Group 7-day waking average?

I am type 2 diagnosed very recently. i have what thought was very low blood sugar "attacks" intense hunger weakness especially in my legs shaking dizzy blurred vision brain fog etc. Just terrible feelings. I`m told it`s reactive hypoglycemia but have not been offered any treatment. I`m testing before and after every meal and taking metformin. The lowest reading so far has been 4.1. but not necessarily when feeling hypo. so I now can accept it isn`t LBS connected to diabetes but still no explanation. Anyone else have this?
Hi and welcome to the forum @whats4t

It seems like your question has slipped under the radar. This thread is really just a "chit chat coffee morning" kind of thread, so I suggest you repost your question in the "Introduce yourself" section of the forum where it will get much more attention, but a basic answer to your question is that you are having "false hypos". In other words, your body has become used to higher levels of BG, levels are now coming down, and the body sees this as "going low" and it wants to return to the higher levels it sees as "normal" so you get all the hypo symptoms without actually being hypo. You need to stick it out and resist doing anything. It will level out eventually. Hope this helps.
Morning all on another grey and windy morning. Where has summer gone?

4.0 this morning, which is fine, but am now 6.1 as I had 2 JBs. New sensor now started and I hope it will be as accurate as the old one as I just realised I haven't done a finger prick for days now having acknowledged how accurate the last one was.

Enjoyed the open air theatre last night and it held off raining until we were dashing across town to the bus station. As luck would have it there was a bus leaving within 5 minutes, so we were home and dry less than half an hour after the production finished.

Off to have lunch at some friends' home today. Their lunches are always lavish.... so expecting lots of corrections! The views from their flat are stupendous, just sea and St Michaels Mount quite close up.

@rebrascora, your uncle sounds utterly amazing! Unfortunately, it's not given to everyone to get old as gracefully though. My mum died age 88, but her health had deteriorated after a number of strokes. As a remarkable old chap who once stayed in our hotel said "it's all down to the cards you are dealt". He was in his 90s - he'd been one of the very first AA inspectors before the war - and was sprightly as ever! We can only hope it will be granted to us. But yeah... a great deal is down to our own attitudes. I know someone 5 years younger than me and he is already "an old man". Anyway enjoy your busy day and the show tonight.
Morning 9.6. I gotten to 3.3 at 3am last night I had increased my levimier slightlly last to account for fact and I barely did anything yesterday I'm seem to have come with which obisvally wasn't needed oh well not to worry(I had corrected a bed time gotej a drop quite bit but had a couple of jelly babies to bring it up but 3am that would have gone so it probably was 2 much background)
Morning, 6.2 Libre, 4.2 bg…happy with the 6.2

Have been a bit miffed with numbers recently, all part of the game I know. Was almost not needing NR 3/4 weeks or so ago…plus less and less basal…more so than most summer (was I cured for a bit? Was this my ten years?) then last weeks scorchio sent me completely the other way. Numbers have been making no sense. Anyway…starting with a good one this morning so hopefully things will settle down.

Have been to Devon for a few days, a couple of theatre trips to London, thankfully not on the hottest days and off to London again today for the ABBA thingy…should be fun. Can’t decide what my favourite ABBA song is….whatever I’m still singing on the way home later maybe.

It’s going to be hotter than home I think….although cooler here, our garden is absolutely desperate for some rain, trees and large shrubs starting to look sad…. @Robin any chance of sending some rain this way? Hope it dries up for your excursions.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone 🙂
Hello again

By the time breakfast rolled around I was 9.something

Mum had to walk home as well so that's 2 days in a row walking in and out, she had to stay at the golf club herself and ask the golfers to wait on the boss (also pro) getting back as he had to go to the next town to pick the chef up as pretty much all services between Arbroath and Stracathro have been cancelled today, to top it off IF the buses are running tomorrow she's still none the wiser where she will get it as even though I've been asking them since Friday they still haven't able to tell me anything, tried calling the help centre today and nope nothing on the system, they are honestly a complete joke
Hi Good afternoon, I did get up this morning and my BS was 6.9 today

been a busy day as took my wife, her friend & son down to Milton Keynes (for the market)
then had a late lunch on the way home.

Yesterday we received a email from my solicitor ref the house were trying to buy.
apparently the sellers solicitor is still awaiting to hear the probate to be be granted (this will be the second grant of probate) following the sad passing of the person who originally had been granted probate on the est of his late brother (the property we’re trying to buy) it’s been quite a journey the buying process of this house,
having had our offer accepted back in February.
still we’ve around another 6-8 weeks until we would need to re apply for another mortgage (if the bank don’t offer an extension to the offer) - hopefully things should happen before much longer.
off work tomorrow, having a long weekend - then back to the grind stone on Tuesday.

hope everybody’s having a great day 😎
Good morning - 11.0

Strange event happend.

Normal day 2 walks, one drive and a bit of housework. It was 44 degrees yesterday and I was tired so decided on having dinner earlier. Started cooking at 5 pm, dished up at 5.30 and the next thing I remember was waking up on the kitchen floor at 7.30. Minor head wound but otherwise compos mentis and a BS reading of 1.9. Ate some bisuits and Turkish Delight with no bolus and crawled to bed. Have not had an episode like that for a very long time.

Took myself off to the walk-in monkey pox vaccination centre at Guy’s & St. Thomas’s early yesterday morning and got my smallpox vaccine. It’s not perfect but it offers 87% immunity which is better than nowt.
Really rather proud of the men in the community for coming forward and getting the vaccine. It’s the best way to stop this before it really gets a foothold and hats off to the NHS for doing a brilliant job. Now they just need funding for it rather than being forced to divert funds from already stretched services but as the Press is already full of comments saying that basically this is like the HIV virus when that first appeared and that if only gay men were not so gay etc it would never have happened, and when we’ve a government which takes every single opportunity to blame others for issues I can’t see that funding coming quickly enough.

Anyway… I’ve got my appointment today to look at my ankle and might treat myself to theatre or cinema later as I’m not working today.
I’m expecting to be told that I’ve likely torn something and it’ll take X weeks to heal and that’ll scupper my participation in at least one of the half marathons coming up.
If it’s what they say then I’ll roll with it. Not much else I can do other than maybe graft on rocket powered roller skates 🙂
Good morning - 11.0

Strange event happend.

Normal day 2 walks, one drive and a bit of housework. It was 44 degrees yesterday and I was tired so decided on having dinner earlier. Started cooking at 5 pm, dished up at 5.30 and the next thing I remember was waking up on the kitchen floor at 7.30. Minor head wound but otherwise compos mentis and a BS reading of 1.9. Ate some bisuits and Turkish Delight with no bolus and crawled to bed. Have not had an episode like that for a very long time.
Michael do you know what caused the hypo?

How are you feeling today?
Good morning - 11.0

Strange event happend.

Normal day 2 walks, one drive and a bit of housework. It was 44 degrees yesterday and I was tired so decided on having dinner earlier. Started cooking at 5 pm, dished up at 5.30 and the next thing I remember was waking up on the kitchen floor at 7.30. Minor head wound but otherwise compos mentis and a BS reading of 1.9. Ate some bisuits and Turkish Delight with no bolus and crawled to bed. Have not had an episode like that for a very long time.
Goodness, again your BG is very very low. Glad you are ok. What a strange beast your pancreas is. Do you need to do something different to keep your BG higher?

My own BG this morning is 5.4

Felt a bit despondant over the last few days. The pressure of my wifes illness and my life being severely restricted because of it, is getting to me a bit more than usual.

Still, last night I cooked chicken, cauliflower and mushrooms which went down very well indeed.

Bought a Marks and Spencer 'Best ever Trifle'. No idea what I was thinking. £7 !!!!! However, it was the most delicious, not overly sweet, fresh fruit trifle we have ever eaten. Absolutely worth the money. Great. Even the custard that was a part of it was the best custard I have ever had. The best part of it was that it was not sweet, just perfect.

I had better start thinking about my 6 monthly health report as my bloods are due on Wednesday and presumably the grilling by the diabetic nurse sometime soon after that. What am I hoping for? HbA1c down a fraction, cholesterol down a lot, testosterone down a lot, pulse recovery bang on, BP reduced to in normal range, weight increased to new goal and a resultant better physique (ha ha), potassium levels raised to bang in the middle of the normal range. A lot of hope and trip wires, so I am a bit nervous that I may have cocked things up in one or more areas. But whatever it will be good feedback on which I can act if needed.

Today slightly less walking this afternoon. I am resting my left foot having strained something in it, but it is recovering thankfully.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
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Felt really low when I woke this morning, sensor 3.1 and finger 4.3 so maybe it was already coming up. I fixed it easily but still feel a bit weird.
Morning all, 6.4 here, although I ranged from 13.5 to 3.3 in the night, (both Libre overshoots, but still, not good) and most of yesterday my graph looked like the Dolomites. What comes of hiking up a mountain (aerobic, slightly out of breath in the altitude, body decides to use up glucose) and hiking down again (anaerobic, leg muscles braced against the slope, body decides liver needs to help out and releases glucose). Plus a carbier than usual diet with no opportunity to pre-bolus. Things will sort themselves out over the next couple of days.
One for @eggyg , we saw a Dipper by the river, we don’t get them where we are at home, I know you see them locally.
Morning all on this wet day. 5.9 and an almost total flatfish.

It’s our 42nd wedding anniversary today. Wow, how did that happen, I’m only 30! 😉 Nothing special planned, it’s our Zara Monday, but we’re having our favourite curry tonight, cooked by moi. Monkfish Madras with courgette pakoras to start( got a glut as per) and homemade chapatis. Looking forward to that. We’ll eat in the dining room, as opposed to the kitchen, and use the good china. We know how to push the boat out!🙂

Have a happy Monday. We will. 🙂


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Morning all, 6.4 here, although I ranged from 13.5 to 3.3 in the night, (both Libre overshoots, but still, not good) and most of yesterday my graph looked like the Dolomites. What comes of hiking up a mountain (aerobic, slightly out of breath in the altitude, body decides to use up glucose) and hiking down again (anaerobic, leg muscles braced against the slope, body decides liver needs to help out and releases glucose). Plus a carbier than usual diet with no opportunity to pre-bolus. Things will sort themselves out over the next couple of days.
One for @eggyg , we saw a Dipper by the river, we don’t get them where we are at home, I know you see them locally.
Ooh how exciting. One of my favourite birds.
Morning, 4.4 for me.

Great fun at the ABBA “concert”…lots of walking to get there and guesstimate dinner saw me 13something on the train home, which was very surprising…correction took longer to work too…ah well. Hopefully can work on upside down numbers this week as it looks like quite a quiet one.

Happy anniversary @eggyg

Another warm day ahead with no sign of any rain :(

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning - 7.0

I went on a walk round Lanhydrock house & gardens yesterday the history of the house is interesting and the gardens are beautiful.
