• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Today's daft question - what does HS stand for?!

Good morning/moaning! BG 8.6. The Phantom Pain of yesterday evening subsided and I went to bed around 11:00 only to be woken by it striking back with a powerful burning sensation on top of the foot as if an oxy-acetylene torch is being played across the foot (I was going to say bunsen burner but suspect younger readers may be unfamiliar with them as apparently some schools around my area do not allow then for Health and Safety reasons). Waiting for second dose of pain killers to kick in.
Without wanting to minimise your phantom pain, your mention of bunsen burners brought back memories of benches catching fire in Chemistry lessons :rofl:.
Morning all. A horrible feeling 14.9 and has been all night on the graph!! There is no reason for it apart from maybe the cold i've had but even with the worst of it yesterday i didn't go higher than 9. I had a 3u correction before bed and soon after the alarm went showing 10. I assumed the correction would kick in but obviously not, it just went up and stayed up. Now feeling very sluggish while dealing with phone calls re mum's discharge from hospital.

Congrats to @goodybags and @gail2 on your HS.
Morning everyone from a very frosty Bedfordshire.
It’s a 5.4 for me today and I’m staying in if it doesn’t warm up a bit.

Have a good day everyone and stay warm.
Morning a 7.5 for me and a nice nights sleep.
Funeral went as well as these things can go and about 150-200 turned up so church was packed to rafters ( lucky we could park at local Farm Shop and walk).Nice tributes and a Folk Choir to sing a few songs and learned a few new things like he had been very ill as a Child and had been one of less than 10 in U.K. to be given a “ wonder drug” 65 years ago after he lost his sight/ hearing.
He was always one of those folk you would call “ absent minded” and he always walked unbalanced but we just thought that was his way rather than an aftereffect of his childhood illness which he never mentioned.
He had a fear of heights and edges and still managed to complete walks/ climbs up Scafell/Wasdale Head/ Coolin Ridge on our many walks despite being petrified.
Whilst working in the nuclear industry he volunteered to spend 6 months working in a Russian nuclear power station 2 years after Chernobyl and we just thought it was being Ray being Ray but now you realise how adventurous it was even though you would consider him much more of a steady Eddy.
We then went to Cricket Club afterwards and many memories recounted so only pity was he was not there to enjoy it.But did reinforce all those things about telling people you love them and ask them questions whilst they are here rather than thinking there was more you should have done.
In fairness they are both staunch church goers and have a lot of faith and that provided them with a lot of strength in their lives but the world really was a better place with Ray in it even though we all took the Mick out of each other it was all good hearted and we enjoyed some great times together
Morning all. A horrible feeling 14.9 and has been all night on the graph!! There is no reason for it apart from maybe the cold i've had but even with the worst of it yesterday i didn't go higher than 9. I had a 3u correction before bed and soon after the alarm went showing 10. I assumed the correction would kick in but obviously not, it just went up and stayed up. Now feeling very sluggish while dealing with phone calls re mum's discharge from hospital.

Congrats to @goodybags and @gail2 on your HS.
It sounds horrible: I hope you feel better soon. Your post is a salutary reminder that, for many people with diabetes, caring responsibilities don't go away when there are problems with blood glucose, or other health issues. Nevertheless, I hope you're able to focus on your own needs, as well as your mum's needs.
@CliffH - you quoted my question but didn't actually pop a response 🙂

What does HS stand for?
I posted a reply earlier as Robin said, and to save you having to look for it, here it is...

Afternoon all - 10 minutes into it it's grey and spitting with rain.

7.4 this morning which seems par for the course with the HCL. I don't like it! Had a bit of a disturbed night when I thought my phone was bleeping even though I'd put it face down to initiate "Do not Disturb". In the process of grabbing it I upset a full pint mug of squash all over the bedside cabinet, the bed and the carpet. After operation "mop up" using towels out of the en-suite I realised it was actually the PDM bleeping to tell me I'd been 4.1 for 45 minutes. Fortunately the squash was that colourless stuff, so it hasn't stained anything.

Yesterday after being 12.1 or whatever it was after having the pump off for over an hour for the MRI I rose and rose to high teens and only hit sensible numbers (in the high 6s) just before I ate dinner at 8:45pm. This was after an unexpected visit to the pub to join friends who suddenly decided dry January wasn't for them. Not seen some of them since before Xmas due to them suffering the flu, so it was nice to catch up.

Doing catch up with some other friends in town this afternoon. I will have a mineral water and give it a squeeze of sugar free squash out of one of those tiny bottles I can put in my handbag.

Congratulations to @Grannylorraine @goodybags and @gail2 on your HSs.

@ColinUK I so envy you the proximity to all those theatre performances. We get quite a lot of good stuff here, but it all takes place in outdoor theatres in summer, so it's weather dependent. The shows always go ahead if it rains, but we don't go!

Have a good day all....
8.0 for me today, a bit higher than I’d like as my norm but I did have a particularly carby day yesterday…I don’t regret the Indian food we had - it was delicious.

Back on with life today - Gousto has just been delivered, left over soup is in the cooker, and all the Christmas decorations are back in the attic!
I did after getting up doing eye drops, taking meds etc.. go back to bed, then after breakfast (in bed) slept for most of the morning
one of the benefits of a bowl of berries, fruit, yoghurt, chopped nuts & seeds (my breakfast of choice these days) not only is it healthy
but can be eaten pretty much anywhere :D

Great to see a few others here on the HS step now congrats to @Grannylorraine & @gail2 on your HS’s
8.0 for me today, a bit higher than I’d like as my norm but I did have a particularly carby day yesterday…I don’t regret the Indian food we had - it was delicious.

Back on with life today - Gousto has just been delivered, left over soup is in the cooker, and all the Christmas decorations are back in the attic!
Yes, I bet that, by Monday, people's houses all over the UK will be looking as empty as a Foreign Legionnaire's water bottle.

Congratulations on everyone who got a HS today! Mine was lowish at 4.1, not like yesterday of 5.2! (Didn't post).

My TIR has been getting to the dizzy height that hasn't happened before!
TIR 2025-01-04 at 15.17.29_22698022.jpg