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Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and 5.7 for me.

It's bright and sunny here.

Parents were living in Darlington co Durham but I was born just over the border in Northallerton, so much to the delight of paternal grandfather was eligible to play for Yorkshire. Sadly my aptitude for most sports is approaching zero.

Football may well be watched today as Mrs khskel will be shouting for Newcastle against Liverpool.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning fine folks!
Another 7.9 for me this morning. Had a nice turkey breast stir fry for dinner last night. It did have a few udon noodles, but we split a single portion between us and I only had a quarter.
Looks like another good day to garden. If we do get rain showers I can work in the polytunnel. Still got a few strawberries to transplant. They need putting in the fruit cage. Big heavy window box style planters so I will be using the wheelbarrow.
Congrats on your HS @Sharron1
Lovely photos of your mooring @Eternal422
It reminds me of many boating holidays on the Norfolk broads in my younger years.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone
Morning everyone. It was a 4.6 for me earlier this bright sunny morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
That is OK if you have sense of smell but some of us don't.
Apologies @grovesy my post was a bit thoughtless. My dad had a very poor sense of smell and relied on my mum to check if the milk was starting to sour.
Good afternoon was 5.5 on waking today

woke about 6:30 then dozing / trying to stay awake to watch a re-run of the first GrandPrix, but was in bed and the inevitable, yes I did doze again and ended up missing most of it of it, I shan’t talk about the race others might be watching now / later

currently got half my concentration on iPad and eating a higher protein than I usually would eat breakfast well brunch really Mrs @goodybags thinks I’m not eating enough protein, and has pointed out, yes I'm still loosing weight but now maybe I’m losing some of my strength also, so maybe she’s right if I’m honest - will need to look more carefully at what I’m eating, might possibly call the dietitian I’ve previously spoken to.

I had a great day out yesterday as guest at the football, there was a focus group first which was very interesting, plus it was a good game itself.
Northampton drew which was result when playing the leagues run-away leaders, (Birmingham City)
yes they are the leagues leaders, but they haven’t beaten Northampton either home or away this season.

Next Saturday the fitness walking football /MH Program resumes, my mate who came to the match with me yesterday, is himself now enrolled on the same the program, he found it hard to believe that so few people are currently on the program, my thoughts - it’s because its not just a physical activity but also MH support based program (puts many guys off due to stigma) In a few weeks time we are already invited to another match, looks like that might possibly happen monthly which is something to look forward to.

Congrats on the HS today @Sharron1

@Eternal422 loved pictures on your boat

Mostly today I shall be relaxing (hopefully) although I’ve just been reminded of some DIY needed in my wife’s bathroom
was thinking just now how well I’m getting on with my hearing aids now, I certainly notice when I’m not wearing them now and wish I had got them a few years ago.

TC everyone 😎
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If it's a fresh product and it's past the "use by" I'd use my judgement like you. If it's a tin or bottle it's very probably absolutely OK.
If it’s eons out of date I’ll feed it to someone I’m not overly keen on before giving it to anyone else.
Apologies @grovesy my post was a bit thoughtless. My dad had a very poor sense of smell and relied on my mum to check if the milk was starting to sour.
My brother is well known for making teas and coffee with very clearly off milk that anyone else can smell is off without even opening it but for some reason he just doesn’t twig that it’s off. He has a sense of smell but it’s overridden by his lack of common sense.
Our two boys weren't born in Wales but in Frimley Hospital in Surrey. They're a Welsh/Irish/English mix but they think of themselves as Welsh. They're more football than rugby and have got tickets for the World Cup Qualifier between Wales and Kasakhstan this coming Saturday. They're also Swansea City supporters (we have family connections to Swansea) and were at Watford v Swansea last Wednesday. Ironically, some away games are closer to us than Swansea itself. They haven't been to a home game all season.

Ap is 'son of' in Welsh names.

On the subject of nationalities my wife, who's 50/50 Irish and English, discovered that she's automatically an Irish citizen on account of her mother having been born in Ireland. She had no idea.
Great! Gives the kids Irish citizenship (but they have to claim it I think) which gives them an EU passport and everything that goes with that.
This morning I logged a 6.8

Went to see another dance thing. This:

I was expecting it to be Giselle by the Chinese State Ballet. It wasn’t.

I’ve not enjoyed CSB much when I’ve seen them as their technical perfection obliterates any softness or fluidity I find.

I’d have enjoyed this more if it was a CSB production.

It’s one dancer actor backed by four musicians. She is the narrator and dancer and French. She pretty much gives a lecture on the history of ballet and of Giselle whilst occasionally dancing her version of the classical ballet steps.

It’s like a TED talk or an introduction to ballet talk for kids. Not helped by being 1hr 50m with no interval. People started to walk out from about 10 minutes in and there was a steady stream of leavers all the way to the very end.

My notes say “I grew restless and bored after 20 minutes. Lecture. For kids.”

Was sat next to a critic who really didn’t enjoy it. They fell asleep.
Was a 7.8 for me this morning.Didnt take the dog out for a good walk last night so bloods went shooting up 14 at one stage .Had to take a load of units.Was still 12 at midnight.Wont be sitting about tonight.Out for our walk with torch for an hour and a half Keep the job right . Trying to do five things at once here .Might get something finished just now .Two lamb neck fillets grilling in the oven for me and the dogs dinner.Not belong before there ready . Congratulations to @sharron 1 on your Hs today.Enjoy your day people
Great! Gives the kids Irish citizenship (but they have to claim it I think) which gives them an EU passport and everything that goes with that.
Our eldest has already started the application process. Our youngest doesn't seem that interested but he's more of a home bird, whilst his brother likes to travel.
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Our eldest has already started the application process. Our youngest doesn't seem that interested but he's more of a home bird, whilst his brother likes to travel.
Persuade him to do it anyway as once he’s got it they can’t take it away but they might change the rules at some point which could mean he can’t get it. Unlikely but possible.
I'm joining @silver minion today with a 7.9, i watched as it rose to 10.6 in a matter of a minute!

We got at taxi to the MiL last night for a meal at Baba's, however it turned out a quite different night. We arrived and told her had arrived. She slowly came out and walked slowly to our taxi, she got on to the pavement and had a fall in front of us. We all shot out of the cab to give her some assistance. Within a few minutes of mum lying on the cold path I had rang for an ambulance which arrived in ten minutes. The paramedics were champion and raised her off the floor and into the ambulance for a check before coming back to her bungalow. We waited and talked with her for a couple of hours before me and J together with my BiL got into the same taxi for a ride to our neck, leaving mum to rest up.

We then went to a different restaurant - another Indian, but we had been going to for years, so quite surprised on the mornings reading.
We didn't get to our beds till past 1am. Waiting for our bellies to recover sufficiently.
Morning a 7 for me but importantly no rise before bed which I had a lot lately due to my choice of tea.Last night it was simple tomatoes on toast and a nice walk afterwards.
Had a lovely lunch out meeting BiL to celebrate his wife’s birthday at a nice garden centre near Chester.
It has a lot of very full shrubs and trees so is great to walk around but quite expensive ( food is reasonable) so several of the trees are 1000s of £ but if you want a centrepiece or ready made garden and happen to be married to a footballer then spend away.For the rest of us we can only dream.
Gardener coming today for tidy up and then we are away tomorrow so bit of prep for that and some WFH.
Have a good week all.
Morning folks. 6.1.

Cold start to the day again. Had a good almost nine mile walk yesterday, no fells/hills/mountains, just a walk from the door over farmland and along rivers. Very busy at times it’s a popular walk and part of the Cumbrian Way, lots of cyclists and dog walkers. We hadn’t done it for a while and we really enjoyed it.

Meeting a friend in town at 11 for tea and scones. Not seen each other this year because of family circumstances, ie MIL and lots of childcare, so will be good to catch up properly, texting isn’t the same. Up early to do some ironing before I go, childcare starts with a vengeance again tomorrow, those four days child free fly in, week three of five, more than half way through and we’ve ( almost) survived!

Have a Happy Monday.

6.4 this morning.

Theatre yesterday was The Little Prince. A stage adaptation that was half dance, half acrobatics and aerial work of the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry classic.

It was fantastic. Loved every moment of it and I cried. Was the final night of their very long tour so I could suggest that you see it yourselves but that would be cruel.

The dancing went from classical ballet to hip hop and street via contemporary styles and was beautifully expressive.

No theatre today or the next few days but I do have five things booked between now and Mother’s Day. Today’s main events include gym, maybe some clothes shopping (need to try things on as I’m certainly not an XXL anymore) and getting bloods taken. C’est tout.
Morning all, 8.9 here, and I have been up to the low teens in the night, oops. That’ll be the extra bit of OH's birthday cake I had last night. Had a piece mid afternoon and bolused correctly, but the sneaky extra came after duck leg, roast parsnips and potatoes, and red cabbage. By bedtime I was in the 4s, hence the extra cake, but it obv all trickled into my system overnight.