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Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.0
It's absolutely hammering down with rain and I've got to walk to work this morning, not impressed! 😱
Stay warm and dry everyone!
Morning folks on this snowy Sunday. 7.2. The last couple of days I’ve not dipped below 7 and my TIR is at an all time low, for me, at 88%. I normally run at 96/97%. I’m blaming pain from my icy fall and having a cold.

Buttock well on the way to recovery, thank goodness, I’m up early because my left shoulder was in agony as I’ve had to lie somewhat awkwardly in bed to ease the pressure on my bum! Can’t win, can I? I got a nice surprise though when I first went to the loo at 5. We have snow, I was surprised because only sleet was forecast. It makes everything look all sparkly and clean. Don’t think it’ll last as it’s wet snow that’s falling. I think it’ll all be gone very soon. :(

We have eldest grandson staying over tonight as he starts work at 6am tomorrow and his mother’s working, and dad can’t take him as he can’t leave younger sisters at home and 5.30 is too early for them to be up and out. So I’ve got the job, unless I can plead bum pain and can’t drive so Mr Eggy takes him!😛 He has his driving test on Thursday, grandson not Mr Eggy, his second attempt, fingers crossed he passes this time, life will be so much easier for everyone concerned! They live in the middle of nowhere so public transport isn’t an option.

Have a super, snowy, sparkly Sunday.


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7.2 Disturbed night with frequent visitors ringing my bell rather than for the home they actually wanted.

Play yesterday was interesting. It’s a powerful updating of the setting and it’s been skilfully edited to make it flow better but it’s not a particularly “enjoyable” experience. The audience is meant to feel uncomfortable and that’s achieved with aplomb.
A 4.6 for me this morning. 🙂
I'm jealous @eggyg that you got some snow. Local forecast have been saying heavy snow but all we've seen is rain or drizzle.

Stay warm everyone.

Morning a 8.3 for me after a bit of DP.
My BG levels are definitely higher than they were over last few weeks but just not confirmed if it is due to end of honeymoon period and/ or just much higher carb diet/ less exercise over festive period.
No snow but bit of light sleet but still dogs get wet undercarriages which they react with a mixture of horror and excitement which involves them running around each other when they get back in the house.
Quiet day today and another family gathering at my daughters farm so food will be lovely and then awash tomorrow and afternoon chiropractor appointment which although my back has improved a lot I have kept the appointment for advice and bit of treatment.
Stay safe,warm and dry
Morning all. 6.3 for me on waking, after one of the flattest days yesterday I have had in a while, and a pretty flat night also. Guess the diabetes fairy needed a day off or something. 🙂
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Morning all. 5.4 for me.

A few flakes last night but quickly returned to rain.

Hope everyone who has had snow is keeping well with it
Morning All - 7.7 for me on this very snowy morning. Been out to feed the birds and I can see the red squirrels searching in the boxes which I think I filled yesterday but they've probably buried all the nuts around the garden which they can't now get too so I'll have to don my snow boots and put some more in. Puppy very excited with the snow - we had it on her first morning here 6 weeks ago. It's forecast to snow all day and night and tomorrow here but seems to have stopped at the moment. We're fully planning on being snowed in tomorrow and I think my hubby will get out his ski touring skis later and go and have fun. I might just stay snuggly inside! Have a good day everyone xxx


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Morning all, 6.6 here.
It snowed here yesterday evening, but I expected it all to have melted by this morning because it was forecast to turn to rain overnight. It is still snowy out there, but looks very soggy.
7.7 this morning. Happy with that. Was a little high on my pre-bed reading at 11.3.

Lunch seemed to need more NR than I expected and didn't quite correct at tea so took 2.5U of NR and 11U of Levemir and that seems to have done the job.

Lots of snow on the ground here so not sure what the plans are. Was going to go for a run with my wife when she gets back from work - would still like to get one in but will have to see.
4.2 today.

Friday’s visit to Barry and then Cardiff Bay for something to eat before heading off home was great. Lovely sunny day and not as cold as you would have expected. Got a few nice pictures on the phone :


Yesterday was an unplanned visit to my parents to attempt fixing their lounge curtains that had come away from their brackets. Unfortunately the brackets were broken and the local Dunelm didn’t have any the same. Found some on Amazon but they won’t arrive until Monday so have had to just make it all safe for them and will have to go back next week once we get the brackets.

Very little snow here, just looks cold and damp outside with the odd patch of snow.

Congratulations to @Grannylorraine @goodybags and @gail2 on your HSs yesterday!

Stay warm everyone!
Morning all
7.2 for me
Full of cold/flu feel cack only just managed to get up and into dinning room
Morning all, another 8 for me this morning (8.2) I can only really put it down to not drinking enough water last night, and a lot of pickled veg munching.

Woke up to a good 2-3 inches of snow, doesn’t look as pretty as some of your pics as I live on a main road.

Starting the day off with 8g carbs Nescafé Cappuccino as I’d thought I’d lost them before Christmas and Mr Quill found them last night. Not ideal but ohhh I’ve missed it!

Have a lovely snow day 🙂
Morning all. Woke to a "not as bad as yesterday but still annoyingly high and has been all night again" 10.4. Yesterday i managed to drop level and stay in target all day with corrections. Its typical, i've done ok over the last couple of months overall but my blood test is next Tuesday and they go haywire. Oh well!

It snowed a fair bit overnight here but has now turned to horrible drizzly rain. I shall be staying home this morning and trying my new quilling tool then we have the cinema late afternoon.

Have a good day everyone, be careful if you have to go out
Good morning everyone. 6'4, and 90% TIR. Yesss!

Unfortunately I think that's partly cause I've been poorly the last few days and didn't feel like eating much. It started with coughs and a sore throat, then I had a slightly high temperature and a nose running like a tap. And on Friday my period joined the party. All in all, I didn't have a strong desire to leave my bed.

I've been using the generic remedy of paracetamol and lots of water, and spending all my time off at home, including the whole day yesterday. At least I got some reading time and completed some pending tasks on my computer. But I hope to get better for tomorrow because I need to do laundry and get some groceries. That's the problem with being ill as an independent adult. Where is my mum with her chicken soup!? :(😛
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