Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning/moaning! Woke up with some twinges/pain in my poorly foot and then Phantom Pain decided it wanted a look in. Tossed and turned for half-an-hour but now given in and taken painkiller. BG 6.6

Audiology appointment today (feel .like I am being "topped and tailed"!).

Light rain on window! :(

Overslept again! Woke to a 4.9 that became a 5.7 then a 6.2. DP at play but why. BG dropped slightly same time yesterday..
Good morning 6.4 today
Yesterday afternoon I swam and got few jobs at home done, but other than that didn’t do much

I’ve a catch up call with someone in HR at work this morning at 09:30 so that to look forward to
TBH but feel like going back to sleep, as slept for less than 4 hrs last night,
Ive got a cold / cough (plus work stuff going through my head already)

following that chat with HR I think I will return to bed for a few hours this morning
feel like telling them to just leave me alone, the Dr signed me off with stress (because of the job)
so leave me alone, but appreciate they want me back at work or to leave 🙄
I didn’t want to get another lot but think will request another prescription from GP of what they gave me to help me sleep, no news on if GP is prepared to prescribe the Libre sensor, but I’ve a phone call with him scheduled for next Monday.

no actual “on paper cards came for my birthday” but loads of messages on Facebook plus other media Inc on here of course, no Birthday Cake but I’m sure will have some at the weekend when my sister is coming over.

Have a Super Wednesday all TC 😎
5.6 this morning, paperwork and online training day at work today. Nearly finished the wedding invites now but need to get more cards from Hobbycraft as I ran out!
Morning all. 4.0 and a unicorn yesterday. My first in a long while. A friend is coming round today. I hope it stays dry as we're trying a new craft today and its supposed to be very messy so we need to do it outside.

@goodybags i thought that if you have been signed off then work had to limit contact, though i might be wrong.
Have a good day everyone.

Good morning. 6.3

Very bad night - woke at 0.025 and failed to nod off again until 0600. Pain in both shoulders is a bit of a problem as I can't sleep on my back. Never mind. The jeans are getting less tight and the sun is out which promises a good day.

Yesterday was a bit trying. Old friend on phone started praising Elon Musk, supporting riots against asylum seekers, and vilifying Indians. Disagreeing with her merely provoked unsubstantiated re-iterations of a stuff she had seen on X etc. Eventually, after pointing out the poor quality of her "evidence" for some time I lost my temper, said "I'm not listening to any more of this - I spent my young life defending my Jewish friends - I'm not having all this shit again at my age". Rather sad as have known her for many years, kind to animals etc, just a topic that has never arisen before, but I can't tolerate a friend with those views. Hey ho.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Gwynn, it's not "baited breath" it's actually "bated breath" short for "abated" meaning to hold your breath back or lessen your breath. It's like a lot of these sayings, they have changed over the years because people spell as they hear e.g. these days people "step foot" which is nonsensical but everyone says it. It should be "set foot" i.e. to set your foot down in a place.

Forgive me, I have a tendency to be the grammar police!
Likewise 'damp squid' instead of 'damp squib', although I doubt anyone other than us oldies has any idea what a squib is anyway.
4.1 this morning. Obviously this decorating lark is helping keep me active and keep the BG low. Part 3 today with a second, and hopefully final coat on the walls. Then next week we have a guy come in to put tiles on the floor, new skirting boards and after that it’s the turn of gloss painting. Seems like this job is going to linger for a few more weeks. Oh well, the end result should be worthwhile!

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS,

@eggyg - glad your back is getting a bit better, good luck with the osteopath today.

@PattiEvans - hope your back is getting better too!

@goodybags - sorry to hear you are off work with stress, hopefully the call with HR will be ok and not add to your stress!

Take care everyone!
Likewise 'damp squid' instead of 'damp squib', although I doubt anyone other than us oldies has any idea what a squib is anyway.
I had to look it up, i've never heard of a squib :confused:. Although it's not a saying i would use anyway.
Ahh my bated breath damp squib is swimming around in my mind...

7.8 today, maybe the delicious pizza I couldn’t resist yesterday. Eyes are all ok now, so ok to drive start running again and do yoga. Hopefully that will help with my weight and mental health, not the driving the running and yoga. Although not being reliant on hubby to drive me everywhere will be good.

@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on your HS

@TinaD - sorry to hear about the sleepless night and pain. Re the old friend, I have a few like that so I just add a few noises into the conversation so they know I am listening as they don’t actually want or expect anyone to disagree with them.

@goodybags - hope the meeting goes well, just keep getting the doctor to sign you off, I was off for a couple of months 2 years ago, I also told the doctor that they kept hassling me for a return date, he was not impressed. I was also advised by ACAS not to leave as long as I was sending in fitnotes, I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I still struggle with my Mental Health now nearly 18 months later, caused by work.
6.1 on this rather grey, gloomy and damp Berkshire morning. Walked down to Morrisons to get a newspaper and came back via the local park to pick some wild blackberries for breakfast, and it started to rain just as I was getting home.

Read today that the latest Scrabble dictionary has 2,000 extra words, including 'Noobie' - aka Newbie - to be more in keeping with the language used today, especially amongst the younger generations. I'm not expecting DUK get down wiv da kidz and update the website, though. What do you think, Mike? @everydayupsanddowns

Our youngest is back at work today so it will be interesting to hear what he said to his manager about accepting their new contract and staying with them rather than leaving next week. It's a 5-10 shift so it'll be late before we know.

@freesia - unlike bangers, which just went bang, squibs would jump around when they went off. In fact, as kids we used to call them Jacky Jumpers.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS this morning

Have a good day, all.
7.1 today after flat-lining 5's all night. Yesterday, when visiting the market, we popped into the Chiropodist at the market as our tootsies' were feeling cramped, better now though. Clouds busting to leak bothered us throughout the afternoon. Better today with blue skies and feeling a tad warm!
Morning all and 6.4 for me.

I was supposed to be having a phone appointment with the haematology consultant this aft but that got cancelled yesterday. At least I won't have to wait in for the call.

Everyone likes the backing track I did for our Slade cover. Singer has put vocals on, bass and guitar to be recorded tomorrow.

Have a good day everyone .

7.8 today, maybe the delicious pizza I couldn’t resist yesterday. Eyes are all ok now, so ok to drive start running again and do yoga. Hopefully that will help with my weight and mental health, not the driving the running and yoga. Although not being reliant on hubby to drive me everywhere will be good.

@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on your HS

@TinaD - sorry to hear about the sleepless night and pain. Re the old friend, I have a few like that so I just add a few noises into the conversation so they know I am listening as they don’t actually want or expect anyone to disagree with them.

@goodybags - hope the meeting goes well, just keep getting the doctor to sign you off, I was off for a couple of months 2 years ago, I also told the doctor that they kept hassling me for a return date, he was not impressed. I was also advised by ACAS not to leave as long as I was sending in fitnotes, I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I still struggle with my Mental Health now nearly 18 months later, caused by work.
I am sorry but I cannot do as you do although I am sure it prevents offence and keeps the peace. Some issues are, in my view, so important, so fundamental, that one has a duty to make one's position clear and to justify it. If one is to help defeat racism one has to speak up - whether they want it or not! I fear I am a less peaceable person than you.
It was a 5.8 for me earlier this grey morning, and I'm hoping it will give us a drop of rain later.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
Whist I have been incarcerated (there is no other wordn for it) in hospital and residencia) I have been given a Freestyle Libre 2. I am getting on with it quite well but I have a question about fitting a new sensor. I have read the on-line information available and it tells me that the small hole in the middle of the sensor should not be covered over, something to do with it ,breathing. The carers here always place an adhesive strip over the sensor and cover the hole. It is the flimsiesi of coverings and the sensor works well and lasts the full10 days or so. I am hoping to go home at the end of this months having been away for 10 months and wonder what I should do, apply the adhesive covering or not. Can those of you that use this device tell me what you do> Thank you