• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning! A 6.4 this morning...
Gathering myself for church later. Pondering breakfast...
Blessings 🙂
Good morning! Pleased with a 6.7!

Spent a lot of yesterday battling high BGs and Phantom Pain (somewhat unusual during the day). Then got on a downer about being in a wheelchair, not being able to wear decent shoes, etc..

Sky many shades of grey.
Good morning 5.5 today

My BS drop low last night, somewhere around 3am but nice to hear the alert did sound on my phone
I was kind of half awake as the sound of a train horn sounded, reached for my phone and there it was, quickly scoffed 4 glucose lifts a sip of water cant rember what it was I think it was 3.7 but straight back to my sleep.

Have a Super Sunday
TC 😎

Did the gym stuff yesterday and followed it up with a dance class! There’s an ️‍ dance group that has classes at the gym twice a week and I’d seen their classes and thought they looked like fun. Last time I danced proper choreo was professionally back in my acting days. I’d forgotten how my brain works in that environment and that I need to figure out where my weight is or isn’t in order to do turns etc. But then I also had to hold in mind that this was a one hour class that’s just for fun and that I didn’t need to nail every step!
And it was fun! Tough but fun. I’ve booked a few more classes.
Morning all . 6.2 on the meter after being on the loo, siting on the bed talking to Mr Eggy for 10 minutes, and then walking down the stairs and getting my D kit out. So I think it was probably a 5.2 on waking! 😛 I had to rip my sensor off last night, due to change today anyways, I actually got bitten right on the edge on the sensor, almost under the sticky bit and it was driving me bonkers. Last night the itch was just unbearable so off it came and slathered the bite in Germoline. New one after my shower later, I really miss it.

I did the ironing yesterday, boy did it wreck my back/hip/ pelvis. It’s my own fault, I was only going to do a few bits, as I’ve been doing the last few weeks, but buoyed on by my stubbornness/optimism/back feeling ok when I started, I carried on until it was finished even though I could feel it starting to twinge. Will I never learn? Anyhoo, it’s mostly ok today, I actually had a decent night’s sleep, for me. But I have promised the boss I will rest today. 🙄

Have a good day. It’s damp, grey and cloudy up here, 14 degrees. So nowt new there then.
A 5.3 for me this UnSunday. 🙂
Brain training later with the Sunday cryptic crossword.

Good morning. 6.8

Lousy night - nightmares until midnight and then pain in shoulders and knees - couldn't find a comfortable position. Hope this isn't the start of a new flare but is just a blip. Couldn't get warm yesterday so had CH on at full bore while it rained all day - no sign of the promised sunny intervals. Today looks a bit brighter.

Hope everyone as a peaceful Sunday.
Morning all. A high 10.4 and graph says i've been up to 15 most of the night. This was despite a correction before bed and another in the night. It was the end of the pen so maybe the insulin had gone off. Who knows but its bought my 7 day TIR down to 66%. I'm a bit fed up of it all at the moment.a
Morning everyone, it’s a happy 4.8 for me today.
Morning a 4.7 for me but again a very flat line overnight.
Only took 3u for breakfast and extra toast to try and maintain levels and looking forward to a nice relaxing day.
Lovely day yesterday and the inside of my car looked like day of the Triffids as my wife went a bit crazy with buying plants anyway they were all “ bargains”.
Anyway enjoy rest of w/ end
9.4 today. I started writing what was in my head this morning but thought better. I've been trying to regurgitate old ideas and one such was story writing, both cryptic and some, not so. I may visit this area again in the, not so, distant future.
PS got my diabetic Eye test letter to confirm what optician had told me.What it also said was it was clear and that the next check is due in 2 years time.
Is that standard or a recent change.I was only diagnosed a year ago.
It’s just recent, I’ve had an annual retinal eye test since 2010. This year they said as everything was fine they would send for me in two years. But I do have one when I go my yearly standard eye test at opticians so I’m not concerned.
Morning all. A high 10.4 and graph says i've been up to 15 most of the night. This was despite a correction before bed and another in the night. It was the end of the pen so maybe the insulin had gone off. Who knows but its bought my 7 day TIR down to 66%. I'm a bit fed up of it all at the moment.a
Double the usual amount of insulin with breakfast and its still 10.4!!! Another correction had. Fingers crossed this one works.
Reading your posts has made my heart happy today!
My readings for this week: 7.9, 7.9, 7.4, 7.9, 7, 7.8 and 6.6.
Slowly building up metformin (going on to two tablets next week!) so hopefully see a further reduction soon ❤️ evening BG are now steadily 5-7
Wishing you all a beautiful Sunday
Was 8.2 for me this morning.Im joining freesia Levels going nuts mid afternoon.(Again .for the second day .) Was out with the dog on a good walk yesterday afternoon High alarm went off at 12 1 then carried on for another couple of hours in the 13s didn't have a pen on me so thought I might bring it down with the walk back .Nope . Another 10 units and it came down very slowly.Havent eaten anything still low carb .Not the insulin as I put a new cartridge in Friday .Must be starting to come down with something We shall see in the next few days .Have a good day folks
Was 8.2 for me this morning.Im joining freesia Levels going nuts mid afternoon.(Again .for the second day .) Was out with the dog on a good walk yesterday afternoon High alarm went off at 12 1 then carried on for another couple of hours in the 13s didn't have a pen on me so thought I might bring it down with the walk back .Nope . Another 10 units and it came down very slowly.Havent eaten anything still low carb .Not the insulin as I put a new cartridge in Friday .Must be starting to come down with something We shall see in the next few days .Have a good day folks
Frustrating isn't it