Group 7-day waking average?

A 6.7 for me this morning. Happy when it stays under 7.

Hope all is well @Northerner....
Yes I like under 7s too Amigo. They seem more and more elusive for me lately. I'm certainly moving enough but also eating more carbs. They are so addictive. I feel like I'm hooked! 😱
Good luck Sadhbh, hope you get good news from the lady!

Thanks, @grovesy, @Ljc, et al
All is well with the toe, thanks. In fact I am allowed to return to swimming next week if I get some swimming shoes for protection. I've had neuropathy in my feet for many years before ever having the diabetes, but the Diabetes made it REAL (thinking of the velveteen rabbit story) so this this the first time I went to the Dr before I had a raging fever!

@wirralass ... Your turn: how did the CT scan go?
Thanks, @grovesy, @Ljc, et al
All is well with the toe, thanks. In fact I am allowed to return to swimming next week if I get some swimming shoes for protection. I've had neuropathy in my feet for many years before ever having the diabetes, but the Diabetes made it REAL (thinking of the velveteen rabbit story) so this this the first time I went to the Dr before I had a raging fever!

@wirralass ... Your turn: how did the CT scan go?
Phew. Glad to hear this
Yes I like under 7s too Amigo. They seem more and more elusive for me lately. I'm certainly moving enough but also eating more carbs. They are so addictive. I feel like I'm hooked! 😱

I know what you mean Linda. It's trying to get into the right frame of mind to resist that's hard sometimes.

My post breakfast level has been artificially elevated by the 'contacting the DWP effect' which is much more hazardous than any Dawn Phenomenon! 🙄 Wouldn't care but it's not even for me.
I know what you mean Linda. It's trying to get into the right frame of mind to resist that's hard sometimes.

My post breakfast level has been artificially elevated by the 'contacting the DWP effect' which is much more hazardous than any Dawn Phenomenon! 🙄 Wouldn't care but it's not even for me.
Ugggggg the DWP
MESSAGES TO NORTHERNER FROM THE FORUM GANG. Thought it would be nice for everyone to post a message to him?
MESSAGES TO NORTHERNER FROM THE FORUM GANG. Thought it would be nice for everyone to post a message to him?
@Bubbsie - Didn't need the ear plugs after all!
@Ljc - Thank you for the ((((((hug))))))
@Amigo - Goood waking bgl, under the 7
@Manda1 - 5.2 bgl well done u
@grovesy - bgl dipped, great guns
@Sadbh - Plzd to hear your tootsie is mended. Enjoy swimming again.

Thank you so much for your good luck wishes peeps. I felt you were all with me today. Waiting room: Given plastic cup & jug of cold water & told I ad 40mins to drink it! The toilet's over there by the way! 🙄The scan room was freezing cold as they usually are :( Boy, that iodine contrast stuff that's injected into the vein via Canula (3 tries!) is weird stuff! I could feel it touching every blood vessel in my body from me bonce to me tooties! Ooo! They weren't concerned about injecting it once ...but flippin twice 😱 once now, tuther 10 mins later. For those who have never had a CT Scan, a rather erm..warm-hottish but comfortable feeling overcomes the body 🙄 as the iodine travels through the veins. Then I iz whizzed into the scanner ..suddenly a man's recorded voice abruptly commands me to "Hold your breath" :confused:(I'm holding it, blimey when can I breathe out please, me lungs are going to burst & me face is turning blue!) Then man says "Breathe out" phew! I'm thinking the scan is over, that didn't take long, I can go home now - but hey ho...wait wait.....Not.......In for another ride, here we go, "Hold your breath," etc then I iz hauled out again :D Canula removed from leftie arm - wadding plonked on to stop the bleed - lots bleed - then for goodness sakes, tape stuck on top of wadding to which I'm allergic (@AndBreathe) Within few minutes the skin underneath said tape shows sore red signs of allergy already😱 Tape ripped off 😱& replaced with microporous tape🙂 Shown back into the now sardines waiting room til one feels back to normal! 3 visits to de loo later, I was on me way & waiting taxi to take me ome! :D The sun is shining brightly but Ize adnt brought shades 😎 with moi, never mind, visa in taxi will av to do!

Dx Type 2 April 2016
Metformin withdrawn
Diet and exercise only
@Bubbsie - Didn't need the ear plugs after all!
@Ljc - Thank you for the ((((((hug))))))
@Amigo - Goood waking bgl, under the 7
@Manda1 - 5.2 bgl well done u
@grovesy - bgl dipped, great guns
@Sadbh - Plzd to hear your tootsie is mended. Enjoy swimming again.

Thank you so much for your good luck wishes peeps. I felt you were all with me today. Waiting room: Given plastic cup & jug of cold water & told I ad 40mins to drink it! The toilet's over there by the way! 🙄The scan room was freezing cold as they usually are :( Boy, that iodine contrast stuff that's injected into the vein via Canula (3 tries!) is weird stuff! I could feel it touching every blood vessel in my body from me bonce to me tooties! Ooo! They weren't concerned about injecting it once ...but flippin twice 😱 once now, tuther 10 mins later. For those who have never had a CT Scan, a rather erm..warm-hottish but comfortable feeling overcomes the body 🙄 as the iodine travels through the veins. Then I iz whizzed into the scanner ..suddenly a man's recorded voice abruptly commands me to "Hold your breath" :confused:(I'm holding it, blimey when can I breathe out please, me lungs are going to burst & me face is turning blue!) Then man says "Breathe out" phew! I'm thinking the scan is over, that didn't take long, I can go home now - but hey ho...wait wait.....Not.......In for another ride, here we go, "Hold your breath," etc then I iz hauled out again :D Canula removed from leftie arm - wadding plonked on to stop the bleed - lots bleed - then for goodness sakes, tape stuck on top of wadding to which I'm allergic (@AndBreathe) Within few minutes the skin underneath said tape shows sore red signs of allergy already😱 Tape ripped off 😱& replaced with microporous tape🙂 Shown back into the now sardines waiting room til one feels back to normal! 3 visits to de loo later, I was on me way & waiting taxi to take me ome! :D The sun is shining brightly but Ize adnt brought shades 😎 with moi, never mind, visa in taxi will av to do!

Dx Type 2 April 2016
Metformin withdrawn
Diet and exercise only
You have done well I dread ever having to have one of those scans xx when do you get the results ?
@Bubbsie - Didn't need the ear plugs after all!
@Ljc - Thank you for the ((((((hug))))))
@Amigo - Goood waking bgl, under the 7
@Manda1 - 5.2 bgl well done u
@grovesy - bgl dipped, great guns
@Sadbh - Plzd to hear your tootsie is mended. Enjoy swimming again.

Thank you so much for your good luck wishes peeps. I felt you were all with me today. Waiting room: Given plastic cup & jug of cold water & told I ad 40mins to drink it! The toilet's over there by the way! 🙄The scan room was freezing cold as they usually are :( Boy, that iodine contrast stuff that's injected into the vein via Canula (3 tries!) is weird stuff! I could feel it touching every blood vessel in my body from me bonce to me tooties! Ooo! They weren't concerned about injecting it once ...but flippin twice 😱 once now, tuther 10 mins later. For those who have never had a CT Scan, a rather erm..warm-hottish but comfortable feeling overcomes the body 🙄 as the iodine travels through the veins. Then I iz whizzed into the scanner ..suddenly a man's recorded voice abruptly commands me to "Hold your breath" :confused:(I'm holding it, blimey when can I breathe out please, me lungs are going to burst & me face is turning blue!) Then man says "Breathe out" phew! I'm thinking the scan is over, that didn't take long, I can go home now - but hey ho...wait wait.....Not.......In for another ride, here we go, "Hold your breath," etc then I iz hauled out again :D Canula removed from leftie arm - wadding plonked on to stop the bleed - lots bleed - then for goodness sakes, tape stuck on top of wadding to which I'm allergic (@AndBreathe) Within few minutes the skin underneath said tape shows sore red signs of allergy already😱 Tape ripped off 😱& replaced with microporous tape🙂 Shown back into the now sardines waiting room til one feels back to normal! 3 visits to de loo later, I was on me way & waiting taxi to take me ome! :D The sun is shining brightly but Ize adnt brought shades 😎 with moi, never mind, visa in taxi will av to do!

Dx Type 2 April 2016
Metformin withdrawn
Diet and exercise only

Glad it went well and is all over for you wirralass. I am a bit concerned reading your post that it seems to have turned you into a rapper though...'then Ize hauled out again!' :D😎
Hope your home safe and sound now, with a nice relaxing cuppa
I remember well that that warm glow and that errr warm trickley feeling that fortunately they remembered to tell me about the very first time.
Fingers crossed your results are good.
16.3 this morn, bad night I guess
Oh dear, I hope that rotten DF hasn't moved over to you, she's been troubling quite a few of us recently.