Morning all . 6.2 on the meter after being on the loo, siting on the bed talking to Mr Eggy for 10 minutes, and then walking down the stairs and getting my D kit out. So I think it was probably a 5.2 on waking! 😛 I had to rip my sensor off last night, due to change today anyways, I actually got bitten right on the edge on the sensor, almost under the sticky bit and it was driving me bonkers. Last night the itch was just unbearable so off it came and slathered the bite in Germoline. New one after my shower later, I really miss it.
I did the ironing yesterday, boy did it wreck my back/hip/ pelvis. It’s my own fault, I was only going to do a few bits, as I’ve been doing the last few weeks, but buoyed on by my stubbornness/optimism/back feeling ok when I started, I carried on until it was finished even though I could feel it starting to twinge. Will I never learn? Anyhoo, it’s mostly ok today, I actually had a decent night’s sleep, for me. But I have promised the boss I will rest today. 🙄
Have a good day. It’s damp, grey and cloudy up here, 14 degrees. So nowt new there then.