Group 7-day waking average?

A straight 6.0 here.
Morning lovelies 🙂 5.6 here and looking like it's going to be a lovely day 🙂 x
Morning folks . Woke up earlier to some much needed rain and a 4.1
Morning all, 11.6 for me today!!! 2 weeks then I'm back to the GP too what he wants to do with me.
Good morning all🙂 and 6.7 today.
Have you been eating macflurries Northerner? :D
Great news Bubbsie A nice break ahead 🙂
Thanks Linda...last break three four weeks...who knows...might get to six weeks...that would be a record for me:D.
Morning folks . Woke up earlier to some much needed rain and a 4.1
Great numbers Lin...I'm so relieved it's raining...won't have to water that dam lawn again!
Morning all, 4.8 here. Yay, Bubbsie, a whole month off, it'll be high summer by then!
Thanks Robin...yep...looking forward to this summer...missed so much of it last year...been working hard in the garden...want to reap the benefit of all that work🙂
Morning all.🙂 5.3 here.😛

Way to go, Bubbsie! (You'll secretly miss 'the clinic' - NOT!)😛
Am I that obvious Bloden :D:D:D...feels like I'm out on parole...for good behaviour!
Morning...5.1 today...good INR appointment yesterday...a whole four weeks between appointments...the longest break in the last year.🙂.

Well done Bubbsie 🙂
Well done Bubbsie 🙂
Thanks Rob...well done you too...great numbers...definitely going downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn....steadily.
Good morning all and it's 6.6 for me, wondering if changing my exercise so drastically means I need more lantus.
Brilliant news @Bubbsie and enjoy being out on parole!
Thanks Jo...and no tag...feels like holiday season!
Morning all. A nice 5.5 today, continuing a good run of 5s (now why couldn't it be like that before the blood test for my review?!)