• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

BG 4.8 it's looking good for my blood tests in September...

We may have someone who wants to look after the church sound system (and has the right skills). An important role that few seem able or willing to do. And we have a new Pastor starting in September. All change!!!

Today exercise, wrapping up the WRAPP (my rota creation application), sweet and sour fish for tea. All good.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, 6.5 here. Unexpectedly went out for coffee and cake with daughter yesterday. She’d booked the day off work, because she went to Wembley to the Taylor Swift concert the night before, and thought she might be very late back. Only she did well getting tubes and coaches back, and was home by 1am, so by mid afternoon she was bored! I went round to help her tame her garden, and we decided we needed reviving at a garden centre cafe afterwards, as you do.
Opened the curtains to sunshine and blue sky this morning and the BBC forecast says it's in for the day, though not everywhere I gather. Our eldest is off to Guildford for a mate's birthday bash later, returning in the morning, and our youngest has his usual 2-10 shift at Sainsbury's. I expect my wife will want us to take advantage of the nice weather and do something, even if it's just a country walk, and we may treat ourselves and eat out tonight. One of the local pubs has just reopened after having had a complete makeover, so might decide to give it a try. 5.8 when I tested.

Have a good start to the weekend.
Morning all. A higher 9.8 after yesterdays struggling to keep levels from dropping. The only thing to do today is order a prescription then try a new craft i've wanted to do but need to be quiet and alone so i can concentrate. Maybe some reading in the garden later.

Have a good day everyone.
A 5.8 for me as this morning. 🙂

Morning all, it’s a 6 2 for me on this overcast morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Good morning 6.1

Had a rather too exciting house viewing yesterday. If the estate agent had said viewings were restricted to helicopter pilots or those owning a tank it would have been helpful. Even a hint to suggest that the track was rough, deteriorated, and was impossible to turn on until one reached the house a mile+ away would have helped. Oh and they could have mentioned the gates and the 200 sheep...

At one point (the furthest) the car sank and would neither go forward nor back, luckily, after trying 3 directions of wheel turning unsuccessfully, the fourth and final attempt released me..I was, by then, getting quite nervous as there is no way I could have walked out. It then turned out that the directions were wrong and I needed the adjacent track, so back to the road, and try again. You guessed it - the actual access track was, if anything, worse.

I didn't trouble the owners to let me in to the house but said, politely (just), that the track was unsuitable for a woman of my age to face. Frankly save for SAS combatants I can't think of anyone it would have suited.

I ..er... "mentioned" it to the estate agent. Why was it not described and warned about in the particulars? Excuse? The owner didn't want them to mention it! I doubt that will be a good reason when a potential buyer ends up dead having rolled into the valley...

Beautiful countryside though up above Cynghordy and lovely weather. I enjoyed every moment of it once I was back on tarmac.

Grass had dried out so mowed lawns and orchard on return. I am planning a seriously boring day today...lots of sitting about and maybe some laundry.

Have a good day everyone.

8.9 and still full of a cold which is now in my chest, think I might do an e-consult on Monday just to see if there is anything underlying other than the D and asthma which is making it difficult for me to get rid of colds, I have only really been free of one for about 3 days in the last 6 weeks. I am due my HbA1C bloods, so maybe there might be something else they want to test at the same time.

Anyway going to knit and natter as we will be outside today as it is such a nice day, then home to either read or do more knitting/crotchet as hubby is on late shift.

@khskel congratulations on your HS.
Morning all - it was lovely clear blue skies when I got up, but it's clouded over since. Forecast is cloud and sun if you can believe it.

5.4 this morning with a fairly straight line most of the night. That's after it got over the rise after the prawn and asparagus linguini I cooked for dinner.

Dinner was eaten late, we got home from town about 6pm where we'd spent a pleasant afternoon with friends and the phone went just as we'd sat down in the garden to enjoy the last of the rays. It was a friend telling us she'd had an email with a wedding invitation to our mutual friend's wedding next July. It's complicated because they've opted to have the ceremony and reception in a hotel, which whilst beautiful and in a spectacular cliff-top location, is in the middle of nowhere, so it requires either a mind bogglingly expensive taxi or at least 1 night's similarly mind bogglingly expensive stay in the hotel. Or I suppose, the driver (Julian) refraining from alcohol. It would seem from the bridegroom's email that most people will be staying 2 nights and the party will extend over that period. So we then had to explore the options online. We've opted to join the party for the 2 nights. Sigh... by the time we'd done all that the sun had disappeared from the garden and not a lot left to do but cook a quick dinner.

Going back to driving - I decided on Thursday to get photos done for my driving licence renewal. I found an appropriate booth in W H Smith which also houses the Post Office. First of all couldn't get the stool high enough, then took off my glasses as the instructions say "No glasses, do not smile but look natural" Eh? I handed them to my friend to hold.... and then realised I couldn't read the instructions without them. Back on with the glasses and managed to read all the instructions, then held the glasses whilst adopting a sort of half standing crouch to get my eyes between the 2 lines. Anyway the final photos appeared.... and my face resembled that of a corpse with a flat head as my hair had melted into the grey background. No way Jose is that photo going on any document of mine! The final insult was the charge of £10. I'm sure the last time I used one of those booths it was £1.50!! Julian couldn't stop laughing at the result, which has now been shredded!

@TinaD love hearing about your adventures.... they makes I larf! Similarly @eggyg love reading your posts re your catering. Don't stop ladies!

@khskel congrats on your HS.

Have a good day all....
Anyway the final photos appeared.... and my face resembled that of a corpse with a flat head as my hair had melted into the grey background. No way Jose is that photo going on any document of mine! The final insult was the charge of £10. I'm sure the last time I used one of those booths it was £1.50!! Julian couldn't stop laughing at the result, which has now been shredded!
Do you have a branch of Timpsons anywhere near you? We get our passport etc photos done there, they stand you in front of a white wall and take them with a real person holding a real camera, and they didn’t cost any more than a photo booth last time we went.
Do you have a branch of Timpsons anywhere near you? We get our passport etc photos done there, they stand you in front of a white wall and take them with a real person holding a real camera, and they didn’t cost any more than a photo booth last time we went.
No, we don't but there is a camera shop in town that will do the same for £10. Wish I had enquired there first! I am waiting until next week when I will finish the 4 x per day eye drops and be able to apply make-up! Thanks for that anyway @Robin
Twas a 6.1 for me this morning.Been in range since tea time yesterday High alarm went off twice after lunch yesterday. Was sitting in Costa having a coffee before I went for food shop .It was 13 6 and rising .So I took 10 units of novorapid.and that did the trick Changed to a new cartridge when I got home.Just wondering as I do most of my injections in my thighs and they bend a lot of needles that maybe a dose didn't get through.See what happens. Anyways enjoy your weekend folks
Good afternoon late on parade today but joining @khskel on the HS step today

I didn’t post first thing as up and went straight out today
been to Park Run (Walked) with my sis this morning
that’s my first Park Run done so next week can be a PB

yesterday evening Mrs G, my sister & all I sat in the garden several balloons flew over which was very tranquil, and I got my birthday cake (some mini Colin the caterpillars)
I’m getting on really well with the Libre so fingers crossed I can get it funded

Sounds like a lovely day yesterday @eggyg
congrats on the HS @khskel

have a Super Saturday 😎


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Greetings, a shockingly pleasing 6.1 this morning. What fearfully and wonderfully made bodies we have, if unpredictable! So I did my first Parkrun (walk) for over two and a half years. Very pleased with a time of 44.55. Now to focus on fitness.
Oh, and met the new vicar yesterday, he seems OK.

Have a blessed day!
Totally unable to sleep last night - I was still clockwatching at 4:30am, tho I did take a break and scroll a news site on my phone for a bit.
Woke late of course, popped to Morrison's as I needed milk and a few bits and became aware I was having my mini dizzy spells. The mini ones are so mini you'd miss them if you blinked. 'What was that, oh it's gone' types.
Paid up, and went and sat in my car. Heartbeat was erratic, so I took a long sit until it calmed down (I assumed the dizziness was linked).
I hate it when the dizzy micro-moments hit after I've driven somewhere. While it feels very unlikely they would affect my driving I prefer to stay home if they are present. Luckily the local Morrison's is 1 mile or less from home.
A surprising 4.1 with an alarm at gawd knows when! By the time I had my basal, it was nearly 9 am, unfortunately we both fell asleep again and rose at 12. All my meals are all too **** as a result. Not my best day.
Missed a couple of days due to fatigue. Slept the whole day yesterday. Too weak to even lift phone. Totally lost control of bloods this week. Usually TIR in high 90s but now at 83. Alarm woke me to a low at 11pm had a jellybaby and wanted to wait to see I didn't overdo it before taking any more but fell asleep. Consequently had hours at mid 3s and no alarm as it didn't go above the trigger level till DP kicked in.
So a 5.8 by the time I took finger prick.
Ah well it's a new day so try to do better today.
Take care all.