Group 7-day waking average?

@Kaylz Can't believe you have so much bad luck with the sensors. Hope the next is better.
The facebook groups are filled with the same thing just now so at least it's not just me! Thanks I hope so too but I won't be applying another until the weekend, I feel so deflated with it all :( my fingers are already in agony! xx
Morning all and it was a 5.6 for me.

Bit of branch trimming for me today and possibly some music this aft. Got a slightly delayed present yesterday. A bawu a type of Chinese flute. I think I've got a hang of the basics.

Haggis (Veggie) and neeps on the menu for tonight.

Have a good day everyone.
@khskel how was the outcome yesterday? xx
6.8 this morning. Shopping delivery due in a couple of hours, 4 substitutes - 2 will go back but means I will have no bread - thankful for a wee bit of Hovis stashed in the freezer.
Feeling a bit more human this morning, which is good, but seem to be starting a cold sore on my top lip - if it's not one thing blah blah blah - I could try the bonjela - it is sugar free, not that I plan to eat it lol. Oh well, done it now so we shall see.
Happy Burns Night to all that celebrate.
Morning all... very grey today.

4.2 (woken by the Libre alarm at 08:50 - screenshot was taken a few minutes later), still, I've tweaked basal and actually had a really good night's sleep with a flatfish... another minor tweak should stop the slight drop from 7am.

@Gwynn CONGRATULATIONS on the HS... rock that chocolate!

@eggyg your grandaughter is so cute!

@Kaylz Can't believe you have so much bad luck with the sensors. Hope the next is better.
That’s an even flatter flatfish than mine!
Thanks re cute granddaughter, she’s even now she’s having a nap! :rofl: Hence having a minute to catch up on the forum.
Good morning everyone.

Trumpets, cymbals, fireworks !!!! .....5.2 yesss at last an elusive 5.2.

Day 8 of self isolation (of 10 days)

I have noticed that my blood pressure has increased into the 'elevated' band since I stopped exercising for the self isolation. Should I be concerned? I will pick up the exercise again after recovery from the op and see what happens. Pulse is still very low. This morning it was 52.

A bit of messing around with chocolates and chocolate moulds this morning I think.

Have a great day whatever you do today
I’ve got the maracas out celebrating your HS! Ariba, ariba! I’m also wearing a giant Mexican hat to complete the look. 😉
Good morning, 5'7 today. I plan to do some exercise inside (YouTube is my new best friend) and then a nice shower with some extra products that I don't normally use. Kind of a beauty session, now that I have time to spare 🙂

Some people are telling me that I don't need to be so strict with self isolation now, maybe I could go for a walk, but I think it is better to stay in as much as possible. And the few symptoms I had seem to improve after one day in :confused:
And the few symptoms I had seem to improve after one day in :confused:
Thats how i was. A headache one day, aching chest another, aching all over another day...nothing i wouldn't have gone to work with any other time. Since day 3 of isolation i had nothing at all, very frustrating having to stay in. I hope your symptoms continue to be mild. Enjoy your pampering.
Morning Everyone
13.9 earlier at 7am.
Tried to phone doctors for a consult but after half an hour I couldn't even get through to the queue to have my call picked up let alone be offered an appointment.
Went back to bed at 9 with meds on board with raging headache and just got back up on 8.8.

Going to be one of those kinda days then today when my body has a tantrum...
Hi all been AWOL a few days

5.9 this morning.

Sensor change tonight hoping it’s a good one. I had 3 bad ones 3 replacements and they’ve been ok.
@gll have you had the tests to ensure you are indeed T2?
LOL << my sarcastic laugh

I mentioned during the last convo with the pharmacist (who seems to be my go to person now) about the uncovered autoimmune history and they basically still looks like T2. No tests.
I'm still unwell with this cough which could explain the random higher readings. Waking readings overall are still around the 8s. Range during the day is 7-14. What I can eat one day, the next will send me soaring.
The Empagliflozin is helping massively, would it still help if anything other than T2 (along with gliclazide)?
Gliclazide alone was hit and miss. Somedays it did its job, others, no way with low to high teens.
Now I cant tell if it is one med or the other doing the work.

It still might be type 2 but I reached that tipping point a long time ago now and it is just going to be a struggle to reign it in to some semblance of control. (I was super awesome at explaining away symptoms - diabetes wasn't on my radar)

Whatever way it swings, I will keep pushing for a regime that works. Some days I feel it is getting there, others its like what the heck is going on.

Edit: is being more carb conscious than what doctors recommend doing me a disservice with delaying getting a treatment plan that works?
Good morning all 6.8 today. Must dash. Have a good day x
7.3 for me this morning. Cut Levemir by another 2 units last night (ie no evening dose) and no JBs required but was a little high most of the night. (8s mostly) Still in range though and I'm back up to 96% TIR for the past 7 days so getting close to a new PB and need to focus.
Sadly not only did the old girl fail her MOT but after some scratching at a suspect brake pipe with a screwdriver by the mechanic, it then blew doing an emergency stop on the rolling road (far better there than whilst I was driving 😱 ) so she was impounded! Of course I didn't find this out until I returned from a 5 mile walk to the nearest town for a spot of shopping whilst she was being tested. I was then faced with an 8 mile walk home to get Ian's old Range Rover and trailer to recover her..... Hence the reason I dialed back my Levemir to zero last night! There is a rather extensive list to address but none should be overly expensive so hopefully out local repair guy can square her up.

Took me 4 goes to get Wordle this morning after a poor first attempt gave me nothing.

Hoof trimming is on the cards for today. I will no doubt be struggling to get out of bed and stand up straight tomorrow as it is back breaking work.
Good morning 6.1 this morning
have a great day everybody
Morning all. 6.9 this morning. Back in work today. Catch up later.