Group 7-day waking average?

Gosh I’m early this morning! 6.4.

Hope everyone is a good day.
8.1 this morning and 7.1 3 hours later
Hi guys
I had my op yesterday (2x bypass and an Aotic valve.) I went into ICU and slept but at 11:30 today I went back to Chelmer ward. They say they are pleased with my progress and tomorrow I start walking. I’m tired and have lost my hunger feel a bit sick and have a pee bag attached, my sternum is broken and hurts
I hope to be home by weekend
Good luck with the recovery
Morning all, 6.2 here. I’ve got a Review appointment with the new surgery nurse this morning, I’ve not met her before, my previous nurse has retired. I’ve already had bloods, which I discussed on the telephone with the hospital, and foot tickling, BP, long list of tick boxes etc done by a surgery HCP, so goodness knows what there is left to do. Apparently she can do my Medication review, though, so that will save a doctor's appointment.
Morning folks. :D 4.8 here.

Great to hear things went well @Gruers - hope you’re home again asap.

All this doubling-up @Robin seems so wasteful of nhs resources. Last year, I spoke to the hospital consultant one day and my surgery’s nurse practitioner the next - two different people, same conversation. Hope the newbie’s up to scratch! 😛😉😎
Morning everyone.
take ya pick this morning.
10.6 at 3am when I was up coughing and had to get up for a bit to clear my chest (was gross, that's all that needs to be said about that)
10.2 at 8am (grossness is in progress again)

Going to get some brekkie and meds and see if we can convince my body to sort itself out a bit :confused:.

@Gruers glad you weren't rescheduled again and are done and back on the ward. Wishing you the speediest of speedy recoveries x
@Kopiert Nice HS this morning
Well done @Kopiert on that HS.

5.5 for me today. 🙂


6.3 today

Bruce's birthday today and the company I bought his darts from still haven't posted them, apparently it's peak season and they aim to post within 3-4 working days, this is the 5th working day since ordering and it's still processing the order :(

Still no movement with the draught excluder, the seller did email Hermes but it could take 3 days for them to hear back from Hermes so we'll just freeze a little while longer 🙄 xx
Good morning. 10.9 today. Slightly lower than the last few mornings but still a lot higher than i like. Could it be the infection going or the extra unit i had just before midnight? Fingers crossed they're settling down. I felt so much better yesterday, i just want levels to settle now.

@Kopiert congrats on the HS
Afternoon! 5.7, which I’m very pleased with as had RICE last night, along with mashed potatoes, my nemesis. I bunged in an extra one unit of bolus. Seems to have done the trick, had a text book flatfish on the ol’ Libre graph. 🙂

Unlike yesterday, where I was up dressed etc by 8. I’ve just got up, patiently ( NOT) waiting for my NovaNotsoRapid to kick in before having my brekkie. It’ll be nearly lunch time! :D

Nothing special planned, ironing and watching rubbish on the telly, bit of housewifery, I may flick a duster about and halfheartedly push the Shark around. I’m not a big fan of cleaning. I do the bare minimum incase we have visitors!

Have a great day, it’s frosty up here again. Brrr!
@Kopiert congratulations on your HS.🙂
6.6 this morning, off to exciting Sainsbury’s soon and meeting up with a friend later for a coffee.
Have a good day everyone x
@Gruers so pleased to hear all went well. Wishing you a speedy recovery x
@ColinUK love the new earring, what a brave boy lol. I know what you mean about disapproving parents. I bought an ankle chain when I was in my early 20s and my mother went bonkers, saying that is what prostitutes used to wear, I was so annoyed I went and bought another one for the other ankle!!
@Kopiert congrats on the HS
Delighted to report a 5.3 this morning for me with no corrections or JBs required overnight again so hopefully I am getting back on track with things.

@Kopiert Many congratulations on your House Special this morning.

@freesia Good to hear that you are feeling a bit better and levels are coming down slightly. Fingers crossed you are over the worst.

@gll Hope your chest clears soon and you get some undisturbed sleep.

@Gruers Sounds pretty uncomfortable but the important thing is that you are now well on the road to recovery. Hopefully it will be plain sailing.

@ColinUK Can't wait to see your "Man with the Pearl Earring" look! Go for it!
Good morning - 4.6 this morning. Had a load of blood tests yesterday so asked for an HbA1C whilst they had the needle in - I believe in multi-tasking. Afterwards the young nurse demonstrated to me how very little people know about T2 diabetes control by diet with her questions about what I could eat, including in her list, believe it or not, sugar...After providing her with the list of restrictions got the response "Ooh I couldn't do that...": very encouraging! Considering the billions of the NHS budget spent annually on diabetic treatment and amputations it would surely be worth providing at least minimal training to nursing staff?
Despite feeling crap with the sore throat I only hit 6.2 this morning, even though I was munching on bags of Quavers last night as I couldn't face anything else, so at least my BG is behaving well. It feels a bit better this morning, but that could still be the effects of the paracetamol I swallowed at 6.00am.....time will tell when that wears off.
Have a good day x
Morning all, 6.2 here. I’ve got a Review appointment with the new surgery nurse this morning, I’ve not met her before, my previous nurse has retired. I’ve already had bloods, which I discussed on the telephone with the hospital, and foot tickling, BP, long list of tick boxes etc done by a surgery HCP, so goodness knows what there is left to do. Apparently she can do my Medication review, though, so that will save a doctor's appointment.
I have not had a Doctors Medication review for years.Mine have all been done by the practice Pharmacist.

6.3 today which I was pleased with as I ate a very lovely mushroom risotto at 8.30pm last night.

@Kopiert - congratulations on your HS
@Gruers - pleased to hear you had your surgery and are back on the ward,I hope you continue to recover well.
@freesia, @gll and @janw - hope you all start to feel better soon.
@Kaylz - so annoying when orders are not fulfilled and delivered, I have just had a delivery this morning of something that was posted on 26th November, I had been in contact with the company and the replacement arrived earlier this week. My Car Insurance renewal documents posted before Christmas arrived today, luckily as that is also online I was able to see the renewal price and pay.
@Gwynn and @Bloden - how many calories do we reckon this climbing the walls uses, just wondering for future reference.

Have a good day everyone, love to you all.

Nearly the weekend all.
6.2 this bright and cold morning.

@Kaylz Couldn’t they just fly the darts to you and Bruce?

(That was funnier in my head!)


I’ve self referred back to IAPTS today as my mental health has taken a battering since November and my ptsd symptoms are back.

I put a brave face on it most of the time but I need, I’m not quite sure what I need, not ‘help’ per se but more ‘guidance’ and ‘reassurance’ I guess.

Last year was such a paradigm shift for me that I’m struggling to map my way through this landscape without getting lost.

I know that it’s a process and it’s only been a very short while since I started working my way through it so it’s no wonder it’s taking time, and I’m certain I’ll get through it no matter how lost I might get at times.