Group 7-day waking average?

Morning folks. 6.4.

I feel wrung out already! I’ve a nurse appointment at 3pm for diabetes review bloods, but while I’m there the GP has arranged for her to take some more blood tests, CA125 ( ovarian cancer) and one to test for anemia. I’ve been having more gastric problems for a few weeks now and when I eventually phoned the surgery last week, after being nagged by Mr Eggy, she arranged this and I also had to collect a FIT and H. pylori test from the surgery last week. I’ve done the samples this morning ( OMG! I’m squeamish even with my own waste), and I’ll give to the nurse this afternoon. I then realised I also was supposed to do an early morning urine sample. Ratched about in the first aid drawer, found a bottle, no lid! Found it eventually and the bottle is now sitting filled with boiling water to give it a clean. Then I’ll probably get two drops as I always miss it! :rofl: I need a lie down already and I haven’t even had my brekkie!

On the plus side of the day, I’m meeting three friends for lunch at 1pm. I won’t tell them what’s in my handbag, I don’t want to put them off their food! 😉

Congrats yesterday @rayray and @AJLang on your magnificent HSs. And well done @Lily123 on your fantastic achievement today. Hope you get your strips sometime sooner rather than later.
Good morning.4.9 this a.m. Yesterday was chaos. Whilst herding Ukrainian cats pc crashed, IT man held up by accident main road, mechanic chum delivered car for Ukrainians early, handyman and fiance decided to mow looked like Piccadilly Circus and it was, apparently, essential, that they all talked to me and preferably a once. Thereafter insurance company reneged on quote which mysteriously rose by £300, female Ukrainian admitted she hadn't understood if she should go to work today, male, excitedly, "can I take on road?", neighbour who is fund raising said need to wait 2 weeks for promised £250 from Community fund towards car...Explained Mr Policeman would be very cross if drove uninsured, work place shut so drove to bosses home - "Yes, work tomorrow" and then wanted to spend half hour talking politics, neighbour reassured I would pay and fund could reimburse me, eventually got something to eat at 10.30 - so no idea why FBG so low this am!
7.2 was 3.7 and around 4.40 this morning. Not sure if I actually fell. Going out for backfast today so we'll see if I rise or fall on the way up moaning livermirs not in yet.
well that plan got hold off due to weather. the good news when testing for backfast an hour latter(muesli rather then a lovely consent I planed to have) i was still at 7.2
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Morning folks. 6.4.

I feel wrung out already! I’ve a nurse appointment at 3pm for diabetes review bloods, but while I’m there the GP has arranged for her to take some more blood tests, CA125 ( ovarian cancer) and one to test for anemia. I’ve been having more gastric problems for a few weeks now and when I eventually phoned the surgery last week, after being nagged by Mr Eggy, she arranged this and I also had to collect a FIT and H. pylori test from the surgery last week. I’ve done the samples this morning ( OMG! I’m squeamish even with my own waste), and I’ll give to the nurse this afternoon. I then realised I also was supposed to do an early morning urine sample. Ratched about in the first aid drawer, found a bottle, no lid! Found it eventually and the bottle is now sitting filled with boiling water to give it a clean. Then I’ll probably get two drops as I always miss it! :rofl: I need a lie down already and I haven’t even had my brekkie!

On the plus side of the day, I’m meeting three friends for lunch at 1pm. I won’t tell them what’s in my handbag, I don’t want to put them off their food! 😉

Congrats yesterday @rayray and @AJLang on your magnificent HSs. And well done @Lily123 on your fantastic achievement today. Hope you get your strips sometime sooner rather than later.
Find an empty old water/milk bottle or similar, cut in half and give it a very good wash. Pee in that as it’s easier to aim then pour neatly into to tiny sample pot by pinching a bit of the bottle into a spout.
5.8 for me this morning, which is not bad considering that last night I had one of my once in a while treats of real pasta. 🙂

And thanks @ColinUK for pointing me in the direction of Night Sky. I watched the first episode last night and it looks very intriguing.
I can't believe Sissy Spacek is just a bit older than me and it seems like only yesterday that I first saw her in Badlands.

5.8 this morning... might be due to forgetting my Metformin for two days!
It seems like this morning I am in good company in the 7s with a 7.2. I ate very late but very low carb.... gammon, mushrooms and sweetheart cabbage with butter. Went to bed on 6.6 and had a reasonably straight line all night so looks like 2 units is working still.

Took a bit of a mental nose dive yesterday afternoon for no apparent reason, so riding Rascal was off the cards which I am giving myself a hard time over as I hate bottling out of anything but it would not be good for him or me if I am not in the right state of mind. It is too risky. Got out with 2 of Ian's horses later for a drive though. Got quite a bit of jungle clearance done in the garden in the morning but got nettled to bits in the process despite wearing gloves and long sleeves and long trousers. My skin is still numb and tingling from them this morning. It has let a lot more light into my poly tunnel though, so a good result. Just need a bonfire for the mountains of weeds. Must head out to the shops today as I need chicken, horse and cat feed as well as a few bits and bobs for their human slave! 🙄

@eggyg my surgery do little plastic cups with a handle and spout for collecting and decanting urine samples. I cannot imagine trying to collect it in the specimen bottle. I like @Lucyr 's suggestion though as more environmentally friendly.
How can you have children and grandchildren and still be squeamish about handling poop. Animals have certainly helped me overcome any issues with it..... my day seems to be a constant clean up process. Horses definitely have the least unpleasant waste but it is just as well considering the quantity they produce! 🙄

@Lily123 Congratulations on your House \Special this morning and to @AJLang on achieving one yesterday. Top marks guys!

@TinaD I really don't know how you are keeping your sanity. You must be pulling your hair out with it all. It seemed like you had put such a lot of thought and work into taking in this family, but that is now starting to look like the tip of the iceberg and such a lot of bureaucratic hoop jumping. Full credit to you for your perseverance and so pleased that you have others within your community supporting you. I really take my hat off to you. You are a hero!
Good morning - 5.2

As my Libre 2 stopped working on Saturday I put in a prescription then (didn’t expect it till at least Tuesday) . I went in the chemists on Monday as I was in town anyway and it wasn’t in but they checked the system and it hadn’t been processed. I went in there yesterday and it still hadn’t been processed so the chemist suggested I speak to my GP. I did that and they asked me why I was using so many test strips.. well if I don’t have a sensor on then I will use more test strips. I get GPs don’t know much about diabetes but isn’t that just common sense?
oh I know the feeling off just not getting my old ones before i was evening presided the libre(which as you know i dont use anymore) told me i should only testing 4 times a day no meter one I repelled with "what about work where i'm on my feet aloot should i not be testing more" and they were like "no". erm i don't think so. i think its that they don't understand type 1 or being on insulin.
It seems like this morning I am in good company in the 7s with a 7.2. I ate very late but very low carb.... gammon, mushrooms and sweetheart cabbage with butter. Went to bed on 6.6 and had a reasonably straight line all night so looks like 2 units is working still.

Took a bit of a mental nose dive yesterday afternoon for no apparent reason, so riding Rascal was off the cards which I am giving myself a hard time over as I hate bottling out of anything but it would not be good for him or me if I am not in the right state of mind. It is too risky. Got out with 2 of Ian's horses later for a drive though. Got quite a bit of jungle clearance done in the garden in the morning but got nettled to bits in the process despite wearing gloves and long sleeves and long trousers. My skin is still numb and tingling from them this morning. It has let a lot more light into my poly tunnel though, so a good result. Just need a bonfire for the mountains of weeds. Must head out to the shops today as I need chicken, horse and cat feed as well as a few bits and bobs for their human slave! 🙄

@eggyg my surgery do little plastic cups with a handle and spout for collecting and decanting urine samples. I cannot imagine trying to collect it in the specimen bottle. I like @Lucyr 's suggestion though as more environmentally friendly.
How can you have children and grandchildren and still be squeamish about handling poop. Animals have certainly helped me overcome any issues with it..... my day seems to be a constant clean up process. Horses definitely have the least unpleasant waste but it is just as well considering the quantity they produce! 🙄

@Lily123 Congratulations on your House \Special this morning and to @AJLang on achieving one yesterday. Top marks guys!

@TinaD I really don't know how you are keeping your sanity. You must be pulling your hair out with it all. It seemed like you had put such a lot of thought and work into taking in this family, but that is now starting to look like the tip of the iceberg and such a lot of bureaucratic hoop jumping. Full credit to you for your perseverance and so pleased that you have others within your community supporting you. I really take my hat off to you. You are a hero!
Thank you for the compliments but nobody ever accused me of being sane!!
Morning all and it was 5.7 when the cat started skriking to be out and 6.5 at a more reasonable hour.

Got a lot sorted at the studio yesterday and we can now use speakers or headphones for rehearsal at the push of a button. Also worked out how to use my keyboard to play backing tracks. It's amazing how useless 2000 pages of manual can be.

Have a good day everyone

6.9 but considering what I ate yesterday, I was pleased with that, had pizza and a piece of chocolate cake yesterday evening as it was hubbies birthday. Tried a new chocolate cake recipe yesterday, but not impressed with it.

@Lily123 congratulation in your HS.

@rebrascora - hope you are doing ok today, our mental health does like to catch us out when we least expect it.
morning all. 15.4 at 7am and 12.3 at 9.30am after going back to sleep once I jabbed. Be interested to see how a later brekkie shows on the meter by lunchtime.

Hope you all have a wonderful day x
@Grannylorraine what was the cake recipe?

And happy birthday to Mr Granny!
6.2 this morning. I was lucky enough to go to the Chelsea Flower Show yesterday evening and then spoilt with a very special dinner out at a posh restaurant in London. Found that ginger ale looks just like champagne when served in a champagne glass (I just had one) but it's nice to not feel the odd one out sometimes when not drinking. Was careful with my food at dinner (no bread rolls, only ½ of my fondant potato and ½ of my pudding) but was quite surprised when I got home (at 1.40am) that my BG was 4.2 - I actually had 2 JBs and a digestive biscuit (not idea if I needed to but I'm never normally low before bed). @eggyg the thought of you sitting having lunch with your friends with you know what in your bag made me LOL - I hope the restaurant don't do a bag search on entry! Have a good day everyone

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@zippyjojo How lovely! Hopefully you had a beautiful day!
Which restaurant, not the one right next door to the Chelsea Hospital grounds was it?!
We had a lovely time thanks. No we got a taxi and went to Mossiman's up near Knightsbridge - real treat. The good thing was that presumably because there had been some heavy rain the pollen from the plane trees was non existent so no choking while walking around!
@zippyjojo How lovely! Hopefully you had a beautiful day!
Which restaurant, not the one right next door to the Chelsea Hospital grounds was it?
We had a lovely time thanks. No we got a taxi and went to Mossiman's up near Knightsbridge - real treat. The good thing was that presumably because there had been some heavy rain the pollen from the plane trees was non existent so no choking while walking around!
Not been to Mossiman’s this century! Was always lovely food and such a remarkably non-stuffy atmosphere!