Group 7-day waking average?

That’s an even flatter flatfish than mine!
Thanks re cute granddaughter, she’s even now she’s having a nap! :rofl: Hence having a minute to catch up on the forum.
They reach a stage when they really need a nap but you know if they have a nap they are a nightmare to go to sleep at night. You have to go through the grumpy stage at tea time.
She looks as if butter wouldn't melt.
Good morning everyone. Tease is back on with a 5.1 hey ho

Had a great time playing with chocolate yesterday. My technique (Hmmm) has definitely improved. Attached a couple of pictures of the result. Actually making the chocolate shells and shapes is relatively easy, but a bit messy at times.

This is day 9 of the 10 day self isolation. Friday will be upon me very quickly.

Nothing to do today. Yawn.

View attachment 19869
View attachment 19870

Have a great day today whatever you do
WOW they look fantastic. I'm sure you could sell them. Nothing to do today ? other than eat those brilliant looking chocs.
My OH's sister makes a living selling homemade cannabis chocs, fudge and cookies in South Africa where I assume it's legal (or not maybe).
They reach a stage when they really need a nap but you know if they have a nap they are a nightmare to go to sleep at night. You have to go through the grumpy stage at tea time.
She looks as if butter wouldn't melt.
Yeah, danger naps we call them. She was very grumpy yesterday before her mummy came for her at 5.15. We were exhausted, wanted on my knee, then wanted down, then wanted up! We’ve got a two day break now. Woohoo!
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6.8 this morning.
Morning all.

6.4 at 09:45 when I finally woke after being woken at 05:43 by the libre saying 4.1. Took a Dextrose and half a stem ginger cookie. Oddly I’d gone to bed on 8.4 at 01:15 after a much delayed dinner. Due to chatting to a friend who lives near Bordeaux on a video call.

@Gwynn I am most impressed with your chocolates! What did you fill them with?

@gll... looks like your own pancreas is spluttering, chucking out insulin sometimes and not others. It’s probably beyond those treating you. I think I’d be asking for a referral to an Endocrinologist working on the principle that if you don’t ask you don’t get.
Pattiedevans: some are filled with chocolate gnash, some are just solid.
Some of the easter eggs are hollow some are double layered (outside white, inside dark). It all appeals to my tiny artistic side and my larger scientific side, I guess

It's not boredom eating as much as boredom doing.

No idea how to sell things. Hmmm worthy of some thought. I bet there are humungous health and safety rules and regulations. So perhaps not.

Great fun though. Not sure my wife is too happy with all the mess, but I do clear it all up and she does like and eat the results!
Good morning! 4'5 today. A good number but I am a bit surprised, it's the first morning I am under 5.

Today I am going to repeat the same exercise videos I did yesterday, but in the morning instead of evening, and see how it affects my BS. I'm starting to check before and after exercise, my scientific mind is enjoying this side of diabetes and it gives me something to do in isolation. To be honest I would be testing a lot more if I had unlimited test strips and my poor fingertips didn't have to suffer :rofl:
Good morning 5.3 today 5.6 yesterday, AWOL yesterday brother and sil turned up
unexpectedly from Cornwall and took me out for the day,🙂 haven`t seen them in
2 1/2 years because of Covid and the River Lynher deciding to empty itself into their
basement and ground floor, its a pub restaurant so two floors needed fixing.😱

Congratulations on HS @TinaD. 🙂

A work of art @Gwynn impressive.😉

Have a good day folks love & best wishes for all who are suffering, take care stay safe.🙂
Pattiedevans: some are filled with chocolate gnash, some are just solid.
Some of the easter eggs are hollow some are double layered (outside white, inside dark). It all appeals to my tiny artistic side and my larger scientific side, I guess
Oooh... choccie ganache! Have you tried flavouring it? I've got a recipe for a "fail safe" chocolate fondant and you make truffles first which go into the centre - very similar to ganache. I've done Amaretto, Cointreau and double expresso so far.
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Good morning! 4'5 today. A good number but I am a bit surprised, it's the first morning I am under 5.

Today I am going to repeat the same exercise videos I did yesterday, but in the morning instead of evening, and see how it affects my BS. I'm starting to check before and after exercise, my scientific mind is enjoying this side of diabetes and it gives me something to do in isolation. To be honest I would be testing a lot more if I had unlimited test strips and my poor fingertips didn't have to suffer :rofl:
You should have access to unlimited test strips as you’re on insulin. Get on to your GP surgery ASAP and TELL them you need more. I see at the moment you’re just on a basal, I’m assuming that’s because of the “ honeymoon “ period. You should be testing quite a lot during this stage, in my opinion, as things will change. Are you in the UK? If so, ask about a Libre, that’ll stop your poor fingertips from getting so sore. Top tip, do it on the sides rather than the pads.
Hey Everyone.
10.3 (hardly a surprise).

Yesterday was a disaster.
Took all day of eating a total of a slice of cold meat, subway meatballs tub and pigs in blankets tub to slowly get down into the 6s (12 hours to get there from 13.9). Took 2nd gliclazide dose and had a tin of lentil soup (usually under a 3 rise for me) and shot up into the 16s. Can't bloody win some days.

In other better news, cough is easing up a bit and its more clear mucus than green now and less blood traces (probs since I am not coughing as much or as hard).

Got a pile of paperwork to do today and its about time I got started on that so will grab a coffee, clear my desk and crack on 🙂

Hope you all are having/have a great day
You should have access to unlimited test strips as you’re on insulin. Get on to your GP surgery ASAP and TELL them you need more. I see at the moment you’re just on a basal, I’m assuming that’s because of the “ honeymoon “ period. You should be testing quite a lot during this stage, in my opinion, as things will change. Are you in the UK? If so, ask about a Libre, that’ll stop your poor fingertips from getting so sore. Top tip, do it on the sides rather than the pads.
Hello, thanks for your advice! I actually have access to unlimited strips, sorry, I meant I don't have an unlimited supply right now at home, though they should be more than enough for the isolation time. Luckily I got more just last week.
The doctor said they will offer me the Libre, probably when I start doing bolus insulin. I think it would be very helpful.
@gll... looks like your own pancreas is spluttering, chucking out insulin sometimes and not others. It’s probably beyond those treating you. I think I’d be asking for a referral to an Endocrinologist working on the principle that if you don’t ask you don’t get.
They straight up said there's not enough to refer with (that was a convo a few of weeks back).
The guy I talk to (pharmacist) while lovely and good at explaining things like medications and how they work, seems largely disinterested in my day to day meter readings and is more a1c focused which as we know doesn't show some of the bad days.
The over the phone appointments don't help, its too easy to deflect and not see the genuine concern and frustration in patients faces and just cast us off as it is T2 and therefore not terribly urgent...wait for a1c.
Good afternoon everyone 🙂 at 7:16 this morning BG was 7.3 and within target. 11.0u tresiba done.
7.4 at 6.55am.

I hope the 1st day back at work went ok @freesia.

Those chocs look amazing @Gwynn