to want them at this time. TC is currently 4.7. The only negative was when she said to me "I have some bad news for you!" and my heart sank! But thankfully it was just about Levemir being discontinued and of course I already knew that and had come to terms with it. Overall the appointment was very thorough. She had a good look through my Libre reader data and seemed familiar enough with how to operate it.
She wanted to know my insulin doses (both Fiasp and Levemir which I always find odd because of course they vary)
I’m always asked that, there must be the a tick box that doesn’t allow for a narrative, because the nurse always tries to pin me down to an exact figure. I’ve had it with consultant appointments too, when i’ve been seeing an intern rather than the head honcho. I like to think that if there’s a ballpark figure on my notes, though, it gives them a starting figure if I ever got scraped up off a pavement and taken to hospital unconscious, at least they wouldn’t try a starting dose in double figures (one hopes!) if they were setting up a drip.
Morning all, 5.3 for me today.

After yesterday's shenanigans with our electric car we are enjoying our rental car, which is fueled with good old petrol, and have managed to get to school on time.

I am reading my way through the Fourth Wing series by Rebecca Yarros. Going to start Book 3 today. It's very exciting but there are some rather raunchy scenes in them too, which I tend to skip over!

I will be leading a Year 9 class today in a game of Favourite Character Top Trumps. Wish me luck!
Another 6.7 for me this morning. Had a restless night and didn't sleep well so hubby did cat and chicken duty so I could have a lie in. He looked in on me about 6.30am and said I had the duvet wrapped around me and was snoring like a motorbike. How attractive 😱:rofl:

Lovely sunny day but still a bit cold. Another session in the polytunnel methinks.

Congratulations on your HS @freesia

Have a good day peeps and enjoy the sunshine 😎
Morning all a lovery day pleanty of sunshine a good day to feel alive
Mr Tesco brought my shopping not much but it included lower salt marmite guess whos a happy bunny Had to have jam on toast this morning not very happy about it
Am doing sweet fanny adams today Its a hard life i lead
Today it was 5.5 am well chuffed with that When i think back to the bad old days of 15-24 levels im very thankfull Mind you i have put some hard work into it
Take care everyone love to you all
gail xxxx
9.1 here after a night gently undulating between 5 and 8s.

A lovely day here with the sunshine like yesterday but with no wind, I should be ok to pop out to town later.

Congratulations @freesia on the HS.
Morning everyone. A happy 5.1 for me on another bright sunny morning.

Have a good day folks and don't get sunburnt.
So glad it's Wednesday. Everyone's at work, I'm home alone and I have the day to myself. It's a lovely, sunny start here and despite the early frost it's now quite warm in the sun. And the icing on the cake? One of these:-


Boiler service this morning and the engineer turned up nice and early, so he'd done his stuff and left before breakfast. Glad about that, as it saves me having to hang around waiting. Whenever I get an 8-12 slot I always assume they'll come nearer 12 than 8, which is often the case.

Trip into town later, a run out to the Garden Centre shop to replenish our fruit bowl and pick up some freshly baked bread, and then do a bit of hoovering as there's no one here to get in the way or disturb. After lunch another spot of garden maintenance, I think.

Congrats on your HS @freesia

Pleased your DN appointment went well @rebrascora I've twice had to send in BP readings for a week and both times I was told afterwards that my numbers were fine, no action required.

Spring Equinox tomorrow, at 09:01 GMT according to the BBC, marking the real start of Spring.

Have a good day, everyone. Coffee and the newspaper for me before I do anything else.
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So glad it's Wednesday, Everyone's at work, I'm home alone and I have the day to myself. It's a lovely, sunny start here and despite the early frost it's now quite warm in the sun. And the icing on the cake? One of these:-

View attachment 34516
Congratulations on the HS
Mine are usually the same, but I pulled the last one 13h before its time because it was hanging by a thread!
I meant to reply to your post yesterday, I use micropore tape over my sensor, and it usually saves it from getting caught and pulled off. Yesterday morning i noticed the tape was loose on one side, and decided it wasn’t worth replacing as the sensor was due to end that evening. Normally, even if the tape comes loose, the sensor is still clinging on tight. But yesterday was the exception, of course.
Mine are usually the same, but I pulled the last one 13h before its time because it was hanging by a thread!

Morning all, 5.9 here, normal service resumed, with insulin injected into correct places this morning. To add insult to injury, round about lunchtime yesterday, when I could really have done with a CGM reading to keep tabs on whether I’d still got bolus going in to the system, I pinged my sensor off when i was dragging a teeshirt over my head! It only had 8 hours left to run, but I was about to go riding, so it couldn’t have timed it worse! I don’t know why it decided to come unstuck, they normally cling like a limpet and I have to prise them off painfully at the end.
I don't normally have a problem either but I lost one after 3 days a few weeks ago. I got out of bed to go to the loo and it hit the floor. I didn't realise what it was at first, I just heard a little clunk but when I came back it was there on the floor in front of me. I wasn't aware of it being loose or catching it at all. Abbott replaced it no problem. Maybe they have had a batch with dodgy adhesive.
I am reading my way through the Fourth Wing series by Rebecca Yarros. Going to start Book 3 today. It's very exciting but there are some rather raunchy scenes in them too, which I tend to skip over!
I did enjoy the 1st and 2nd books. Didn't skip any scenes :D but was a bit surprised at first because I expected it to be a more "teenage" series. There's a whole lot of swearing too! A friend let me borrow the 3rd book but I've not had time to start yet, I've got a few other books in queue...
Morning all and 8.3 for me. This sensor isn't the best possibly because it was a bleeder but not not quite bad enough to report.

Got a letter from from Haematology for a face to face appt. I think it'll be to discuss medication for my dodgy mutated bone marrow.

It's a fine day here. Washing drying nicely

@Elenka_HM microporous tape has always done the trick for me if required.

Have a good day everyone.