Group 7-day waking average?

It's weird! I've been around the 15 - 16 stone mark for over 20 years, found it very difficult to lose weight. Then D came along & with dropping the carbs it's just falling off. It's more uncomfortable sitting on hard seats now though.:confused:
Especially when you shift yourself to try and get comfier and you roll over your bum bone haha, the struggles eh 🙂 x
@Mark P
Boney bum - No joke is it 🙄 Try a rolled up garden knee pad for instances like that - you could even shove it down the back of your trousers if you didn't or couldn't carry it!!!
So - as much as you didnt want D, in a way it has done you a great favour really so far as your weight is concerned - do you find your Diabetes easier to control now or is it still a daily challenge for you? You appear to me to be ever enthusiastic with your varied diet - or has it become second nature to you now? You obviously enjoy experimenting with food.
It really has become second nature. I really experimented with food choices over the last 6 months & still ended up with a HbA1c of 35. I was amazed, really.
It's weird! I've been around the 15 - 16 stone mark for over 20 years, found it very difficult to lose weight. Then D came along & with dropping the carbs it's just falling off. It's more uncomfortable sitting on hard seats now though.:confused:
Made me laugh Mark...I know that 'hard chair' feeling!
Good morning folks. It's a bit dull here atm.
There's no consistency Bubbsie. I get testing strips and lancets on diet alone but suspect it's down to the attitude of your GP. Mine certainly isn't a tow the line type! :D
Amigo...we need to swop GP's...that's what so maddening...seems it's up to the CCG
Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...worked last night...horrendous...home at midnight...feeling like ?...shows with a 6.9 this morning
Good morning all and a 4.2 for me, time for basal testing.The sun rise was so beautiful here in Somerset and wishing everyone a sunny day.
Morning all. 5.0 for me today.
First day of archery outdoor season today and the sun is shining thank goodness 🙂
Morning everyone 🙂 5.3 for me down from 8.2 at bed last night due to having to reduce my tea time bolus, brightening up a bit now here so fingers crossed it stays like that x
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(((((hugs)))))) hope you feel better and can rest today.
Coffee...amazing how it calms the troubled sea etc...etc...who am I kidding...need an extra large... humungous... fresh cream double doughnut...but 'Betty' says 'NO'...can smell my second cup of fine Colombian blend brewing...sun is shining...Harry looks perky...tail wagging... Monty Don on the is looking up...thanks JO.
Morning all, a not too shabby 6.3 here, considering I had to survive a traditional family buffet at the in-laws last night ( think pork pies and trifle) It's never bolusing for the actual event that's the problem, it's picking at the leftovers when you help clear up afterwards that does the damage.