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Group 7-day waking average?

What! Have you moved from Cumbria? Just 20 miles north and it’s mizzling, cloudy, and just generally yuk! Skiddaw is no where to be seen this morning.
We had back to back sun all day! You need to come here on holiday xxx
Pinch Punch and all that - 8.2 this morning. Off to my volunteer gardening today (usually on a Wednesday). I could really have done with staying in bed ZzZzZ
Morning and a 6.7 with another flat line overnight.
Lovely poem Northerner and you are first up again.
As our dogs go mad when the kids knock on the door at Halloween my wife came up with the idea of cordoning off our driveway and setting up a Halloween scene so that the visitors can participate but without constantly getting our dogs barking.
It was so quiet we were not sure if we had visitors but when we took the dogs out last thing I checked the 3 buckets of Treats were empty so them 2 legged mice had been active.
My wife had made a witches broom with twigs etc and that was left so they only acted like “ locusts” with the sweets and chocolate lol
Have a good w/ end
Morning all ! A 6.4 first thing...
I shall be AWOL for the next fortnight as we set sail for far off lands (well the Med 🙂 ) to celebrate our golden wedding anniversary! <3. The girl needs a medal for putting up with me for 50 years and some.
Have a blessed weekend,
Morning all. 10.5 here. Whenever isn’t my glucose unpredictable? Never!

Off to Cardigan today to pick up tickets for a music festival that’s going on all weekend. I can only go on Saturday night, but I’m really looking forward to it. My bezzie’s renting a very cute cottage near the town so I’ve got a sofa to crash on if I can’t face the drive home late Sat night. And it’s meant to be dry all weekend! (Pacamac at the ready, tho. This is West Wales after all.)
Morning all ! A 6.4 first thing...
I shall be AWOL for the next fortnight as we set sail for far off lands (well the Med 🙂 ) to celebrate our golden wedding anniversary! <3. The girl needs a medal for putting up with me for 50 years and some.
Have a blessed weekend,
Congratulations! And enjoy!
A 5.5 for me today. No No No it's November. 😱

Good morning everyone

BG 5.4

A quiet day planned

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. Had a bit of a lie in and been rewarded with a 5.2!
Haven’t managed a lie in because of the new bed, laid in ‘cos I is cream crackered after tossing and turning most of the night! Insomnia is pants!

Anyhoo, we’re on the countdown to the end of our grandparentity leave. Youngest back at work today but the girls are in nursery, Zara goes on a Friday anyways 9-3, but Eden starts today, she has had a couple of settling in sessions and they appear to have gone ok. Today is a long day though, 8.30-5pm. She’ll have two tired little girls tonight. We will share the Tuesdays and Wednesdays with the other grandparents so just one day a week. Tuesday next week, just Eden, as Zara goes to nursery Tuesdays too. Breaking us in gently!

Must get cracking with sorting out this house, furniture still in the wrong place, because of the new bed delivery, and the Halloween party. Decorations to pack away away until next year. And just a general tidying up required after having the hordes round the last couple of days. My life is so exciting! 😉

Sorry your daughter isn’t feel so well @TinaD, it must be such a worry for you all.
Enjoy your cruise @Snowwy and congratulations on your Golden Wedding anniversary.

Have a fab Friday folks.


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Morning all. 3.5. Treated but its not going up.

@Snowwy congratulations and enjoy your time away.
White Rabbits, Pinch & a Punch etc Now it’s November
Move over @eggyg I also woke after a lay in to a HS today (I get a lay in on the days Mrs @goodybags is off work) which last month was every Thursday & Friday

Congrats to those who were on the HS yesterday,

Have a Perfect POETS day everyone


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@eggyg Pack those Halloween decorations away and break out the Christmas ones!
@eggyg Pack those Halloween decorations away and break out the Christmas ones!
Hell no! I can’t stand clutter! I wouldn’t be surprised if my middle daughter did though! 😳 It has been known in October! She doesn’t get it from me. I’m a minimalist she’s a maximalist! :rofl:
Good morning! Late today as exhausted after yesterday. I did not get home till 5:30 with staff having to keep the physiotherapy unit open and avoiding a lone worker situation (a patient cannot count towards this). Ate a little extra as metabolism always faster for one to two days after physio. Woke to a 7.1.

No appointments but need to do what I had planned for yesterday afternoon as well as today.

Good morning. 6.3

Hope you are all over your busy hauntings and terrors and had a properly gruesome time. I went to bed with a book and happily ignored the whole thing. Slept like the dead.

Off to view another hovel today. I can't get very enthusiastic as it has a cess pit and the land doesn't look as if it would pass a percolation test so up to £20k needed for a sewage treatment plant...since it also has a private water supply I hope it wasn't cholera which occasioned the vacancy.

@Bloden See you are visiting Ceredigion this week end - enjoy!
@goodybags and @eggyg Congratulations on the HSs.

Have a happy day or, if sadly depressed, imagine me beating an estate agent over the head with a clipboard - got to be a cheering image.
HS congrats @eggyg and @goodybags

Boooo to the stubborn 3.5 @freesia

Have an amazing time at the Festival @Bloden - anyone you are particularly looking forward to seeing?

5.1 for me when my alarm went off, and then 5.3 after I’d snoozed it for 9 minutes - does that count?! :D