Group 7-day waking average?

Morning...a 5.9 today...although 'Betty' is doing her best to scupper my HbA1c test next week...hoping to swerve her errant behaviour😉😉😉...lots of long walks next week...poor dog is not looking forward to it....neither am I...come to think of it.
Thank you Manda. Results 2 weeks time. I wasn't worried about having the scan - it's the results I'm not looking forward to but I have plenty on my mind in the meantime to stop me from dwelling too much. Please don't dread ever having a CT Scan Manda if ever you need one, it's only a small scanner, it's not claustrophobic at all. You just lie there with your arms above your head. You wear your own clothes (No hospital gown) I think the whole process took about 20mins - 25mins. Thanks for your post x
Gosh Wirralass that was quite a experience you had, writing about it humorously is brilliant! Wishing you positive results and hope the wait is ok.
Morning...a 5.9 today...although 'Betty' is doing her best to scupper my HbA1c test next week...hoping to swerve her errant behaviour😉😉😉...lots of long walks next week...poor dog is not looking forward to it....neither am I...come to think of it.
I think we need some words with Betty, stern words actually! You deserve a good result after all the hard work you do.
I think we need some words with Betty, stern words actually! You deserve a good result after all the hard work you do.
I'm trying to 'soothe' her for the rest of this week Jo and the start of the next week...she knows something is afoot...shssssssssh...the less she knows the better.
Good morning all, 4.4, that's low and haven't changed anythjng after getting 7.7.
Apparently my second frozen shoulder is a little better but also now have trigger thumb, who makes these names up!
Now come on're just being greedy here...2 frozen shoulders and a Trigger Thumb...really...who does come up with these names...seriously...sounds painful...OUCH!!!...and that certainly won't help with the BG's...fingers crossed it improves at a rapid pace🙂
I'm trying to 'soothe' her for the rest of this week Jo and the start of the next week...she knows something is afoot...shssssssssh...the less she knows the better.
Shssssssh it is! Wishing you a good day with your levels. At least it is milder with our long walks.
Now come on're just being greedy here...2 frozen shoulders and a Trigger Thumb...really...who does come up with these names...seriously...sounds painful...OUCH!!!...and that certainly won't help with the BG's...fingers crossed it improves at a rapid pace🙂
Thanks and that's enough for me, just grateful I don't need my thumb for typing as only use three fingers.
Shssssssh it is! Wishing you a good day with your levels. At least it is milder with our long walks.
Just opened the curtains...beautiful sunshine...Harry is primed for his walk...must get ready...enjoy your day.
Thanks and that's enough for me, just grateful I don't need my thumb for typing as only use three fingers.
So difficult coping with multiple conditions...I have a friend who has her own names for her various health problems...not suitable for publication here...but somehow it helps her cope just a little better with them>
Have had a lay in and only just got up to a 4.6 ....(not much of a lay in I hear you cry ) lol x well it is for me x
Starting the day the hypo way is a bummer, Lucy, hope you feel better soon.:confused:

I started with 5.8, which I suppose is a better way of doing it according to the rules.🙄