Group 7-day waking average?

Phew! The kitchen’s done & they’re just leaving! 🙂

Left the back door open & will let it air, the smell of cleaning chemicals is strong, & close it later tonight!

Need to get a lot of new stuff like plates, cups, pots & pans etc. as they threw all that out but, will do it slowly, as per budget, & it’s SO nice to have a clean slate to start from again! 😛🙂

Didn’t take as long as I thought it would! :D
4.4 for me this morning according to Libre but it was supposedly 5.6 (no trend arrow though :confused:) almost an hour earlier when I scanned, but Libre now saying I was in the red during that time. I think it is telling porkies somewhere. No sharp dips and rises to suggest a compression just a meandering dip into the high 3s for what looks like an hour or more and then back up. Not concerned about it apart from it putting more time below range on my already naughty stats 🙄 Consultant will have a fit 😱 as my current 7 days TIR is 87% with a whopping 11% below and 90 day figure is not much better with 9% below 😳. I would add that I have been proactively testing these lows since my last appointment and the majority are not hypo at all (low-mid 4s) but of course there have been some sub 4s in there.

@Micahael12421. I hope you had proper hypo treatment as soon as you saw that number and didn't wait until breakfast.
Fast treatment of hypos is important especially as your hypo awareness is already compromised. (((HUGS)))

@Gwynn Congrats on yet another House Special.

@goodybags Good luck with the new eye treatment. Really hope this will be effective for you.

@Lanny Congrats on the House Special... +6! 😱
Birthdays only come around once a year so you are right not to turn a blind eye. 😉 So pleased you enjoyed your food but I can totally understand you being ready for some plain food today. Hope you enjoy your sparkling clean kitchen
and it gives you a mental lift. I am slowly working on my own kitchen at the moment. I would much rather muck my horses out than tackle household cleaning though. I used to have a cleaning lady which really helped me to keep motivated and on top of things but she started to struggle with ill health a few years ago and had to give up and I have let things slip a bit since then. I know your health limits what you can do..... I don't have that excuse.... unless you count mental health. 🙄
6.0 this morning. I have had a follow up email from Abbott confirming they are sending me a replacement for the Libre2. Not sure when I shall use that now.

Supposed to be doing work but having done some of the boring paperwork I'm not very in the mood to do the rest... suppose I better had get on with at least some in the last few minutes before I go home though...
I did query about being discharged but was told that was the way they do things. I asked if i could ring if there was a problem but was told if it was a general question then they could answer but if it was specifically for me then i would have to be rereferred to them.

I saw a GP about something else a couple of weeks ago and she was interested in the libre and saying she felt she ought to know more about it. She wasn't even aware i'd been discharged by the DSNs and said she assumed that i could call them if i needed. When i told her what they had said to me about calling she was surprised. She assumed they would be available to help if needed.

I wonder whether its a regional thing. Anyone else in Staffordshire having this issue?

@Pattidevans great stats! Well done!
My lower jaw hit my breastbone when I read this. In other words there is no-one looking after you that knows anything much about T1. That's shocking! Do you get an annual review and if so, who by? I should ask in the open forum for anyone from Staffordshire as there's a wider audience there. It's also worth ringing DiabetesUK helpline and asking what you should be able to expect. I know they were surveying who was getting the 9 points of care a couple of years ago and had a campaign to put it right.
My lower jaw hit my breastbone when I read this. In other words there is no-one looking after you that knows anything much about T1. That's shocking! Do you get an annual review and if so, who by? I should ask in the open forum for anyone from Staffordshire as there's a wider audience there. It's also worth ringing DiabetesUK helpline and asking what you should be able to expect. I know they were surveying who was getting the 9 points of care a couple of years ago and had a campaign to put it right.
It’s surprisingly common.
Until I asked to be referred back to the hospital so I could get he Libre prescribed, I had been discharged back to my surgery 'because you have a specialist diabetes nurse there' said the consultant, reading something off a screen.'
Fast forward to my first appointment with said nurse. Turned out it was the general surgery nurse, who did all my daughter's travel vaccinations, does all the smear tests, flu jabs, asthma clinic etc etc, who said 'Oh, you’re my only Type 1. I've asked to go on a course, but the doctors just said, Oh look up stuff on the net..'
In fact she did become quite knowledgeable about Type 1, but only because I taught her everything she knew. She was supposed to be able to speak to a community DSN if she got stuck on anything, but I think she felt it was admitting defeat if she did that.
If I’d felt earlier that I needed more support, I’d have kicked up a fuss and got referred back earlier, but I was ticking along quite happily, and to get to the other side of Oxford to the Churchill is a pain in the neck from where I live.
My lower jaw hit my breastbone when I read this. In other words there is no-one looking after you that knows anything much about T1. That's shocking! Do you get an annual review and if so, who by? I should ask in the open forum for anyone from Staffordshire as there's a wider audience there. It's also worth ringing DiabetesUK helpline and asking what you should be able to expect. I know they were surveying who was getting the 9 points of care a couple of years ago and had a campaign to put it right.
I get an annual review at the surgery where they do bloods, lecture me on weight and check my feet as well as ask general questions to tick a box on the computer.

I have been rereferred once before when i had a problem with Lantus not lasting 24 hours. I rang the GP and asked to be rereferred and said why, he did so and a few days later i had a telephone call from a DSN asking what the problem was. I explained and she said i needed to be seen. I think it was within about a month i saw a DSN then.

After that (and during the second year of Covid) when they discharged me, i tried to argue against it and asked to be kept on their books with no regular appointments but the option to ring if there was a problem. I was told it wasn't possible as thats not the way they work.

It will be interesting to see what DUK say, i might ring and ask. Overall i'm not having any problems, apart from the last few days after the covid booster, but it would be reassuring to know that there is help if i need it without having to wait quite a while to speak to someone.
thats crazy @freesia I'm still under DSN care and despite not needing regular appointments now, I can call them anytime.

So the surgery gave me something to calm the cramps down and I've to hand in a sample to check for bacterial infection so they can give me antibiotics if need be. Pleasantly surprised with the nurse also checking I had no ketones and making sure I could adjust my insulins and deal with the hypos okay.
I've to pickup some probiotic yogurts and she figured out the error of her ways quickly in suggesting lucozade sport (30g carbs for a bottle) and switched to saying to get some rehydration sachets.
Will sort all that tomorrow 🙂
I could fling my phone out the window today with libre going off but I guess that wont really solve the issue :rofl:
Good morning! Woke up at 3:00 with the phantom pain kicking in badly. As it didn't settle got up and made a cuppa to wash down some pain killers. I tried Wordle to take my mind off it but abandoned after first word as tempted to put in SWEAR, PAINS, etc. so started on my Christmas card list. Getting drowsy now so will just report BG. Twas 8.9 at 4:00. Will report again before breakfast which may be late! :(
Good morning everyone

A long long slow cold trip to Preston and back yesterday. No heating on the bus so by the time I got home I was freezing cold. Public transport...not nice, but at least its free (being so old now)

BG this morning 4.6 excellent
BP 120/75 fine
Pulse 52 hmm a bit low
Temperature 36.3 pretty consistent

I have a face to face appointment at Preston on 8th. First time I will have seen him in years (at my insistence). So it will be another cold slow trip there and back.

Today I am meeting up with my churches Pastor to discuss sorting out the churches sound system and hopefully rejoining the worship team. I miss playing my keyboard in the group.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning all. 7.3 and a much better day yesterday, only one correction needed. Levels seem to be settling down again finally.
Good morning - 7.5
Good morning, HS today haven’t had one of them for a while.
have a great day everybody 😎


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Morning all. 5.7 on this frosty morning.

Got a busy day. Walking into town to buy some Christmas cards, I’ve never been so late in getting them. I’m meeting friends for lunch tomorrow and it’ll save me a small fortune in postage if I give them their cards. We’ve been roped into meeting youngest daughter at 1.30 as she going for a hair cut so we’ll push Zara about for an hour or so. Today is our eldest grandchild’s birthday. She is 16! I really don’t know how that happened, blimey, Mr Eggy and I were already an “item” by that age, meeting at 15, I don’t want to believe that she is ready for all that courting malarky, but legally ( with her parents permission) she could get married! Or she could travel the nine miles to Gretna Green and do it without their say so. We got married at Gretna Green but waited until we were 20 and took our family with us. No elopement! She already has an apprenticeship lined up for after her exams next summer, in the hair and beauty salon she works in on a Saturday. Then in January it all happens again when our one and only grandson turns 16 too. We were first time grandparents twice within six weeks! I feel really old all of a sudden. Anyways, we’re out for a meal tonight to celebrate. Looking forward to that.

@goodybags congratulations on your HS.

Have a good day everyone, and wrap up warm. 🙂
New sensor applied last night, 4.2 this morning against BG 5.6. I tend to get more accurate Libre readings after a day so I’m hoping this sensor is gradually getting its act together. I know some people apply a sensor in advance to allow it to settle so there is probably some sense in doing that.

Have a good day everyone, stay warm!
5.1 and I didn't oversleep so this is a good day so far!