Good afternoon was 5.5 on waking today
woke about 6:30 then dozing / trying to stay awake to watch a re-run of the first GrandPrix, but was in bed and the inevitable, yes I did doze again and ended up missing most of it of it, I shan’t talk about the race others might be watching now / later
currently got half my concentration on iPad and eating a higher protein than I usually would eat breakfast well brunch really Mrs
@goodybags thinks I’m not eating enough protein, and has pointed out, yes I'm still loosing weight but now maybe I’m losing some of my strength also, so maybe she’s right if I’m honest - will need to look more carefully at what I’m eating, might possibly call the dietitian I’ve previously spoken to.
I had a great day out yesterday as guest at the football, there was a focus group first which was very interesting, plus it was a good game itself.
Northampton drew which was result when playing the leagues run-away leaders, (Birmingham City)
yes they are the leagues leaders, but they haven’t beaten Northampton either home or away this season.
Next Saturday the fitness walking football /MH Program resumes, my mate who came to the match with me yesterday, is himself now enrolled on the same the program, he found it hard to believe that so few people are currently on the program, my thoughts - it’s because its not just a physical activity but also MH support based program (puts many guys off due to stigma) In a few weeks time we are already invited to another match, looks like that might possibly happen monthly which is something to look forward to.
Congrats on the HS today
@Eternal422 loved pictures on your boat
Mostly today I shall be relaxing (hopefully) although I’ve just been reminded of some DIY needed in my wife’s bathroom
was thinking just now how well I’m getting on with my hearing aids now, I certainly notice when I’m not wearing them now and wish I had got them a few years ago.
TC everyone