Group 7-day waking average?

Bore da pawb ...a stupid 10.8 for me this morning for reasons I know not.

Can I send this diabetes back because it's not behaving properly? (I don't have a receipt)
Morning all - 5.2 for me here (did have to correct a 3am 11.2 tho!) I miss sleeping straight through.... met a mum with two type 1 kids yesterday, don't think she's slept in 2 years so I guess I should count my blessings
Morning...6.3 today...where have my 5's gone...come back...all is forgiven😳😳
Afternoon (again) all.🙂 Looks like my body nicked one of your 5s Bubbsie - 10.8 here!😱
Good morning everyone 6.1 today
Morning all. 6.4 for me today (5..9 on libre).
Morning all a 6.6/6.3 for me. Looks like I had a minor hypo at about 01:00 then up to current level rest of the night. Have a good day everybody.
Good morning. Grrrr. 12.2 for me. Totally out of control, but don't think it's all about food. Some is, but had stressful time (audits at work, good excuse), fed up, so kicking my butt, but going to give myself a break, and try to get the focus again. Have a lovely day all
Morning all! 5.9 for me this morning. Went to bed early last night at 9.00. Was absolutely shattered! Was a busy day with hospital appointment, xmas tree hunting & then decorating. Completely took it out of me for some reason.
Morning all. Finger prick has me at 10.7 and libre has me at 9. Looking at the graph thingy on the libre I seem to be at my lowest at about 5am! Im gonna download the software and plug it into the computer when I get home later to have a look (work computers wont let me download the software).
bore da pawb ...I was a disappointing 10.2 this morning :(
It's chucking it down here lanes were like streams
Good morning everyone 🙂 and 6.8 today. I succumbed to some chocolate buttons at work yesterday but also walked a lot during the shift so hope that helped balance things out.
Morning all. 3.6 for me today. Nothing breakfast can't solve 🙂... just a shame I weighed myself today and my new mince pie chocolate diet doesn't appear to be helping with weight loss quite the opposite (no surprises there!)... time to start running again I think
Morning all, a dreadful 6.7 for me, the highest for months though I am not feeling at all well.
Morning...late up this morning...6.3...must do better.
Afternoon (again) all.🙂 Looks like my body nicked one of your 5s Bubbsie - 10.8 here!😱
Looks like you did Bloden...I'll have it back please..:D