Group 7-day waking average?

After a few days coming down I'm back up to 8.6 this morning.
Morning peeps it's a 6.2 from me today x
Morning all. 6.4 for me today. Put it down to eating a biscuit before bed as bedtime reading was 5.4. Which is a tad lower than I'd be happier going to sleep on.
Great news about the eyes @Kaylz
4.5 and enjoying a coffee with no rapid insulin. I am surprised I am this low as I inject my lantus in the morning and I didn't think it lasted 24 hours. Time to reduce it again.

Lantus can take up to 3 days for any changes to be apparent!!
Snap yourself Alan...blood test done for HbA1c yesterday...gave myself a bit of leeway...three months until the next...celebrated with some...Daddy's Brown Sauce...a whole two tablespoons of it...I blame that!!:D
Gosh you do go overboard on celebrating! :D Do you have to wait three days for the results?
Amongst all the excellent numbers, I also have a 7.4 today Linda :( unusually high for me.

I've got an appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon this afternoon to see if anything can be done about my shoulder.
How did the shoulder appointment go? I hope you now have progress.
Good morning all 🙂 and so pleased to hear your eye appt went well Kaylz 🙂
7.3 for me today.
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Well we've a right old mix this morning, haven't we? Beautiful cloudless spring morning and I get a 7.1. I have got a cold though, not that it bothers me otherwise. My immune system is good with colds, s***e with everything else 🙄
Good morning folks. A feeling yucky 9.3 today :(

That's Great news @Kaylz
Gosh you do go overboard on celebrating! :D Do you have to wait three days for the results?
Jo I know how to live...originally planned to have ROAST DINNER...complete with stuffing & some real gravy...until I looked at the carb content...couldn't face that...possibly a reformed diabetic😱😱😱?...should get results late today or will plan my weekend accordingly.
Good morning all 🙂 and so pleased to hear your eye appt went well Kaylz 🙂
7.3 for me today.

I don't know how we are doing it but I'm mirroring your levels at the moment Linda. Also a 7.3 that I know both of us would like much lower! :(

@New-journey, thanks for enquiry but unfortunately the Consultant wasn't there so I got to see the nurse. She's very nice but can't really sort anything so back there in May. Bit of a waste of time!
Jo I know how to live...originally planned to have ROAST DINNER...complete with stuffing & some real gravy...until I looked at the carb content...couldn't face that...possibly a reformed diabetic😱😱😱?...should get results late today or will plan my weekend accordingly.

Hope you get a really good result Bubbsie.
I don't know how we are doing it but I'm mirroring your levels at the moment Linda. Also a 7.3 that I know both of us would like much lower! :(

How true Amigo :( I'm not the best person to mirror! .
You have such a low hba1c though so maybe yours is caused by dawn phenomenon? Mine is higher throughout most of the day. Oh dear!
Hope you get a really good result Bubbsie.
Thanks Amigo...similarly...lets hope your appointment went well...and there's good news for any further treatment needed/planned🙂...even betternews would be no further treatment needed🙂
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I don't know how we are doing it but I'm mirroring your levels at the moment Linda. Also a 7.3 that I know both of us would like much lower! :(

How true Amigo :( I'm not the best person to mirror! .
You have such a low hba1c though so maybe yours is caused by dawn phenomenon? Mine is higher throughout most of the day. Oh dear!

This is a blip for me Linda and hopefully temporary! Could be indicating impending infection but I hope not.

Hope we can both get much lower. It's a complete pain in the bum! 😡
The DF and the lurgy seem to be striking out at the moment, hope everyone feels better soon 🙂 x
Morning all. The DF came to visit after lunch yesterday and I've been all over the place since. A rubbish 9.3 for me. Onwards and downwards
Oh no khskel! Have noticed the DF loitering around a bit lately - she needs stark reminder to get the hell out of here I think !
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