Group 7-day waking average?

Hmmm big difference huh haha, what do you do about eating if your that low when you get up and what do you usually go to bed on x

Hi, I went to bed (this morning after work) on 6.9 and got up late this afternoon, checked blood and immediately ate 2 croissants, bolused novorapid after a few mouthfuls lol! I'm not usually as low as this, but I got up later than usual today as I'm so tired and back on tonight.
Hangover Mark? 😱 Does that mean the kitchen is closed today?
It was closed yesterday, yes. Just easy food. Re-opened today with home made Brandy truffles (forgot to get Rum), some Fritattas for lunch next week & now cooking pork chops with carrots, kale & cauli/sweet potato/butternut squash/turnip mash. Plus I managed to fix the dishwasher.🙂
According to my Libre I had a lovely smooth in target line from when I went to bed at 9pm until 3am then it decided to climb. Oops 15.1 when I woke up at 7.30z
Oh no! Sorry to hear this Aj, disappointing for you - time to send that *^#-"'*¥<*•*¥ DF on a one way ticket to outer space without ever giving her the option of a return journey! That should give us all a break from highs don't you think? :DFingers crossed for a lower number tomorrow x
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It was closed yesterday, yes. Just easy food. Re-opened today with home made Brandy truffles (forgot to get Rum), some Fritattas for lunch next week & now cooking pork chops with carrots, kale & cauli/sweet potato/butternut squash/turnip mash. Plus I managed to fix the dishwasher.🙂
@Mark Parrott Never mind the rum Mark - brandy truffles will do just fine thank you 😛delicious, and pork chops? Ive just had cottage pie but there's still room for one pork chop, never mind portion size today :D it's Sunday! Dishwasher fixed? Not before time I hear your OH say!! Enjoy your dindins!
Morning...6.7 today...paying for those sins last week...serves me right!
Good morning folks. Much better than yesterday, 7.4. Though I'm totally unimpressed with my BGs attempts at the high vault last night.
@AJLang , Putting it politely, it's so annoying when you see that line going up up and up isn't it. I hope you don't feel too rough this morning.
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Morning! It's a 6.0 proud round number for me today.
Morning guys 6.5 here (down from an uncorrected 9.7 before bed) so not too shabby x
Morning all and 7.7 for me which is high for me after a dreadful day yesterday. I don't know what is going on! Many of my joints hurt and not feeling great. I am taking my middle daughter to Heathrow today as she is moving to Australia for a year, tomorrow I can think of me!
Morning everyone, where did the weekend go?! Anyway, 9.8 for me today and only 9 days til my holiday. Honestly I'm not counting!
Morning all, seems the DF hasn't finished with me yet, 3.8 here.
She is a B***H doubt someone here will give her a real whupping soon!!!
Morning all, a 5.7 for me today.