Group 7-day waking average?

I was annoyed to be honest Bubbsie. The Consultant seems to ask this specialist nurse to review his patients and in fairness she's excellent but useless in terms of being able to organise anything. I had no idea he wasn't there and is apparently in his native country for 6 weeks. He's only just come back! He might be better going back there to be honest and let them appoint a full timer! Harsh but true.
How frustrating @Amigo you deserve better. Can you ask to be on a cancellation list? I hope the pain isn't too bad.
5.5 here and excited to be getting testing strips for my old wonderful meter. I was told yesterday there were no restrictions for type one, she completely contradicted herself from last time. I think my complaining has worked but have completely lost trust in my DSN. But I am getting my contour next back, hurrah!
Result! 🙂
Morning guys 5.9 for me today, bright outside but still quite chilly :( x
Good morning 🙂 and a very slightly lower 7.2 today. Are you joining me Amigo? 🙂
Good morning folks. 4.9 today 🙂
5.5 here and excited to be getting testing strips for my old wonderful meter. I was told yesterday there were no restrictions for type one, she completely contradicted herself from last time. I think my complaining has worked but have completely lost trust in my DSN. But I am getting my contour next back, hurrah!
Well done Jo...difficult fighting your corner with those we know/feel should be on our side ...I hope she apologised for her 'obvious' mistake...and the anxiety she caused you...somehow I doubt that...some benefit to be gained from the 'difference of opinions'...although you say you have lost faith in your DSN (not alone in that) you have her ear...she knows not to tangle with a determined patient and will no doubt give you her undivided attention...listen to what you have to say in future...instead of simply following the cost cutting protocol that seems to be prevalent in the NHS now (whether detrimental to patients or not)...good for you...and encouraging to others here who are fighting a similar battle.
5.5 here and excited to be getting testing strips for my old wonderful meter. I was told yesterday there were no restrictions for type one, she completely contradicted herself from last time. I think my complaining has worked but have completely lost trust in my DSN. But I am getting my contour next back, hurrah!
That's great news.
Well done Jo...difficult fighting your corner with those we know/feel should be on our side ...I hope she apologised for her 'obvious' mistake...and the anxiety she caused you...somehow I doubt that...some benefit to be gained from the 'difference of opinions'...although you say you have lost faith in your DSN (not alone in that) you have her ear...she knows not to tangle with a determined patient and will no doubt give you her undivided attention...listen to what you have to say in future...instead of simply following the cost cutting protocol that seems to be prevalent in the NHS now (whether detrimental to patients or not)...good for you...and encouraging to others here who are fighting a similar battle.
Thanks Bubbsie, as for the apology Oh No, she would rather say it was my misunderstanding! I will find out about the other surgery in town, it can't be worse can it.
How frustrating @Amigo you deserve better. Can you ask to be on a cancellation list? I hope the pain isn't too bad.
Good morning 🙂 and a very slightly lower 7.2 today. Are you joining me Amigo? 🙂

Managed a slightly better 6.6 this morning Linda but interestingly I've slept better and in less pain at the moment so maybe a correlation. We'll battle on hun! 😉
Morning all! 5.6 for me today. Off to diabetic review this afternoon. I'll report back with the results later.
Thanks Bubbsie, as for the apology Oh No, she would rather say it was my misunderstanding! I will find out about the other surgery in town, it can't be worse can it.
Well think about that for a while Jo... you've got her attention now...won't have the same difficulty again...shame to waste that...had similar with my GP...several discussions later...and a letter means he now gives me his full attention...took some effort...but got there in the end.
Managed a slightly better 6.6 this morning Linda but interestingly I've slept better and in less pain at the moment so maybe a correlation. We'll battle on hun! 😉
That's a really good number Amigo! And pleased you had a better night 🙂
@Mark Parrott Hi Mark .
I hope you get good news at your appointment today .
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8.2 this morning after my 7s as well. Walk before you run now. I'll get there eventually.