Group 7-day waking average?

Has anyone seen/heard from @Northerner recently, I've not seen him on here for a few days.
Has anyone seen/heard from @Northerner recently, I've not seen him on here for a few days.
Ooh...hope he is okay...hopefully busy...or just a break...don't blame him...probably needs one!
I'm shutting up shop now peeps - off to hospital for CT Scan 😳
Good luck WL...hope you've got some earplugs...those things are so noisy!!!
Morning! Didn't test this morning. Saving my strips as running low. @Northerner, hope you are ok.
Morning all, 9.8 for me today. Ive been wondering about @Northerner too. Hope all is ok Northie.
Morning 6.8 and me too about Northerner also Ditto, there seems to be a few members gone quiet the last couple of days x
5.8 which is better than usual for me first thing. Think Ditto said something about poor internet connections lately. It's a very long gap for @Northerner, hope it is just a holiday from the forum (if so, very well deserved!), and not illness.
Morning 6.8 and me too about Northerner also Ditto, there seems to be a few members gone quiet the last couple of days x
I think the last time Ditto posted i think she mentioned connection problems.
Although Northerner is not around as much, he did start the thread congratulating Hazel on Saturday.
I think Northerner also has internet issues now & then. Hope that's all it is.