Group 7-day waking average?

A 5.3 for me today.
Morning a 7.4 but again another flat line and happy enough.
Lazy day yesterday watching Olympics and finishing our current Netflix offering so just next to find the next one.We prefer gritty crime dramas or historical period pieces and are so happy when we find a go to one that lasts a long time.
Sometimes they seem perfect but then seem to go off at a tangent with some supernatural or just odd twist or the action is more reminiscent of some super hero.
We have found the best indicator is to look for a great cast as if you have that the roles seem much more realistic and less fantasy.
Just had my breakfast which is basically some granola with large amounts of fruit and am so happy with that.
When I first got diagnosed which is literally a year ago next week ( have my eye check on Monday) I thought I was going to have to foresake my normal breakfast due to high sugar content even if mostly fructose.
However by substituting my banana with berries and reducing my granola portion I can enjoy it once again.
It does mean buying strawberries/ raspberries virtually every day or two but no matter.
Lunch at our favourite place and warming up so pretty much a perfect w/ end.
A 5.7 for me today. 🙂

5.8 this morning after a very busy couple of days with the grandchildren! They loved Cadbury World and there was loads there for them to do and keep their interest, so a definite success.

My wife had a spa day yesterday and last night so I’ll be playing taxi service shortly to bring her back home, luckily it’s close to us, just the other side of Stratford on Avon.

Liking the look of the weather so far today, blue skies and sunshine😎

@ColinUK - hope you have a better day today MH-wise. Take care of yourself.

Have a good day everyone!
inishing our current Netflix offering so just next to find the next
We watched a great film on Prime last night. It was called The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. It's based on a true story in WW2 and details of it only came to light about 10-15yrs ago.
We watched a great film on Prime last night. It was called The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. It's based on a true story in WW2 and details of it only came to light about 10-15yrs ago.
Thanks Freesia and sounds very much up our street and will have a look at it today.
We have just watched “ Unforgiven” which looks at cold cases and we must have missed it when originally shown.
We loved it as it is gritty,great cast and fab writing and 24 episodes which we become addicted to.
Once again thanks for your suggestion.
5.6 on the Libre.
Spent Saturday eating normally. No carb restriction at all.
Omelette and chips at a nice Cafe in Coventry City centre. Then a meal and sweet (Ice cream) at The Cosy club.
BG hardly went over 8 and was 3.3 after the walk home,
Morning all - what a glorious day it is too.

8.9 this morning. Looks like the fish and chips we had for a late dinner kicked in after I went to bed!

Have persuaded hubby to have a "day out" today. We'll get the bus to Porthlevan and find somewhere to have a spot of lunch. No doubt it will be busy, but there are so many cafes/restaurants/pubs there we will find something.

Take care all and have a super Sunday.
Morning everyone, back in the 4’s today with a 4.9. Sunny and cloudy outside.

Have a lovely day everyone and stay safe.
Good morning Sunshine Sunday 6.9 today

Yesterday Mrs G and I went to a nearby garden centre and got some more roses for the back garden
they had sale on at the garden centre so we bought I think another 3 Roses including a climbing one

Mrs G spent the afternoon rearranging and potting various plants
only a small garden but becoming quite tranquil, she’s doing a good job
relaxing with cup of Tea at the moment, might go and have a swim shortly

I did some quite basic DIY yesterday, but I didn’t start on sorting the garage,
when I did sit down to try and relax, I found some YouTube videos,
they ended up a bit addictive
possibly good to clear my head maybe 🙄

I just weighed myself and now I weigh just under what I was in May last year (when I had my ankle fusion)
so something is going well in my crazy life.

TC everybody 😎
Good morning. 6.6.

Slept in after an awful night. I've been ignoring the warning aches but I am obviously in for a stinker of a "flare". My body does annoy me sometimes - I gave it a day off yesterday and this is the return I get.

Have lined up all the trades to have a look at the Arts and Crafts place. Turns out the late owners were relatives of one of my best friends so I got a bit of low down on the history. Probably too big a project for me but so charming it does warrant exploration.

Hope everyone has a peaceful Sunday.
morning all ive not posted for a while had and still got a bug that's floored me, its flu like feeling hoping its on the way out now, weirdest thing is ive had so much pain in my shoulders and ribs but no cough just headache and a bit of a sore throat, anyway upwards and onwards hubby is cooking late breakfast bacon mushrooms and egg almost forgot Amy BS was 6.1 a bit high for me but I'm putting it down to not feeling well hope everyone has a good day
Morning a 7.4 but again another flat line and happy enough.
Lazy day yesterday watching Olympics and finishing our current Netflix offering so just next to find the next one.We prefer gritty crime dramas or historical period pieces and are so happy when we find a go to one that lasts a long time.
Sometimes they seem perfect but then seem to go off at a tangent with some supernatural or just odd twist or the action is more reminiscent of some super hero.
We have found the best indicator is to look for a great cast as if you have that the roles seem much more realistic and less fantasy.
Just had my breakfast which is basically some granola with large amounts of fruit and am so happy with that.
When I first got diagnosed which is literally a year ago next week ( have my eye check on Monday) I thought I was going to have to foresake my normal breakfast due to high sugar content even if mostly fructose.
However by substituting my banana with berries and reducing my granola portion I can enjoy it once again.
It does mean buying strawberries/ raspberries virtually every day or two but no matter.
Lunch at our favourite place and warming up so pretty much a perfect w/ end.
We quite liked Bocsh which I think was Netflix.
Good afternoon! 5'2 yesterday and 6'4 this morning, that's getting better.

I had a nice, relaxing day off yesterday. Started with breakfast in one of my favourite local cafes, read a good portion of my book and in the evening I went to my other favourite cafe for their Saturday quiz. It was fun and I met two girls that happened to be staying in the hostel near my house, which is owned by my landlord and I occasionally hang out there. Just by coincidence my neighbour had suggested to go for a drink at the hostel tonight, saying he'd met a new girl there, and yes...there were the girls from the quiz! It was fun 🙂

Diabetes wise, I bolused for everything except a few biscuits and I stayed in range for the whole day.

Today I had a morning shift and I'm free now, is looking really sunny so I might take my book to the beach. Feeling a bit tired tho, so I want to take a short rest at home and maybe eat lunch before I go, because sitting under the sun leaves me more tired.