Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.3 for me today x
I got a 7.7 today pleased with that as that's a big contrast from the beginning of Feb when they where in the 10s and up some in the 20s😱. Yeah but I don't need a machine they say yeah right.

Hypos are horrible my son gets them sometimes too and it can be scary for folks around that don't know his condition.
Have had a lay in and only just got up to a 4.6 ....(not much of a lay in I hear you cry ) lol x well it is for me x
WOW :D that's great Manda. Good start to this sunny day (Well it is here🙂)
Morning...a 5.9 today...although 'Betty' is doing her best to scupper my HbA1c test next week...hoping to swerve her errant behaviour😉😉😉...lots of long walks next week...poor dog is not looking forward to it....neither am I...come to think of it.
It's still a good number Bubbs. Keep on doing what you are + lots walkies to help aid a good HbA1c result next week, good luck x
It's still a good number Bubbs. Keep on doing what you are + lots walkies to help aid a good HbA1c result next week, good luck x
Thanks WL...I'm happy with that🙂
Sorry that I've been missing the last day or two. My mood had really hit rock bottom but I'm trying to climb back up. 8.3 for me this morning.
Sorry that I've been missing the last day or two. My mood had really hit rock bottom but I'm trying to climb back up. 8.3 for me this morning.
Good to have you back with us again AJ, sorry you've been under the weather but that wil all stop now with us peeps & our different senses of humour! Take care AJ
Aaah thank you Wirralass. I hope you lovely lot do help (you always do) because I've been driven to trying St John's wort which I don't really want to take.
Sorry that I've been missing the last day or two. My mood had really hit rock bottom but I'm trying to climb back up. 8.3 for me this morning.
Hope you are feeling better Amanda. X
Aaah thank you Wirralass. I hope you lovely lot do help (you always do) because I've been driven to trying St John's wort which I don't really want to take.
I used to take st johns wort too and I believe it did help at the time x I hope you feel brighter soon x big hugs x
Aaah thank you Wirralass. I hope you lovely lot do help (you always do) because I've been driven to trying St John's wort which I don't really want to take.
Sorry you have been feeling down but i think it is understandable with all you through. Hope the St. John's wort works for you. ((Hugs))
@AJLang I hope you feel better soon, I'm sure if we could all meet up we'd be able to cheer you up but obviously that's not possible so you will just have to laugh at our stupidity and silliness on here 🙂 so come on guys tell us something silly you've done recently haha x
Thank you Stitch, Manda and Grovesy. With all of you on my side I will get there 🙂 x