Group 7-day waking average?

Morning a 7.4 but happy enough after my long day yesterday 0545 train start trip to Reading and got back home at 8pm.
Really enjoyed it and find when I get engaged I have a lot more energy as am very much a response person but sometimes get a little frustrated when meetings are a little quiet.
I don’t particularly like conflict but very happy to argue my point in an open environment which fortunately I work in and on occasion I will speak out to voice certain wider concerns which are reflective of other people.
Am lucky in that I am experienced enough to hopefully get the tone right and that it does not come across as aggressive criticism and I try and use a kind of “assertive humour” to make my point but not appear just an old moaner.
Sometimes it works and again it can be a the wrong decision and it is a judgement call as to what and how I may raise an issue.
The effect was quite dramatic and I think a few in the room were surprised and warmed by how passionate I expressed my views on certain things and they responded really positively.
As I said often people are too busy,or too focused with their own lives or simply too unaware of how other people view things.
My mood had changed as I foolishly left my tablet in the taxi and spent an hour on my phone trying to contact Thames Valley Police/ Reading Council to try and identify the taxi as he drove off.
The receipt he gave me was a generic one so no contact number but I could not speak to anyone as an endless loop of either police stations closed down or leave messages on the website or nit my problem guv.
Anyway the taxi driver came back an hour later with my I pad and I was so grateful and I was so lucky to have 3 great taxi drivers to engage.
Anyway a quiet day for me today but still full of energy and bit tired at all
Good morning! A Heinz, 5.7, today. :(

Was absolutely shattered yesterday. After a good physio session had to wait three hours for transport. Then I found there were two other on board and I had a mystery tour around Hertfordshire! Work days weren't sometimes as long! :rofl:

Looks as it could be both sunny and wet today!
A 5.4 for me this morning. 🙂

5.5 for me this morning and weekly BP check 132/80, so in that zone known as High Normal (again). On a more positive note the sun's out, and just as well as I have 4 machine loads of washing to get out on the line.

Diaversary of sorts for me. 5 years ago today I got the HbA1c result that showed my BG was back in normal range, 5 months almost to the day from my diagnosis, so thank you everyone for all the great advice I was given and for answering the many questions I asked. Not sure I could have done it without you.

Our youngest has made a decision about Sainsbury's - he's leaving next week when he's worked out his notice. The new contract he was offered says he can't have any time off until March, so it became a no-brainer really.

Big Shop later and a trip out to the garden centre greengrocer, but not until I've had my coffee and read the newspaper. Also looking forward to the new Premier League season kicking off tonight.

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
morning all a surprising 4.8 for me this morning and that with finger prick and sensor, yesterday was a bit of a shout after dropping the car off for the brakes and service we decided to drive to Bakewell only 15 miles from the BMW centre, they lent us a 24 plate X5 electric it was so hard to get in I could have done with a step ladder, hubby didn't like it were used to our 2 series grand coupe, anyway it started raining and guess who left our umbrella anyway we went to Marks and I had a baguette cheese and tomato and a sausage roll total 55carb but for some reason it stayed under 8 so once in a while treat didn do any harm. Sensible eating today not sure what yet hope everyone has a good day
Afternoon all, It was a 5.6 for me earlier this morning.
Forgot to check this morning, oops! Yesterday was 5.7 fasting. And pre- (late) tea was 5.5 despite pizza and dessert at lunch (celebrating that 18 year old got their preferred uni place confirmed despite not quite getting the offer points total) and that after a mid morning cake at my friend's cake shop (pre planned as either celebration or commiseration and also we were having wedding cake discussion as she's making our wedding cake). I did have mascarpone with the cheesecake rather than a scoop of ice cream though. One hour post tea (Quiche) was 5.8 so I was very pleased and surprised with that!
Another weird dream last night which again woke me. Wednesday nights dream was involved preparations for a funeral, last nights dream involved looking after a child (both unusual for me).
Heartbeat is pretty erratic today, it's usually worse in the late evenings.
Currently doing a 10 day BP average as I'm still hoping to receive the cardiologist appointment following my heart monitor (13 weeks ago). Today's BP 91 / 64, pulse 49.
I actually managed to get the phone number for the cardiologists secretary. Apparently he's looking at tests from May, she said if I don't hear anything in 1-2 weeks to call her back.
6.3 for me. A much more positive day weatherwise, with sunshine and light winds. It is a bit cooler too.

I'm reeling at the catastrophic data loss through my ignorance of the destruction yesterday with the tech, I had to revert to the main backup drive instead, so not all was lost.
Late checking in again from me, good afternoon was 8.0 this morning

got absolutely drenched yesterday evening, playing walking football (with some of the guys I recently did the fitness program with)

Last night wasn’t a good sleep really, but I’m sure I got at least half a nights sleep so not to bad.
Yesterday spoke to my GP (on the phone)
however it was one of those conversations where after you put the phone down
I wasn’t 100% sure what was the outcome was
he was very very non comital regarding a getting the Libra sensor on prescription,
but I’m sure he said he was going to send a request to somebody 🙄 so fingers crossed
anyway I need to head over to my local pharmacy and collect one or two items we spoke about,
I’m thinking if both are there I guess I can be re-assured he was actually listening to me, if either is missing it gives me the excuse to request another contact 😛

I’m BTW on Monday, will see how that goes, don’t feel I should’ve been but was on a Teams call (set up by my manager) 😳 and some other team members at 9am this morning
although TBH I did feel slightly intimidated by something he said that I felt was aimed at me, plus a colleague who unknown to me until then is currently also off sick)
I made HR aware of that on my pre RTW call which happened just before lunch

I’m looking forward to seeing my Sister in a few hours time
she is coming over to see us for the weekend

This afternoon I need to do a bit of a tidy up
also I need to do some preparation (ready for my RTW on Monday)

it’s fabulous weather here in Northampton right now today
we might even see some balloons later, as apparently its the balloon festival this weekend 😎

Hope everybody having a Fabulous Friday
Morning up crack of sparrows as usual with a 4.4 and very pleased as went to bed with a 7.4 dropped down to around 5 and stayed very flat from there.Don’ t have any hypo anxiety and my 6u Lantus is pretty consistent so do not want to change it.
W/ end awaits and left over Pizza at lunchtime and a bit of walking and lunch out tomorrow.
HAGW all
Good moaning! An unopleant 12.2 (11.8 meter) with new sensor. Makes no sense as had same evening meal as Wednesday when I woke to 6.8! DF definitely at work although had a bad night with a mix of weird dreams, waking and niggling level Phantom Pain. 2 x Paracetamol and back to bed.

Some cloud and cooler.

A very pleasing 5.3 for me.

However, yesterday after an office thing, I did over indulge and found myself with a bg of 12! After 30mins this dropped to 8.4...

In case you want to know the guilty foods were 2 (not one!!) spiced iced buns. They were lovely.

Won't be doing that again.
Morning folks. 6.3
No huge plans today other than gym first thing and then I’m actually going to grasp the nettle and do my reply to CICA. I’ve had no response from the lawyers so think I’m better off just doing it and getting it sent back without waiting for the deadline to arrive.
In other news I bought a garment steamer the other day and it’s great!
I’m useless with ironing things I wear all the time as I just can’t be bothered with all the faff of setting up the ironing board etc. This steamer takes 30 seconds to heat up and about as long to get creases out of T-shirts, cotton shirts and linen shirts. I highly recommend getting one!
Good morning folks. A nice round 6 at 6.30. Tried to have a lie in because I’m shattered but alas, it wasn’t to be.

Yesterday was hectic, with a capital H! Babies don’t half come with lots of paraphernalia. House full of prams, buggies, car seats, changing bags, bouncy chairs, high chairs, toys. Good job we didn’t downsize when we thought about it a few years ago! It was lovely to have three daughters together, and five of the grandchildren, this is a rare occasion but as two are on maternity leave and one on a weeks leave it was the perfect time to get them all round. Thankfully, I think the next time will be Christmas, I hope! They revert to childhood when they’re at their mam and dad’s, ie do nowt, eat us out of house and home, make a mess and then leave! And I wouldn’t have it any other way, just glad it is a rare occasion. I was so exhausted last night I could barely talk, after a slice of cheese on toast, a cup of tea and an oatie biscuit for tea, I watched Corrie and went to bed where I read for approximately two minutes! Nice quiet day today, a bit ironing and making a chilli for tea, and perhaps some reading may be involved but definitely no kids involved.

Have a great day, a bit damp here. Think us up north have had our summer unfortunately.

Here’s Mr Eggy with the five youngest, he was almost dropping Eden, hence the funny face!


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