• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

No, but they make every Endeavour to dash off straight after the lesson! 😛
Apparently the word “Morse” is spelt in Morse code at the start of the theme music for Inspector Morse. Not verified it myself, I’m sure @dannybgoode would know!
09:35 BS 8.1

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Well, it’s nice to wake up, albeit quite late, to no sounds of stormy weather: Herminia hit us on The Causeway Coast in the early evening.

My graph still looks strange yesterday & I’m back to 68 tresiba. I did a count of my pills & I realised that somewhere along the way I forgot to take a day of pills: no wonder my blood pressure has been all over the place; I ALMOST forgot yesterday’s when I did a pill count after 21:00 last night & took them after! I think I forgot to take them on Friday during Eowyn as I was JUST too late to have a hot lunch just before 11:00: LITERALLY between having JUST put my ham & cheese toasties into the sandwich maker & switched it on, JUST started toasting, & me turning around to return the remaining ham & cheese to the fridge when I saw the light was out; the toasties where still a wee tiny bit warm! So, just the cold sandwiches & I was SO annoyed at being just 5 or 10 minutes too late: remembered my insulins but, completely forgot my pills; I was still kicking myself for getting a hot lunch too late after reading a member’s comment about still having electricity but, it might go off soon! Duh! I went straight into the kitchen even though I could have waited another hour or two for lunch & was STILL too late! 3xFace Plant emojis!!! :rofl:

Anyways, MUST remember my pills with the midday tresiba today! 🙄
Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Taking part in CGM and insulin delivery user group this lunchtime.

New router to install to facilitate switch over from analogue to phone over internet.

Still not heard from our errant guitarist.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 7.7 for me - a little on the high side. Also, I appear to be having an instance of FOTF, so it looks like it will be a bit of a rocky start to the day. Taking my friend to the hospital today to have her stitches removed. After that I have to refill a prescription. That will be enough excitement for one day. Might try another baking experiment in the afternoon if time permits.

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What is your secret? You nearly always get 100% TIR. I want to know so I can do the same! 😉
Late as usual posting even though I was woken at 6:30 by the wind and rain lashing the bedroom window. I couldn't get back to sleep at all... Storm Herminia is still with us, even though there is now blue sky. The sea is very angry! It's lashing over the lighthouse.

8.6 first thing. Now 9.9 after Greek yoghurt and berries, despite loads of corrections and me weighing the yoghurt and berries to accurately carb count. I didn't have time to fiddle with basals yesterday. The marmalade took much longer to make than expected. Still now got 16 jars of it in the larder - no doubt I shall give most of them away. Hopefully I will have time to tweak basals today.

OMG now lashing down and that wind! It's scarey! I am seeing pictures of people running into the waves on Penzance Prom - they must be mad - it's not just water, the waves carry stones the size of a man's fist! They could be lethal at that force!

Have a good day everyone.
Good evening everyone. 6'7 this morning, not bad considering I skipped my evening Levemir for no good reason.

Yesterday I was all excited to tell you all that I've found a flat I like and the flatmate gave me really good vibes, and I could already see myself living there. Unfortunately I messaged to tell her my decision and she hasn't replied yet. There could be a number of reasons: she forgot to message back, she has to speak with the landlord first... But I'm already worrying that the place might not be available and it has ruined my mood. I'm also staying indoors, the weather was good for a few hours, but last night I started feeling a bit ill, and I decided to stay home today to try and stop it from getting worse. That's not usually good for my mood either but I already have plans to go out and see people tomorrow, so I can cope for a day. I'm reading a book I planned to return tomorrow, and might watch a film or something later. I'm wanting to snack more than normal, I'm guessing it's boredom, so it's a blessing and a curse I don't have any particularly exciting snacks left. It will be probably good to have dinner early.

Oh, I've been doing some diabetic homework for the past week, writing down the pre-meal BG readings, what did I eat, how much insulin did I take...and I also uploaded my reader data to Libreview for the first time in a while. I've not analysed it much yet but was interesting to see how many units I take per day. I wouldn't get the accurate dosed just from downloading the Libre, because with the reader you can't enter half units and I do use them some times. And the Libreview report shows average BG is higher than I'd like, but better than December. It had a note in the "Relevant patterns" section, which used to be empty, about highs in the evening. It obviously suggested to adjust insulin or watch the carbs for that times of the day.

On a lighter note, it always makes me laugh when I see my "average carbs" being close to 0. That happens because I rarely bother to enter the carbs in the Libre reader. Another little limitation, you have to press an arrow many times to arrive to your number, while I assume if I used the phone app I could just type it. So anytime I eat I mark the "food" box (and get the little apple icon in the graph) but maybe add the amount of carbs 3 times in the 2 week life of the sensor, so the averages work out funny.
Not been on for the last few days so stressed out, after my Optician
Referred me I was waiting for an appointment with Spa Medica wet AMD team even though I wasn’t even sure what was wrong, long story short after waiting for them to call, but heard nothing, then my referral changed on my NHS App to kings mill hospital, and there was no way I was going there.

Spent most of Friday trying to find out why things had changed, known body would tell me except that Spa Medica had rejected my referral as they didn’t do retinal screening which as I understood wasn’t what I was going there for anyway.so I closed the referral to hospital much to Health Harmony who sort out the referrals who said its hospital or nothing and refuses to discuss anything. Now my Optician has re referred me and is requesting that Spa Medica look at me, nobody seams to understand how bad my phobia is, whatever the treatment is that I need I can’t go to hospital. One thing that has happened is my Optician suggested I Take a selection of eye health vitamins which be recommended and it is improving my vision already

Sorry for yet another rant its all I seam to do recently BS has been really stable in the 5 to 7 which I am surprised to be honest
Not been on for the last few days so stressed out, after my Optician
Referred me I was waiting for an appointment with Spa Medica wet AMD team even though I wasn’t even sure what was wrong, long story short after waiting for them to call, but heard nothing, then my referral changed on my NHS App to kings mill hospital, and there was no way I was going there.

Spent most of Friday trying to find out why things had changed, known body would tell me except that Spa Medica had rejected my referral as they didn’t do retinal screening which as I understood wasn’t what I was going there for anyway.so I closed the referral to hospital much to Health Harmony who sort out the referrals who said its hospital or nothing and refuses to discuss anything. Now my Optician has re referred me and is requesting that Spa Medica look at me, nobody seams to understand how bad my phobia is, whatever the treatment is that I need I can’t go to hospital. One thing that has happened is my Optician suggested I Take a selection of eye health vitamins which be recommended and it is improving my vision already

Sorry for yet another rant its all I seam to do recently BS has been really stable in the 5 to 7 which I am surprised to be honest
I would certainly query why Spa Medica have refused your referral as they do advertise they do treatment for AMD and if it is the WET type the more quickly you get treatment the better.
I would seriously consider the hospital option as that cannot be worse than the prospect of deteriorating sight if you do not have any treatment, luckily it is the type that can be successfully treated whereas for the Dry type there is not yet. OH mum lost her sight due to wet AMD so value your sight and press for early treatment.
@Elenka_HM You can change the reader to half units for insulin. You go into settings and scroll down to professional options, then you click yes to the question about being a health care professional, then you touch next and get a screen where you need to type in a code which is CAA1C and you can then get access to "Dose Increment" to change it. It is ridiculous that it is protected under "professional options" because I cannot see any reason why it is risky to allow you to record half units!
Like you I rarely put my carbs in but always log my insulin.

Hope the flat mate gets back to you soon with a positive response. Keeping fingers crossed for you!
I would certainly query why Spa Medica have refused your referral as they do advertise they do treatment for AMD and if it is the WET type the more quickly you get treatment the better.
I would seriously consider the hospital option as that cannot be worse than the prospect of deteriorating sight if you do not have any treatment, luckily it is the type that can be successfully treated whereas for the Dry type there is not yet. OH mum lost her sight due to wet AMD so value your sight and press for early treatment.
I have already asked why my referral was rejected, and I was told they would contact me but haven't I am hoping now my Optician who knows my situation will help to sort this out, I also believe that have to tell me what is wrong which in itself is not helping, I am hoping to get some answers this week, I know the possible outcome if I don't have any treatment, its not having treatment that bothers me its the hospital, any hospital, I also know its irrational but that the phobia and its haunted me all my life from being a child, its very hard to explain just how bad it is.
@Elenka_HM You can change the reader to half units for insulin. You go into settings and scroll down to professional options, then you click yes to the question about being a health care professional, then you touch next and get a screen where you need to type in a code which is CAA1C and you can then get access to "Dose Increment" to change it. It is ridiculous that it is protected under "professional options" because I cannot see any reason why it is risky to allow you to record half units!
Like you I rarely put my carbs in but always log my insulin.

Hope the flat mate gets back to you soon with a positive response. Keeping fingers crossed for you!
Wow Barbara, that was very helpful thanks! I wouldn´t expect it would be hidden behind the Professional options, I agree that´s silly. I see there is also some sort of bolus calculator, I kind of understand they would want a professional to help setting that one up, but the half units?

Anyway I´m happy I can use them now. Look at us, all rebelious, pretending to be health care professionals. Like teenagers lying about their year of birth to enter some websites :rofl:
Its been a sort of mixed mosh day today, not knowing I'm which direction to take.
Anyway, a late basal this morning. BG was 4.9 and has remained relatively low most of the day, much to my surprise.

We fell asleep this afternoon from 4pm 'til half eight, nearly missing a meal out in the process, making my evening basal late. I had a bowl full of Greek yogurt with a satsuma and took a small amount of insulin... bed's looking late tonight.
6.4 this morning. Up earlier than I wanted but wife on nights and one of the dogs gets very insistent that we get up at 530 sometimes. She doesn't need anything, just likes to know I'm alive.

When to bed a little on the high side - tad over 8 - so went for 10U of Levemir and that seems to face steadied the ship..

Standard day in the office today and then sprint repeats in the training calendar tonight. They can get painful! Slow steady warm up is the key.
Good morning - 6.3

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. 5.7.

Childcare day today, just the one. She’ll arrive 8.20, with a big innocent smile on her face. Wave bye bye to mammy and blow kisses, then she’ll turn into a whirlwind! She’s walking now, she still looks like a drunken old man, wobbly and needs helped up on occasions. :D Mr Eggy will be leaving us for part of the day, he’s meeting the local housing officer at his mother’s bungalow to sign the paperwork to cancel the contract on it. We’ll then have four weeks to clear it. Then he’s to wait there for the Careline service engineer to remove their equipment. Still waiting for the Medical Examiner to call to let him know the cause of death and to invite us to collect the death certificate, the funeral director was going to chivvy them up. Funeral date pencilled in for 17th February, crematorium reserved, but need to see if church and the vicar are free that day. She’d already chosen her own hymns but we need to chose music to go in and out the crematorium. That wasn’t easy as I’ve never known her to listen to music. In the end the “boys” went with their dad’s favourite music. We just need numbers for the wake and the order of service, it’s not easy is it? We were absolutely drained after the funeral director left. @everydayupsanddowns definitely was right about doing the “sadmin”, that’s exactly what it’s like. It’s never ending and it’s also the last thing you feel like doing, still lots to do. Bank, insurance company for example, and of course all the government agencies, there’s just one number for that so that’s a relief. Babysitting Eden will take our mind of it all for a short time.

I do have good news. The Farmers’ power is back on. They didn’t have power for 76 hours. They had fishfingers and sausages for tea, they had defrosted, but amazingly the meat was ok. Phew! :party:

Have a good day all.

Back to testing first thing, my understanding is that this will provide me with a better indication re my diabetes management. Today was 5.4, and it usually hovers around that number. Interestingly enogh a similar set of fasting numbers to my non diabetic OH.

Quiet day at work, I hope. But you never know.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Morning. Horrific 19.6 this morning.

Have a good day